About as accurate and informed as the 411 leaves us every week. This week they stated that they met with a Marquis rep to discuss how to get the 495 back in NJA cockpits faster. Surprisingly and sadly, they couldn't unveil any details of that discussion to us. Someone might divulge all that top secret info! God forbid we may actually receive some info of what to expect in our future. Some things never change.
I still have my doubts as to whether there is a viable long term plan being developed. Where are all those Embraer aircraft orders at? The announcement of Wi-Fi happened only because everyone else is doing it. And NJA was way behind the competition in announcing that. Sokol needs to leave and go run his energy company. Bring in a real leader and not a bean counter.
No one knows when recalls will begin. IMHO, I don't think we'll see any until we reach contractual sell-off limits. OT and after midnights are, in the bean counter's eyes, cheaper than salaries and benefits. That said, I am on day 7 and have one pax leg before my airline home. That will total over 35 hrs block and 80 hrs duty with one fatigue call and zero OT this tour. And this is the slow season?
WiFi just recently became available to corporate jets. Until about 2 yrs ago, the antenae weighed 150 lbs. While we are behind the retro curve, we had other fish to fry until recently-like keeping the doors open. Now we are back to a position allowing new equipment and upgrades to existing stuff.
As far as Embraer, they were on site in CMH a few weeks ago. There are only two jets that would fill our needs to replace the multiple small cabins we are disposing of, and most likely Embraer will be the one, but how quick do you think we can pen the deal, arrange deliveries, then announce the schedule? And who the hell are we as simple pilots to be privy to inside info, especially when so much is shared in such private forums, like FI?
Some sound like that JG Wentworth commercial-".....and I want it now". Well, patience may be a lost art, but impatience will do nothing but raise your BP and waste your time. It won't change what is or what will be.