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No Union

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For Anyone Interested In Cs, We Have A Great Relationship Between The Pilots And Management. Their Is Absolutely No Need For A Union On This Property. They Are Sincerely Interested In Retaining The Talent. We Have Great Quality Of Life And No Thanks To A Union, A Competitive Compensation Package. For Anyone Interested In Working For A Top Notch Fractional, I Can Defiantly Recommend Citation Shares. We Just Keep Getting A Bigger Piece Of The Fractional Pie Every Year, By Providing Service Second To None.

Why do you need to post this sh!t on here? Who cares what you think MR management. Money is only going to buy CS so much "love" Your union day will come.
Stickshaker: Tell Me, If You Have A Problem Can You Just Walk Into The Office And Talk To Anyone In Management About Your Problem. We Can And They Will Listen To You. It's Just A Breath Of Fresh Air To See Management Treat Their Employees Like People Not Numbers.

Hey Frac,
You take the warm fuzzy talks and the fresh air, and I'll take the Union and 40 G's.....

You know, this guy Fractrash says that they don't need a union and have a great compensation package "without a Union".

I beg to differ. It is because of the hard work of Net Jets' Union that Citation shares HAS that "great compensation package".

Next time you run into a Net Jets guy, you might thank him for his hard work - it got YOU a raise.

Citation Shares gave you a raise for 2 reasons - 1) To make it appear their pilots are the best by paying them the highest salary in the industry. and 2) To keep the Union off of THEIR property.

And it works.

But tell me. Read the Net Jets contract - do you get ALL of those perks Net Jets earned for you, or just pay? They get overtime, holiday pay, guaranteed domiciles (yeah, they live wherever they want - do you get to do that?)

There is more than "pay" that they earned... but you knew that, you're the highest paid pilots in the fractional industry, so you must be the smartest, too.

And to answer your question, with a union, YES YOU CAN just walk into the office and tell anyone in management about your problem. It is a Union Buster's myth that you can't do that if you are a Union. Talk about drinking the kool-aid. This guy's swimming in the punch bowl. I have worked for 2 union shops and never once could I not bring a problem to management. In fact, a Union usually increases management's relationship with the workers, because the company can't intimidate you and they know it, and so that "stress" is gone... they have jobs they want to keep, and if you have a problem, generally they want to help because that's their responsibility as management.

Don't fall for this union buster's ploys, people. The only thing that changes with a Union on the property when dealing with management is that YOU have the power instead of them when it comes to ANY contractual issue. When it comes to issues that falls under management's responsibilities to take care of the people that work for them, NONE OF THAT CHANGES.... and guess what, if it does, you can GRIEVE IT and get paid for their screwing up.
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For Anyone Interested In Cs, We Have A Great Relationship Between The Pilots And Management. Their Is Absolutely No Need For A Union On This Property. They Are Sincerely Interested In Retaining The Talent. We Have Great Quality Of Life And No Thanks To A Union, A Competitive Compensation Package. For Anyone Interested In Working For A Top Notch Fractional, I Can Defiantly Recommend Citation Shares. We Just Keep Getting A Bigger Piece Of The Fractional Pie Every Year, By Providing Service Second To None.

Ahhh, who cares kid? I dont care about you and your ungrateful cronies (bogart and rocky) at all and the fact that you dont like unions. You just wait when your company grows (if you guys can stop cancelling citation orders.......6 in cessnas last quarter alone) and your mgmt runs you like crazy....no rules and nobody to listen to you whine and complain. Then lets see if your will change your love relationship with mgmt????
I am of firm belief that Trash isn't who he says he is. 8000tt - doubt it. I'm guessing a foreign aviation student who doesn't like Americans, who is here just to get his licenses and go back to where ever he came from. No adult spends the time to hit the shift key for each and every word. And why is this guy so bent on flaming this board? Three different posts in the fract. section - just doesn't make sense. If we ignore him - he will go away.

His statements are very targeted. I think he's a mole trying to cause dissention among the Options and Flexjet guys... and using the "strength" of Citation Shares' "leading industry" pay as his reason for not needing a union.

It won't work. Like any typical Union buster, who has no real experience except spnonging off of corporations looking at union drives for as much money as they can, no different than ambulance chasers I might add, he has no substance to his posts. It is just hot air that lets others realize how much he DOESN'T know about our industry.

I'm happy for Citation Shares' pilots. I'm glad they are the highest-paid in the industry. It gives the others a goal to achieve in their contract negotiations. However, things change when things aren't going so well. Right now, CS is living not too bad a life. They are poised to have the largest growth percentages in 2006 and even 2007, compared to the other fractionals. It is a time for growing for them, at the expense of the other, older fractionals.

It is childish however, to try to attack those who have worked so hard for protecting their life styles by acting like this guy Fractrash is. I think it is clear however, by everyone's responses to him, that he's out-leagued and out-gunned by the average fractional pilots' intelligence, however. Let him make a fool out of himself. It is educating for the others who lurk and may not know how a Union works, or what one can do for you.... and by the way. If he was a Flexjet or Flight Options, or even a Net Jets pilot, he'd hum a different tune.

Get away, kid. Ya bother me.

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