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Losing flying and not getting any new flying is also going to be bad for junior people....I'm about ready to vote no and see how things shake out....

IMO, the company is playing this very smart. They have not come out and said IF you don't do PBS there won't be any new flying and we will shrink ASA. They have allowed the pilot group to make this choice on their own. They have agreed to the majority of our requests. IF the wrong choice is made we have no one to blame but ourselves. Actions and Consequences!
So let's see. After initial open time, on avg, the 200 has 2000 hours open flying under the current system. Under PBS the majority of that flying would be in the pot for pilots to use to build their lines. Do the math 2000/75 hour = approx 26 additional lines of flying which means approx 26 less pilots on RES. How is that bad for the jr pilots?

The handful of extra lines that PBS might create hardly offset the cons. Reserve is temporary. The stagnation created will be wide spread. Those lines, like you said, will be at the most credited to 75hrs., have minimum days off, low block, back to back pairings. I’m worried that these back to back pairings might make this PBS thing bad for many people.

I know that they can’t make 5 day pairings but is there anything that says they can’t work you 5 days with back to back pairings? I know you can have a preference of no back to back trips but for you “junior” people good luck.

I’m afraid that this might also effect the people really hopeful for 3 days. Here is how that scenario works. The company will have a minimum number of three days that they must create. What if half of those 3 days are very low block. Most likely the very senior guys will bid high block 3 days and they will get them. When it comes to the low block 3 days the computer will try to build a line but fall short of the company mandated minimum line credit. It will then see what your preference is for back to back trips. If you say no, guess what, your doing 4 days. Those 3 days will flow down the line until they are paired with day lines or 2 days.
Losing flying and not getting any new flying is also going to be bad for junior people....I'm about ready to vote no and see how things shake out....

If you want to continue spouting this growth rhetoric you will have to explain how we are going to become cheaper than Skywest. It makes absolutely no sense for growth to come to ASA if we are more expensive. We are, and will be more expensive than Skywest. PBS isn’t going to change that. Even if we had the exact same pay scales and work rules as Skywest we would still be more expensive.

We have a lot of simple minded pilots that are convinced that we have had growth in the past several years. It shows just how easily we are deceived. I guess math is not their strong suit and ignorance is bliss.
The handful of extra lines that PBS might create hardly offset the cons. Reserve is temporary. The stagnation created will be wide spread. Those lines, like you said, will be at the most credited to 75hrs., have minimum days off, low block, back to back pairings. I’m worried that these back to back pairings might make this PBS thing bad for many people.

I know that they can’t make 5 day pairings but is there anything that says they can’t work you 5 days with back to back pairings? I know you can have a preference of no back to back trips but for you “junior” people good luck.

I’m afraid that this might also effect the people really hopeful for 3 days. Here is how that scenario works. The company will have a minimum number of three days that they must create. What if half of those 3 days are very low block. Most likely the very senior guys will bid high block 3 days and they will get them. When it comes to the low block 3 days the computer will try to build a line but fall short of the company mandated minimum line credit. It will then see what your preference is for back to back trips. If you say no, guess what, your doing 4 days. Those 3 days will flow down the line until they are paired with day lines or 2 days.

No different than today. They back to back you today. They can take a 2 day and back it with a day line, 2 day or a 3 day.

You rather look at someone building lines on a monthly basis for you rather than you picking which days off or cities you want to go, or not go to, and filtering the type trips or number of legs etc..?
I’m afraid that this might also effect the people really hopeful for 3 days. Here is how that scenario works. The company will have a minimum number of three days that they must create. What if half of those 3 days are very low block. Most likely the very senior guys will bid high block 3 days and they will get them. When it comes to the low block 3 days the computer will try to build a line but fall short of the company mandated minimum line credit. It will then see what your preference is for back to back trips. If you say no, guess what, your doing 4 days. Those 3 days will flow down the line until they are paired with day lines or 2 days.

Good point about the 3 days, but our min day credit already prevents them from building those kind of trips, or at least makes it stupid to do so. That's why all the three days are ball-busters.
Good point about the 3 days, but our min day credit already prevents them from building those kind of trips, or at least makes it stupid to do so. That's why all the three days are ball-busters.

Right now they are because when a 3 day line is built they are usually 3 days on 4 days off. With PBS when those low block 3 days are paired with a 2 day that will totally change the dynamics.

We are really stuck in the mindset of line bidding. I'm affraid that even after reading this LOA most of us will not be able to understand the nearly unlimited ways that we could be taken advantage of. We can't even understand the current contract with line bidding. How are we going to find all of the cons in this LOA. You know that ALPA isn't going to advertise them.
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No different than today. They back to back you today. They can take a 2 day and back it with a day line, 2 day or a 3 day.

You rather look at someone building lines on a monthly basis for you rather than you picking which days off or cities you want to go, or not go to, and filtering the type trips or number of legs etc..?

It’s funny how you guys make it sound like everyone is going to get exactly what they want. It’s not going to be much different then now. We get to bid for our days off and trip type. You might have a slightly greater chance of getting a particular day off or destination, however you will be paying for it greatly the rest of the month. 4 days on 3 days off is a lot better than 5 days on 2 days off. The company will still have control over the pairings and that is everything. I hope you commuters enjoy the back to back trips because I foresee many more of those.
It’s funny how you guys make it sound like everyone is going to get exactly what they want. It’s not going to be much different then now. We get to bid for our days off and trip type. You might have a slightly greater chance of getting a particular day off or destination, however you will be paying for it greatly the rest of the month. 4 days on 3 days off is a lot better than 5 days on 2 days off. The company will still have control over the pairings and that is everything. I hope you commuters enjoy the back to back trips because I foresee many more of those.

You have one vote. Spend it wisely.

As for someone on reserve I'd rather have a line of 65hrs and get paid for 75 than a month of reserve being scheduling's b!th and still only get 75hrs of pay. I'll take the junior line that is all that is left over after the senior guys get what they want. It's not like that is any different than if I was holding a junior line.
Right now they are because when a 3 day line is built they are usually 3 days on 4 days off. With PBS when those low block 3 days are paired with a 2 day that will totally change the dynamics.

We are really stuck in the mindset of line bidding. I'm affraid that even after reading this LOA most of us will not be able to understand the nearly unlimited ways that we could be taken advantage of. We can't even understand the current contract with line bidding. How are we going to find all of the cons in this LOA. You know that ALPA isn't going to advertise them.

I get your point, but why aren't the lines like that already? There's nothing in the contract preventing it at the current time?

The min day credit still makes it unlikely. The only time the company builds a four day with no productivity is when the need to cover the overnight outweighs the inefficiency of paying the credit.

Your point is valid, but they already have the ability to build the lines in such a manner, but they never have, so what makes you think PBS will inspire them to do so?

I'm not arguing here. I'm just asking?

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