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PAKISTANI sues JetBlue! WOW!!!

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shooter said:
Oh wait…..
that was that crazy white guy that was blowing up all the abortion clinics in the name of Christianity.

I have to respond to this comment. Have their been white, Christian males who have committed acts of terror? Absolutely.

There is a difference though.

The Christian community does not tolerate these acts. Even when some nut commits terror in the name of something you believe in, the Christian community does not tolerate it. And they certainly do not support it. Further, I think no one goes futher in hunting these people down than do other Christians.

The Muslim community by and large, even if they do not support terrorists, they tolerate them.

The day you have mainstream Christian organizations supporting terror, and not some lone white nut, come talk to me.
shooter said:
HOLY COW! I can only read this thread with my jaw on the floor. I cannot believe there are so many narrow-minded people on this board. This board where many argue that pilots are an intellectual and professional equivalent of Doctors and Lawyers. This thread should put to rest any doubt about that.

You narrow minded people better hurry and protest that Olympic Gold Medal from Muhammad Ali and go back in time and stop him from lighting the Atlanta Olympic torch in what was quite possibly the biggest American tear-jerker in our Olympic history. All because he believes in the Qur'an as a member of an American founded Muslim sect. Heck he is even as bad as Bin Laden in your eyes, huh? I bet he was even the one who blew that bomb up in the Atlanta Olympic Park…..
Oh wait…..
that was that crazy white guy that was blowing up all the abortion clinics in the name of Christianity.

I doubt that as bad as Louis Farrakhan is, and the hate that the Nation of Islam does Preach, do you think that Ali was pumping out that hate? But yet you think all other Muslims agree with Bin Laden. THATS crazy!

Ooops, someone just told me Ali did not stay in the Nation of Islam long and converted to Sunni Muslim. But I still like the comparison with Ali and Farrakhan.

I wasn't going to continue the hijack of the thread but between a British chick (can you believe the irony!) giving us a finger waggin' (and overusing the word "mum"), and the above quoted tripe, I can't help it....

Dear Shooter,
Are you kidding!!! An Olympic reference to show how wonderful Muslims are? How about this Olympic reference:Munich massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The thing I can never seem to get my admittedly small brain around is how so many people are willing apologists for Islam. Do you really think you'd get the same benefit of the doubt from them? You'd sooner have your noggin separated from it's stump! The internet is full of examples of Islamic "justice". Go on, do a search on beheadings. It's unfathomable to a civilized person... If you think these people wouldn't love to do the same to you, you're not thinking clearly. Unfortunately these Islamofascists are not isolated nuts like the guy who bombed the abortion clinics, they are commonplace, and a growing menace in nearly all corners of the globe. If people (including "good" muslims) don't believe exactly as they do, Allah's revenge is swift.

I have become completely disenchanted with the Bush Administration, from the complete onslaught against organized labor, to the outright pandering to the Christian Right (I'm irreligious). He's not very bright and he's not very articulate, but I'd sooner have a man with his convictions looking out for our well-being than a wagon-load of "head-in-the-sanders" who are looking for "peace". As someone with no religious convictions, I'm a natural cynic. I don't believe "peace" is possible when BOTH of the primary adversaries in the conflict believe they are divinely entitled to the same swath of land. So we as a nation can sit back and do nothing (and watch the results of our inaction) or we can pick a side and get involved. We, as a nation, have chosen the latter. We chose to back a democratic government instead of a group of religious zealots who're bent of destroying the economic stability of the planet and imposing their religion upon the masses....

Though I may completely disagree with many people about many things, I am thankful I live in a country where I can express my disagreements without the fear of having my head sliced off. If you can honestly look at what's going on in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, North Korea, Great Britain (Muslims trying to blow up airliners), India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. and say that world would be a better place if the US didn't get involved, then it is my opinion that you're delusional....

Back to the thread, I'm sure that many people thought Mr. Baig was a stand-up guy, but something didn't check out in his background. It didn't necessarily have to do with his training record, religion, or his ability to fly a jet. It could've been something as simple as a traffic violation he "forgot" to mention on his application, or a misrepresentation about his education, or an overstatement of his credentials... Whatever the case is, I think he's done irreparable damage to his flying career. Once this story hit the media, he was finished as a pilot.
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michael707767 said:
The Christian community does not tolerate these acts. Even when some nut commits terror in the name of something you believe in, the Christian community does not tolerate it.
Then why isn't the Christian community coming out more strongly against the war in Iraq? Is it because the "nut" in this case just happens to be your "nut"...a "Born again in Christ" nut? In the eyes of much of the world, your Christian, religious "nut" used the excuse of "searching for WMD's" as a pretext for invading a sovereign nation and deposing their leader. If 30,000 dead Iraqui's in a country that is largely defenseless isn't "terrorism" in your book, I don't know what is.

If any foreign nation invaded this country in such a manner, I'd probably be out there improvising explosive devices out of whatever was available and opposing the occupying forces by whatever means were at hand, and I'm hardly a "rebel" or a "terrorist."

michael707767 said:
The day you have mainstream Christian organizations supporting terror, and not some lone white nut, come talk to me.
You're not asking me to break out the "Pat Robertson/Jerry Falwell Quotebook" are you?

michael707767 said:
The Muslim community by and large, even if they do not support terrorists, they tolerate them
What do YOU propose that they do? It's not like these people place want ads in the local papers that say, "seeking devout Muslims with knowledge of improvised explosive devices for interesting assignment. Some travel Full/PT, no benefits" It takes some pretty sophisticated resources...resources that are available to the CIA, NSA, and M5, but not to the average citizen, to flush these guys out.

You can say that the Christian community "doesn't tolerate terrorism," but they did absolutely NOTHING to stop Eric Rudolph, did they? And they didn't turn him in, either...it was the FBI that spent years tracking him down.

