Thats where the Saab CA ratio starts.
900 CA
272 - Mesaba
100 - Pinnacle
200 CA/Q CA
88 - Mesaba
581 - Pinnacle
149 - Colgan
1190 total Jet/Q CAs
The 9E guys have this Saab filter, don't they? You know that our combined airline will still have Saabs after Delta gets rid of them, right?
edit: Oh, your statement is true from the 9E perspective because you can't bid into a Saab position if you were hired before July 1st (well, at least for five years). I just pulled this from the award.
For a period of five years beginning with the submission of
the Integrated Seniority List, no Pinnacle pilot may be
awarded or displaced to a Saab-340 captain position...the Integrated Seniority List, no Pinnacle pilot may be
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