First of all you can throw any flag you like. I am telling you what goes on in ASA dispatch not others that you may have dispatched in.
I don't come to work and schedule crews on aircrafts it's all ready set up and I am sorry but I don't have the time to search every single flight on my desk to see if each crew can keep there aircraft.
What I am saying saying is that when a crew calls in and ask to keep there aircraft we ( dispatchers ) despite what you believe do ask the sector managers if it's possible. sometime looking a the plot one can see if aircrafts are tagged for mtc. Even if it's not tagged by swapping it may run two flights late. So would you rather run two flights late or one?
I really don't know what else to tell you if you think you have a better way, by all means send a suggestion in to the duty managers or better yet the director. I am all for running flights on time.
I agree giving good customer service should be every ones #1 priority, however by looking at the day to day operation I sometimes question just what the heck ppl are thinking
When speaking of scheduling crews on aircraft and keeping crews together, I am speaking of the OCC in general, not individual dispatchers. At both companies I used to work for, the flight control manager and aircraft router used to get together and adjust the plot for the next day for mx routing and to keep crews together when possible. It worked out great for the most part.
I appreciate that our requests to keep aircraft, no matter how irritating, are being passed on. At least I know that some of the time, they actually are.
I agree with you...looking at the day to day operation it seems as though some don't really care about the customer and our operation. I think that is a pity. We have guys here that will delay a flight because they are too proud to do a little something that is a bit outside the scope of their job. We also have guys that will fly slow on purpose so they get paid more rather than being concerned with our passengers schedule. If they are that pissed off at the company and that miserable...quit and go fly boxes.
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