Don't tell me that there weren't other "Christians" who knew of his whereabouts during that time.

One of the biggest problems that this "Christian Nation" of ours faces in dealing with world terrorism is that we don't come to the table with clean hands...
Whistlin' Dan said:
Then why isn't the Christian community coming out more strongly against the war in Iraq? Is it because the "nut" in this case just happens to be your "nut"...a "Born again in Christ" nut? In the eyes of much of the world, your Christian, religious "nut" used the excuse of "searching for WMD's" as a pretext for invading a sovereign nation and deposing their leader. If 30,000 dead Iraqui's in a country that is largely defenseless isn't "terrorism" in your book, I don't know what is.

If any foreign nation invaded this country in such a manner, I'd probably be out there improvising explosive devices out of whatever was available and opposing the occupying forces by whatever means were at hand, and I'm hardly a "rebel" or a "terrorist."

You're not asking me to break out the "Pat Robertson/Jerry Falwell Quotebook" are you?

What do YOU propose that they do? It's not like these people place want ads in the local papers that say, "seeking devout Muslims with knowledge of improvised explosive devices for interesting assignment. Some travel Full/PT, no benefits" It takes some pretty sophisticated resources...resources that are available to the CIA, NSA, and M5, but not to the average citizen, to flush these guys out.

You can say that the Christian community "doesn't tolerate terrorism," but they did absolutely NOTHING to stop Eric Rudolph, did they? And they didn't turn him in, either...it was the FBI that spent years tracking him down.

Don't tell me that there weren't other "Christians" who knew of his whereabouts during that time.

One of the biggest problems that this "Christian Nation" of ours faces in dealing with world terrorism is that we don't come to the table with clean hands...

Dude, I'd be right behind you if the invaders were trying to take away my freedoms. You may not agree with the war, but we are there trying to make that dump a better place. How can you possibly justify these lunatics killing our gays and gals with IEDs? Pathetic.
Oh-ryan said:
You may not agree with the war, but we are there trying to make that dump a better place.
I say "Bring the troops home...let's make THIS dump a better place." Personally, I've given up far, far more freedoms and opportunities in my life to the policies coming out of Washington, D.C., than to the ones coming out of Baghdad.

Kicking some a$$ in Pakistan and twisting a few arms in Saudi Arabia are a totally different matter...
Oh-ryan said:
How can you possibly justify these lunatics killing our guys and gals with IEDs?
Would it make you feel better if they were killing them with GBU's and cruise missles? They're using what they've got, which isn't much after our military pretty much decimated their ability to defend themselves.

The American Colonists did pretty much the same thing when driving the British out of our country. They used muskets and cannons when available, and shovels, pitchforks, and booby-traps when they weren't. I'm sure that to the British we were "religious fanatics," "lunatics" "terrorists," "insurgents," and worse. In our minds, however, we were simply Patriots, defending our country from an invading force.

Back to the Paki that's suing J/B...if something turned up in the background investigation that the company has used to deny employment to other applicants, he probably doesn't have much of a case. But if it was nothing more than anti-Paki, anti-Muslim hysteria, he just might spank these guys for a few bucks...
Whistlin' Dan said:
I say "Bring the troops home...let's make THIS dump a better place." Personally, I've given up far, far more freedoms and opportunities in my life to the policies coming out of Washington, D.C., than to the ones coming out of Baghdad.

Kicking some a$$ in Pakistan and twisting a few arms in Saudi Arabia are a totally different matter...Would it make you feel better if they were killing them with GBU's and cruise missles? They're using what they've got, which isn't much after our military pretty much decimated their ability to defend themselves.

The American Colonists did pretty much the same thing when driving the British out of our country. They used muskets and cannons when available, and shovels, pitchforks, and booby-traps when they weren't. I'm sure that to the British we were "religious fanatics," "lunatics" "terrorists," "insurgents," and worse. In our minds, however, we were simply Patriots, defending our country from an invading force.

Back to the Paki that's suing J/B...if something turned up in the background investigation that the company has used to deny employment to other applicants, he probably doesn't have much of a case. But if it was nothing more than anti-Paki, anti-Muslim hysteria, he just might spank these guys for a few bucks...

We are trying to help these people. The British were taxing us pretty much for the hell of it and forcing to live in a non-democratic society. You are comparing the Sunnis and the Shiites 18th century Minutemen... again sir, pathetic. They may not want our help and our policy may be flawed, but please do not compare these cowardly, heartless thugs to our founding fathers.
Oh-ryan said:
How can you possibly justify these lunatics killing our gays and gals with IEDs? Pathetic.

Uh oh, you think the islamic supporters are coming out strong, you're gonna open up a whole different can of worms with this one... :D
FN FAL said:
White ex-Christian dudes in the arrested UK bombers. Hahahahahahahaha...just when you thought it couldn't get any fruitier.

The dude in that article clearly checks "other" on applications... Names can be deceiving, but the photo isn't. In keeping with the hijacking of the thread, regardless of race, what is the one thing that tied these guys together? Islam.

Another, more disconcerting, point is that one of these guys worked at Heathrow. Gotta wonder who's checking the guys loading the planes and dumping the crappers? This liquid ban could be easily circumnavigated by having the catering guy place the necessary materials in the lavatory before departure. Then all you need is one guy who's ready to get his 70 virgins. He boards the flight, waits until they're over the Atlantic, then goes to take a whiz and assembles the bomb....
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shooter said:
Oh wait…..that was that crazy white guy that was blowing up all the abortion clinics in the name of Christianity.

And if abortion clinics were blowing up I sure would hope that the FBI would be on the look out for white Christian males who fit the profile of your typical abortion clinic bomber instead of 96yr old Asian women.
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