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No Union

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Guitar rocker said:
Shut your hole fractrash. Nobody here likes you.

I like Fractrash.

Guitar Wannabe and Stickshaker, is it true that the big "bonus" you got was actually back pay? Is it true that NJ will only allow 3 overtime days per quater, and you only get paid for 2? This is what one of your pilots told me. I also ran into a couple more NJ people on the road that were commuting in on a Sunday, oh, that's right, your 7 and 7 schedule doesn't actually give you every other weekend off, you're commuting. How did the highly respectable management team at NJ pick the 5 domiciles it now offers pilots? I guess they threw darts at a map or something. All I know is the pay at CS is just slightly better than yours at NJ, but our quality of life is way better that yours. Yep, just looked at my latest paystub, and I am still paying NO union dues.
Let us deal in FACTS

Humphreybogart said:
I like Fractrash.

Guitar Wannabe and Stickshaker, is it true that the big "bonus" you got was actually back pay? Call it whatever you want. Does not matter. Is it true that NJ will only allow 3 overtime days per quater, and you only get paid for 2? Yes the first part is true. If on the 7n7 you can only get 3 extended days per quarter the rest MUST be taken as comp days. Not sure what the hell the pay for 2 means. You may have to go the grievance route, but that is life. Side note on this. I was for this language, I made mention to it in every survey. This ends the A-team cornering the market on Extended days. So this is a good thing. This is what one of your pilots told me. I also ran into a couple more NJ people on the road that were commuting in on a Sunday, oh, that's right, your 7 and 7 schedule doesn't actually give you every other weekend off, you're commuting. I commuted for 3.5 hears 4.5 hours each way, no more. Newhires may still have to commute. That is a topic for a different thread. I will have Sunday starts. I am very happy with that. I ACTUALLY WILL HAVE 7n7!. So I don't get the full weekend off. No matter. Everyone gets equal amounts of Saturday's and Sunday's off. My kids are not in school and my wife is stay at home. So for me it just does not matter. Oh ya, I could have held a weekday start. I am fairly junior but that Sunday start was my 2nd choice, it gives me Christmas off in 06. How did the highly respectable management team at NJ pick the 5 domiciles it now offers pilots? I guess they threw darts at a map or something. Ya this is how they make all their decissions. No surprise there. All I know is the pay at CS is just slightly better than yours at NJ, but our quality of life is way better that yours. WRONG. We work fewer days per year. At least 30 I beleive, 182 per year BEFORE vacation (182-14=168) How many do you work for that extra ONE grand. Hell, I make that in OT every 2 months. We get OT for holidays (1.5 *daily rate) and over 12 hours per day and before 8 am/after 9 hours on day one. We do not pay for medical. A very good 401K setup. 2 weeks vacation, 3 weeks after year 5. We don't go to training on our days off. Yep, just looked at my latest paystub, and I am still paying NO union dues. And that will be your undoing.
Let us deal in facts.
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Yep, just looked at my stub no Union dues here either.

Just looked at my 2 week stub and saw Union dues....right above that was $1053 in HOURLY OT...that was for one 2 week period...I'm over $700 for this tour also, not counting my $760 in Holiday pay. This tour alone I see over $1400 that a CS pilot wouldn't get....I also don't see any line where they took out medical.

Don't get into a who makes more contest. Published NJA scales don't include about 13k in holiday and OT pay...not counting free medical and decent 401k.

I am happy for CS pilots and am glad they got a raise, but how dare you go out and brag about not having a union. I know for a fact that CS pilots were getting ZERO before the TA came out. Textron came back and asked for a revision to the pilot compensation package "in light of the Netjets contract".

Don't choke on one of your 3 box lunch choices
I believe we work 178 days a year, big deal. we also get 1.5 times daily rate for OT, with no limit on how many days we can work. we get 2 weeks for now after 5 years which equals 6 weeks off, because you get the hole week before and after each week. Training on your days on was included in the 178 days a year and yes that is changing this year, so we should be somewhere around 168 days a year as well. as, for medical I don't know because I have mine through my wife. The 12 hour a day pay would be worth it if you get abused. It's rare we work more than that in a day. The rest you can find on the internet I'm sure.
If you don't want to stay home much, I know someone who worked 50 days of OT last year. If you want to work hard you can bring down some serious cash.
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we get 2 weeks for now after 5 years which equals 6 weeks off, because you get the hole week before and after each week. Training on your days on was included in the 178 days a year and yes that is changing this year, so we should be somewhere around 168 days a year as well.


As I'm sure you realize, you are mixing issues. Days off BETWEEN tours of duty are NOT part of vacation. Yes, due to the rotating schedule that is a part of fractional operations there is an extended period of time off when one takes vacation that has been EARNED. But the days off on either side of that period of time are NOT vacation. To try and sell it as such is improper and unjust.

Training is scheduled, required company work. To be required to perform company duties during scheduled time off is also improper, and it dilutes compensation unfairly.

With their payraise (it does NOT match NJ), CS has done what it had to do to stem the inevitable rush of pilots to NJ. I don't believe they're at risk of any real organizing attempt anytime soon (although more pilots than you're willing to admit would welcome it). Options, on the other hand, is about to roll out a compensation package that will attempt to both stop the gross hemorraging of pilots AND stave off a "yes" union vote. It will be too little, too late for both. We're already understaffed and losing more every week. This, compbined with the fact that management has lost focus on the value of their pilots, a "yes" vote for a union is now inevitable.

Your flamebaiting has worn thin. Enjoy your "raise".


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