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Open Letter to B19

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See how cool that is?!? :laugh: All I see is:

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B19 Flyer This message is hidden because B19 Flyer is on your ignore list.

I'm a victim of cirumstance!!!
Just curious, B19, what sort of perverted pleasure do you get it trying to spout of your views to an environment in which you know your gonna catch ******************** for it?? Are you just demented or a masochist?

I'm very happy with my union, I was 100% not with my previous union. I'm sorry you didn't get to experience the satisfaction I have paying my hard earned coin to a collective of kick ass individuals who I am sure are out there to cover my over opinionated ass every time I'm out in a cockpit, and who are assuring me as long as I dont screw up, I'm putting my kids through college and keeping 'em well fed and warm.

There are many others here that share my opinion. If you don't like it, as someone else said, there's plenty more sections that don't have pro union groups here, go spread your misery with them.

Be gone with you, sir. Your entertainment purposes have waned, and you are no longer welcome.
Dude, let me make something perfectly clear. There wasn't a second shooter on the grassy knoll and Elvis is really dead. There is no conspiricy. I don't like unions because of what their actions have done to my career. I have a right to speak about my experiences. My specific reason for posting is because I wanted to tell about the dark side of unions for those that only listen to union supporters. Unions only blame management and never accept any blame. When management accepts blame and steps down, unions call it a victory. Never once in the decades I've been in aviation have I ever seen a union admit a mistake and willingly make an adjustment for it like many airline CEOs have.

In the beginning of my posts, I stand by one simple sentence. "Be careful what you ask for." Two layoffs for me, divorces and suicide from friends during a union action secured my opinion forever about unions. The divorces were pilot union members, and the suicide would have never happened if the union action had not occured. It makes no difference that I'm financially better off, or that I have a better job now that is specifically within my chosen field. The career disruption(s) really sucked and I didn't ask for them. I have a right to let others know that it can happen. Furthermore, I have a right to state that a union action can't happen if a union isn't on the property.

176 posts from me, and at least 10 times that many defending it.
The union membership doth protest too much, methinks.

Union-busting is a multi billion dollar a year industry. I don't think that concluding someone who chooses to spend as much time on this message board as you do might have an ulterior motive, makes me a conspiracy theorist.

Look I had a bad experience with Tequila once (well more than once) but you won't find me on the Cuervo website making 176 post about the experience.

Face it, you are hear for a reason. I think we all know what that reason is. It will be interesting after we have our contract to watch you suddenly disappear, just as those of your ilk (I love the word "ilk" don't you?) did after NJ got theirs. As for protesting to much... right back at ya.
Union-busting is a multi billion dollar a year industry. I don't think that concluding someone who chooses to spend as much time on this message board as you do might have an ulterior motive, makes me a conspiracy theorist.

Look I had a bad experience with Tequila once (well more than once) but you won't find me on the Cuervo website making 176 post about the experience.

Face it, you are hear for a reason. I think we all know what that reason is. It will be interesting after we have our contract to watch you suddenly disappear, just as those of your ilk (I love the word "ilk" don't you?) did after NJ got theirs. As for protesting to much... right back at ya.

You can take the conspiracy route, I'll take the truthful route. I've told my reason, and there ain't none other.

Are new members advised that their strike benefits probably won't cover the cost of cobra health insurance payments during a work action? That's usually a very ugly surprise.
So what airline and what fractional did you fly for, B19?
Are new members advised that their strike benefits probably won't cover the cost of cobra health insurance payments during a work action? That's usually a very ugly surprise.

You said it yourself, B19. When was the last time there was a work action in the airline industry?

The benefits of our Union far outway the detriments. Our new members will realize that first hand when they start dealing with the likes of Shawn, Sanjay, Bobby T. , Timmy M., Bobby R., Billy B. and company. The harm that they project upon their employees is far worse than the possibility of a work action.

Also, did you ever consider the fact that maybe your friend committed suicide because of just that: he was your friend? With friends like you, who needs enemas?
Fess Up

I only said that there isn't a conspiracy, why I posted and the valid reason(s) I don't like unions. That is taking exception? :rolleyes:

I'm on the floor laughing :laugh: that somebody took time to go through my posts. If you look deep enough you might find my connection with Amelia Earhart.

Nothing better to do?


We have seen you go on and on about that great operation that you now work for that is supposedly non union. Many of us have suggested you validate how wonderful life with out unions is by simply saying who you do work for and allowing us all to see what this utopia is. The aviation community is very small and the relative content or discontent at your operations will let us all know just how green things are on that non union side of the fence. Come on "Bob" put money where your mouth is.
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