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PAKISTANI sues JetBlue! WOW!!!

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Then as a Muslim, step up to the plate, go over there and stop this mess.

You can't be serious?!

What do you expect American muslims can do, just walk all over the middle east, go in every cave, meet everyone from Al-Qaeda and tell them to knock it off?

"Go over there and stop this mess."

Nice advice. Care to explain how?
VABB said:
If the world had a colon, Mecca would be the entrance.
Tell your mom to put some ice in her mouth for tonights TeaBaggin just cause that comment. lol You retarded scallywhop.
trip said:
JetBlue does not owe this clown anything, he should be sueing OBL if he has a problem. Is he a citizen? that is a major issue in hiring these days.

If you read the article you'd see that he indeed is a US citizen and has lived in this country since he was 7. WTF is with the OBL comment anyway?
scoreboard said:
I lived in Saudi for two years, closely with Saudi folks. Fine people, exceptional family values. Except one problem, it was always Gods will. Never taking responsibility for any personal failure, that is what makes islam weak, failure to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
I totally agree. Always doing "God's will," accepting whatever fate befalls them as being "God's will," thinking that they know best what's right, believing that the world should live according to their principles, and declaring war upon those who don't...that's what's wrong with them.

That's what wrong with us, too.
Flyer1015 said:
You can't be serious?!

What do you expect American muslims can do, just walk all over the middle east, go in every cave, meet everyone from Al-Qaeda and tell them to knock it off?

"Go over there and stop this mess."

Nice advice. Care to explain how?

Ah, the islam answer, "you can't expect us to fix this can you, its gods will"

You should figure this out, or about 300 million of my contemporaries will do the job for you.
Yikes....I have never seen such thread creep in my life....

Is it any wonder the human race even survives?

Back to the thread at hand.....

Does the suit have merit? I would doubt it. Airlines for years have hired who they wanted as long as they were qualified. In fact, since the ADA laws of the early 90's, airlines have continually had to adjust their hiring to mirror what the government and the EEOC deemed appropriate levels of hiring to all types of people.

IMO, JB has more pilots from "minority" groups per plane than any airline I have worked for. It makes for a very diverse work group and I feel we are better for it.

If they turned him down for some reason, he would have been better off trying to convince them otherwise. I agree with a previous poster, his flying career in this country is over once this hits the streets that he is the type to sue. Noone will touch him with a ten foot pole.

You take the CAKE!

RedBelly said:
Darn straight I do! This is America! If a company doesn't want to hire you because you have too many letters in your name, it is their RIGHT to do so. All of this PC crap has got to end, or it is going to take this great country right down the crapper. It is NOT the governments place to tell private companies and individuals how to conduct business... it is up to the businesses to decide & the marketplace to judge their decisions.

Wow…your ENLIGHTENMENT amazes me!

Ever read books more than watching MTV?

Going by what you suggest, we should simply abolish the ‘Department of Labor’, shouldn’t we?

See, even guys like you get the pilot licenses. That’s why the intellectual levels in pilots are generally lot less than physicians, engineers, lawyers, etc.

Keep it up, you’re sure giving the pilot group a good name!
scoreboard said:
Ah, the islam answer, "you can't expect us to fix this can you, its gods will"

You should figure this out, or about 300 million of my contemporaries will do the job for you.

Forget this "God's will" bullsh*t that has started !

I'm being for real. Just how do you propose for American muslims to "go over there and stop this mess." ??????

And what's this 300 million of my contemporaries comment of yours?

300 million people in the United States, is that what you're implying? If you are, then I'm one of those 300 million.

I just dont know how American muslims can "go over there and stop this mess."
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So, have you applied?

CSY Mon said:
Pilot shortage in India and Pakistan...The money is pretty good to.

Yep, that's right.

So, have you applied?

Each one of you would be there if you could to make $5000/month if you are aware you could get hired as a PIC. For SIC, in India, tough luck. Law requires F/O's to be Indian National.

Show me an airline in the US that would hire a PIC from another coutnry!

His is a US citizen and have been one longer than the years most of you have spent in this country. It's unfortunate that the word 'Pakistani' has come up in this saga along with Muslim. But, just like some of you who are jews, or Hindus, etc., shouldn't mean you go back to India, or Israel, or other countries of your parents origin.

Grow Up!
Under every rock, there are twenty of you....

trip said:
JetBlue does not owe this clown anything, he should be sueing OBL if he has a problem. Is he a citizen? that is a major issue in hiring these days.

Seems like you've been watching too much FOX on Television.

See, you're exactly one of those who get their info from sources like this (or Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.) and run with it. If you had spent a 30 seconds and about 40 out of your 49 brain cells to read the news in print, you'd have figured out that he's been a citizen longer than perhaps you've been on this earth.

And that’s beside the point! Even if you’re not a citizen, but working in the US, you still have same rights under labor and discrimination laws.

Funny, the pilots think like that…like all Muslims are your enemies. But, when I look at Emirates, they (a very MUSLIM country) have no problem hiring non-Muslim pilots. Non of the expatriates in any Arab airlines are their citizens.
Now, little Johnny, run back to your mum and ask her to find a name of the US airline that’s actively hiring a non-citizen. Thanks you and share that info.
Assuming you’re a white, Caucasian, should you be discriminated because Hitler was a white, Caucasian? According to your own beliefs and principles, you should!


Your reference to OBL highlights the level of intellect you posses. Go Boy, Go! Don’t forget to ask mama to read the papers while you spend time listening to news snippets.
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