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ils2minimums said:
You are truly misinformed. It's sad, really. And ironic. You live in a country whose hard-fought freedoms allow you to have such incomprehensible opinions and to spout them to whomever will listen. Yet you seem so unable to get a handle on just how lucky you are to be here. Have you traveled extensively abroad? I don't mean a weekender in Cancun or a jaunt up to Toronto. I mean real travel to places where life isn't about iPods and eBay. I strongly suspect you haven't. When you do, you'll get a sense of how fortunate you are that our Founding Fathers started this great experiment called democracy... bigorty and prejudism, give me a flippin' break.
Good Stuff
dukeaviator said:
On the contratuary, Bush and all his infinite wisdom convince the american people that Iraq had WMD and his link to terrorism. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything.....



"The classified overview of chemical munitions says that U.S. forces have found about 500 shells, canisters or other munitions containing the chemical weapons."

The truth can be inconvenient when your blinded with hatred for one man.
Seems so cliched, might as well post it anyway:
Munich Olympic Games
Luxury Liner "Achille Lauro"
Marine Barracks Beiruit
Khobar Towers
US Embassy Nairobi
US World Trade Center 1996
US World Trade Center 2001
Ya think we could start profilin'?
been said before
LEROY said:
Ya think we could start profilin'?
Especially the white males that look like they was converting to islam. Could be pretty suspicious, those 18 to 30 year old males. We need to put them in concentration [ahem] internment camps untill they turn 31.
It would appear to me those guys at El Al have it exactly right. Don't look for items, look for criminals. Let's get some intelligent, well trained people to actually talk to individuals and identify the nuts before we get to the point that we're all going through security showing our nuts.


PS-Are dead babies considered Politically Correct? What about mothers, sisters, brother, fathers, aunts and uncles?
I wasn't going to continue the hijack of the thread but between a British chick (can you believe the irony!) giving us a finger waggin' (and overusing the word "mum"), and the above quoted tripe, I can't help it....
Mmmmmm tripe!
Dear Shooter,
Are you kidding!!! An Olympic reference to show how wonderful Muslims are? How about this Olympic reference:

Please do not take my words out of context. I do not defend the radical Muslim idiots. But I do not lump them all in one pot either.

The thing I can never seem to get my admittedly small brain around is how so many people are willing apologists for Islam. Do you really think you'd get the same benefit of the doubt from them? You'd sooner have your noggin separated from it's stump! The internet is full of examples of Islamic "justice". Go on, do a search on beheadings. It's unfathomable to a civilized person... If you think these people wouldn't love to do the same to you, you're not thinking clearly. Unfortunately these Islamofascists are not isolated nuts like the guy who bombed the abortion clinics, they are commonplace, and a growing menace in nearly all corners of the globe. If people (including "good" muslims) don't believe exactly as they do, Allah's revenge is swift.
I don’t really care what I get from anyone; them, you or Jack Hole. I do not apologize for them either. The fanatical terrorists are just that, terrorists and should be dealt with accordingly. I know they would love to chop off my head along with yours and your kids. But you keep making the mistake of saying that ALL Muslims are this way.

I have become completely disenchanted with the Bush Administration, from the complete onslaught against organized labor, to the outright pandering to the Christian Right (I'm irreligious). He's not very bright and he's not very articulate, but I'd sooner have a man with his convictions looking out for our well-being than a wagon-load of "head-in-the-sanders" who are looking for "peace". As someone with no religious convictions, I'm a natural cynic. I don't believe "peace" is possible when BOTH of the primary adversaries in the conflict believe they are divinely entitled to the same swath of land. So we as a nation can sit back and do nothing (and watch the results of our inaction) or we can pick a side and get involved. We, as a nation, have chosen the latter. We chose to back a democratic government instead of a group of religious zealots who're bent of destroying the economic stability of the planet and imposing their religion upon the masses....
I AGREE! But what I also realize is that there has NEVER been peace in the Middle East. Who the heck do we think we are by trying to bring freedom and democracy to Iraq when they did not ask for it. Our 9/11 attacker was in Afghanistan, NOT Iraq. And now we missed our chance to get justice and put the whole radical world on a collision course with our Christian fanatics. We are caught in the middle, just like most Muslims are caught in the middle. As far as picking a side…. Here is an idea, why don’t we stay the F#%@ out of it! They have been fighting for THOUSANDS of years, and here we come with our pimple faced 230-year-old punk attitude that we need to be everybody’s face.

Though I may completely disagree with many people about many things, I am thankful I live in a country where I can express my disagreements without the fear of having my head sliced off. If you can honestly look at what's going on in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, North Korea, Great Britain (Muslims trying to blow up airliners), India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. and say that world would be a better place if the US didn't get involved, then it is my opinion that you're delusional....
We should serve and protect our own. If you think we have any other agenda other than oil, you’re the one delusional. We do need to get involved when we have a reason, and Iraq provided none. Iran, North Korea prove to be greater threats, yet we still do nothing. Afghanistan was a necessary target for our safety and security yet it was 2nd hat to Iraq. Africa has shown greater human rights need to intervene compared to Iraq yet we did nothing. So give me a break and chill out on you flag waving until you can wave it for the right reasons. Do we need to get the Radical terrorits? HECK YES and IMO rid this planet of them. To say that about the entire Muslim world is well….if you don’t know by now, you never will.

Back to the thread, I'm sure that many people thought Mr. Baig was a stand-up guy, but something didn't check out in his background. It didn't necessarily have to do with his training record, religion, or his ability to fly a jet. It could've been something as simple as a traffic violation he "forgot" to mention on his application, or a misrepresentation about his education, or an overstatement of his credentials... Whatever the case is, I think he's done irreparable damage to his flying career. Once this story hit the media, he was finished as a pilot.
I have no opinion on Mr.Baig’s situation. I only had to come in here and say what I had to about grouping the good in with the evil. I am sure JB had sufficient and legal justifications for the decision they came to. If it proves to be a case of his religion, the airline will called Jet Baig. But my money will be riding on Blue.
LEROY said:
Do you dispute my evidence? If so provide some concretete proof...
How can I dispute the empirical wizard? hahahahahaha :D

Besides, concrete is sppelled with one te, not twu.
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michael707767 said:
I have to respond to this comment. Have their been white, Christian males who have committed acts of terror? Absolutely.

There is a difference though.

The Christian community does not tolerate these acts. Even when some nut commits terror in the name of something you believe in, the Christian community does not tolerate it. And they certainly do not support it. Further, I think no one goes futher in hunting these people down than do other Christians.

The Muslim community by and large, even if they do not support terrorists, they tolerate them.

The day you have mainstream Christian organizations supporting terror, and not some lone white nut, come talk to me.

Do you think he was acting alone? You are wrong if you do. He was part of a group that does this and practices killing in the name of God. Are the others in jail? no. Are they planning more attacks on "sinners"? more than likely.
Flyer1015 said:
IF that is the case, then why was he allowed to fly your mom and dad (and thousands and thousands of other passengers) for all the years since 2001 ?

IF there really was something, then somebody (TSA) should have spoken up back in 2001. What good does it do now in 2006 ?

Well, let me ask you this: why do mechanics, rampers, caterers even pass bureau employees have unrestricted access to the ramp/airplanes and us pilots and flight attendants must go through security portals? This is another stupid and politically correct bunch of crap from the TSA and enabled and abetted by the airlines. Isn't it time the media should be told?
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