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AC560 said:
And if abortion clinics were blowing up I sure would hope that the FBI would be on the look out for white Christian males who fit the profile of your typical abortion clinic bomber instead of 96yr old Asian women.

ding ding ding ding ding ding!!! WE HAVE A WINNER!!! :beer:
ils2minimums said:
The dude in that article clearly checks "other" on applications... Names can be deceiving, but the photo isn't. In keeping with the hijacking of the thread, regardless of race, what is the one thing that tied these guys together? Islam.
They were christians and they "moved" towards Islam...think about it, they got newbies willing to kill themselves in bombing airliners.
Oh-ryan said:
Dude, I'd be right behind you if the invaders were trying to take away my freedoms. You may not agree with the war, but we are there trying to make that dump a better place. How can you possibly justify these lunatics killing our gays and gals with IEDs? Pathetic.[/quoe]


First off, the people of Irag was not, in any shape or form, trying to take our freedom away from us. While I agree that Saddam is an evil person, that does not give us the right to destroy a country and destabilize the region. Lets look at other situations. North Korea and Iran. Bush and his lying friends in office are Bullies! They us the United States power to destroy a defensely country. Bush claim they had WMD, but they didn't. EVEN BUSH ADMITTED THAT! Even the North Korean president is just like Saddam. Why don't we take him out? Because a Bully knows, if that person fights back, the bully could lose that fight, so he picks on the weak. As far as our troops, I support our troops more than 100% and my prayers go out to them to make it home safe, all though some may not. But, our boys and girls would not be over in Iraq, if the Terroist Bush didn't make an irresponsible decision to go to war.

As far as, this thread and the biggot and racist comments made on the this board by so-called professional pilots. Why don't you get your white-hooded sheets from the dry cleaners and wear them proudly like you wear your ignorant opinions on your chest.
dukeaviator said:

First off, the people of Irag was not, in any shape or form, trying to take our freedom away from us. While I agree that Saddam is an evil person, that does not give us the right to destroy a country and destabilize the region. Lets look at other situations. North Korea and Iran. Bush and his lying friends in office are Bullies! They us the United States power to destroy a defensely country. Bush claim they had WMD, but they didn't. EVEN BUSH ADMITTED THAT! Even the North Korean president is just like Saddam. Why don't we take him out? Because a Bully knows, if that person fights back, the bully could lose that fight, so he picks on the weak. As far as our troops, I support our troops more than 100% and my prayers go out to them to make it home safe, all though some may not. But, our boys and girls would not be over in Iraq, if the Terroist Bush didn't make an irresponsible decision to go to war.

As far as, this thread and the biggot and racist comments made on the this board by so-called professional pilots. Why don't you get your white-hooded sheets from the dry cleaners and wear them proudly like you wear your ignorant opinions on your chest.

Please tell me you didn't go to school in Durham, NC....
ils2minimums said:
Please tell me you didn't go to school in Durham, NC....

Does it matter....this question has no bearing on this thread which makes the question mute!
dukeaviator said:
Does it matter....this question has no bearing on this thread which makes the question mute!

Nevermind, I have my answer.

Listen, this has nothing to do with Bush, WMD's, Iran, North Korea or the KKK. Someone was trying to tell me that these nuts in Iraq are justified in using IED's, guns, missiles, blow darts, poison jello or whatever to kill our troops because we are the invaders and we deserved it. He said that he would do the same thing if someone invaded our country. I don't disagree with him there, but the point is that we are trying to make their country a better place and give them more freedoms then they ever had. This concept may be inherently flawed in that part of the world and in that culture, but the intention is a noble and decent one. For some a$$clown to give any justification to the nutjobs blowing themselves up and killing dozens of troops and civilians in the process is simply pathetic. To compare them to the fathers of the American Revolution is the most narrow minded argument I have ever heard. We are not there to force them to live in opression or to tax them without representation. Now go head and tell me about the flaws of the founding fathers (slavery, murder of native americans)... yes yes we all know there were a lot of problems back then too, but I don't recall reading anything about George Washington putting on a mask and sawing off the head of some Red Coats after he was done chopping down his cherry tree. The motive back in 1776 was a noble and decent one as well.... a government for the people of the people and by the people. There is nothing noble and decent about hinding a bomb under your jacket, going to a market and blowing yourself up and taking out innocent men, women and children trying to live their lives. Patriots you say... scum I say... may their 72 virgins all have the clap and/or herpes.

I am done here.
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Oh-ryan said:

Listen, this has nothing to do with Bush, WMD's, Iran, North Korea or the KKK. Someone was trying to tell me that these nuts in Iraq are justified in using IED's, guns, missiles, blow darts, poison jello or whatever to kill our troops because we are the invaders and we deserved it. He said that he would do the same thing if someone invaded our country. I don't disagree with him there, but the point is that we are trying to make their country a better place and give them more freedoms then they ever had. This concept may be inherently flawed in that part of the world and in that culture, but the intention is a noble and decent one. For some a$$clown to give any justification to the nutjobs blowing themselves up and killing dozens of troops and civilians in the process is simply pathetic. To compare them to the fathers of the American Revolution is the most narrow minded argument I have ever heard. We are not there to force them to live in opression or to tax them without representation. Now go head and tell me about the flaws of the founding fathers (slavery, murder of native americans)... yes yes we all know there were a lot of problems back then too, but I don't recall reading anything about George Washington putting on a mask and sawing off the head of some Red Coats after he was done chopping down his cherry tree. The motive back in 1776 was a noble and decent one as well.... a government for the people of the people and by the people. There is nothing noble and decent about hinding a bomb under your jacket, going to a market and blowing yourself up and taking out innocent men, women and children trying to live their lives. Patriots you say... scum I say... may their 72 virgins all have the clap and/or herpes.

I am done here.

On the contratuary, Bush and all his infinite wisdom convince the american people that Iraq had WMD and his link to terrorism. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything and our troops deaths, though honorable, are dying over Bushes ego and his lies! As far as making their county a better place, why not invade North Korea? Its very clear they have WMD. And the people of North Korea are in worst situation than Iraq. Why not chant war war war with North Korea and Iran? No matter how you paint your picture, this country was founded on the idea of bigorty and prejudism. From the Indians, Slave trade, WWII with the Japanese, and now Muslim. Which brings us back to the topic of this thread. Racism and Bigotry! Different era, same ignorant mentality! As far as the Nutjobs blowing themselves, there is no justification for their behavior.
dukeaviator said:
As far as the Nutjobs blowing themselves, there is no justification for their behavior.

I think I can safely speak for many when I say, if this were possible en masse, war would be a thing of the past... No male would leave the privacy of his bedroom, ever...
dukeaviator said:
No matter how you paint your picture, this country was founded on the idea of bigorty and prejudism.

You are truly misinformed. It's sad, really. And ironic. You live in a country whose hard-fought freedoms allow you to have such incomprehensible opinions and to spout them to whomever will listen. Yet you seem so unable to get a handle on just how lucky you are to be here. Have you traveled extensively abroad? I don't mean a weekender in Cancun or a jaunt up to Toronto. I mean real travel to places where life isn't about iPods and eBay. I strongly suspect you haven't. When you do, you'll get a sense of how fortunate you are that our Founding Fathers started this great experiment called democracy... bigorty and prejudism, give me a flippin' break.
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