DiverDriver said:Yah! Why can't the controller just ask us if we have the field in sight first before issuing the long approach clearance? We've stayed off the freq so you can deal with other flights. Now you're mad because we said "field in sight"?
Yeah..something like;
App: "Pudspanker 420 do you have the airport in sight?"
PS420: "Affirmative, we've got the airport in sight"
App: "Thank you, Pudspanker 420 Cleared visual 8 Right Contact tower 123.45"
App: "Pudspanker 420 do you have the airport in sight?"
PS420: "Negative, we're in and out"
App: "Very good sir, you're 6 from MYFIX, fly heading 050 maintain 4,000 until established cleared for the ILS 8 Right approach contact the tower at the marker on 123.45"
PS420: "bla bla bla"
On a personal note...some of these CLE controllers....I don't get it.
I can choose as PIC to waive the wait for wake turb, correct?
Now, I'm not going to for a 757, but I'll try to help things out when tower calls with the TIPH behind an RJ taking off with:
"N123 24Left Position and Hold we can drop the wait for wake if we can get an immediate XXX heading after takeoff"
...why is it when I've given them an out, they make me sit there for the three minutes while the SWA 737 is now what...6-7 miles closer to my a$$-end?
and why do they slow an RJ down behind me when NO ONE is taking off on 24L? Why do they INSIST on landing EVERYONE 24R? I can slide over and if you don't want me to, I'm sure the guys flying the (RJ, 737, whatever) behind me won't mind either if it means they can go faster than (insert your favorite CLE Speed restriction on base here) to the numbers...
Aside from that, I like ATCers...I try ta help 'em out if I can and usually I get the same back. I can't count the number of times flying /A or /U I've been asked if I'd like vectors direct because I changed up an altitude or did something "funky"...they're generally good people.
Just sound cheery and like you know what you're doing when you check on and you're in good shape...give 'em "uh...Center...uh...Cleveland Center...uh...Cessna 172...er...Cessna 1234X....um...we're...going to uh...Bravo Atis Charlie" aaaaaand you've got a rough day ahead.