Sounds really complicated to me. We get a flat rate per day. Thats it. You do a 4 hour trip you get the day rate of $36 if you go international its $55 certain cities are $44 if your on a 14 hour day trip its the same rate. They give the Captains CC for the hotels.
From what I have been told there will be no bidding across certificates for quite a while if ever. They plan on maintaining both cirtificates for the forseeable future. You would have to go throgh the other cirts. inital indoc etc. to switch over, too much of an expense/hassle.
Jetride guys have a couple conference calls tomorrow to get questions answered, check you company e-mail for phone number and pin.
From what I have been told there will be no bidding across certificates for quite a while if ever. They plan on maintaining both cirtificates for the forseeable future. You would have to go throgh the other cirts. inital indoc etc. to switch over, too much of an expense/hassle.
Jetride guys have a couple conference calls tomorrow to get questions answered, check you company e-mail for phone number and pin.