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These are some great points! Good Debate, I agree. As a fellow ASA ALPA member I urge everyone to attend the road shows, do your own research, and get educated on the issue of this PBS system. If you do your own research and get educated on the issues and dont think that the LOA is in the best interest of you and your family then by all means, dont vote for it. You aren't the ones who are not going to screw the pooch. The problem guys / gals (who will mess the vote up, one way or the other) are the ones who will not do the research and will form a biased opinion just based on past experience with our companies mgmt or thier own feelings or hostilities towards ALPA. We all have a right to vote and part of that right is to be responsible voters, i.e. get eduated on the item to be voted on so that one may cast a fair vote for themselves. I will say the one big question I have that continually sticks out at me to give this a thorough assessment is the fact that almost all of our competition (majors, regionals, and even our sister company) have PBS on property. Is that not concerning to anyone? Regardless of what mgmt or ALPA tells me, the INDUSTRY i.e. other ALPA carriers that have PBS is saying that PBS offers a cost savings to mgmt and the shareholders. I'm not saying its the best thing going, however I really think we need to give it an honest and sincere assessment just as you would if you were dispatching to an airport reporting at minimums and minimul fuel on the airplane. Just some points to ponder...
Oh poop.

Here comes the "kool-aid" pusher grenades.

But it would be nice if the next post was a debate point as opposed to mudslinging.
These are some great points! Good Debate, I agree. As a fellow ASA ALPA member I urge everyone to attend the road shows, do your own research, and get educated on the issue of this PBS system. If you do your own research and get educated on the issues and dont think that the LOA is in the best interest of you and your family then by all means, dont vote for it. You aren't the ones who are not going to screw the pooch. The problem guys / gals (who will mess the vote up, one way or the other) are the ones who will not do the research and will form a biased opinion just based on past experience with our companies mgmt or thier own feelings or hostilities towards ALPA. We all have a right to vote and part of that right is to be responsible voters, i.e. get eduated on the item to be voted on so that one may cast a fair vote for themselves. I will say the one big question I have that continually sticks out at me to give this a thorough assessment is the fact that almost all of our competition (majors, regionals, and even our sister company) have PBS on property. Is that not concerning to anyone? Regardless of what mgmt or ALPA tells me, the INDUSTRY i.e. other ALPA carriers that have PBS is saying that PBS offers a cost savings to mgmt and the shareholders. I'm not saying its the best thing going, however I really think we need to give it an honest and sincere assessment just as you would if you were dispatching to an airport reporting at minimums and minimul fuel on the airplane. Just some points to ponder...

I know it sounds like I’m a union hater but that’s really not the case. I just know it’s political so I treat it as such. This is one of the few instances were something will benefit a few but at the expense of many. It just so happens that the people who represent us are in that few category. Like I said before, in order to get the junior people to swallow this pill it has been sugar coated with things outside of PBS, that could be obtained without it.

I will read this LOA however I don’t know to what extent I will be able to understand it. This is a completely different system and most of us, including myself, have trouble understanding the language with line biding. To understand how the chips will fall by reading this LOA is impossible. A trial period would have been the only way. Without that we can only assume it will be like everyone has told us. PBS will improve the QOL of the senior and decrease it for the junior, plus create stagnation.

You mention that our sister company is our competition and ask if that is concerning? That should be the most concerning thing for everyone at ASA. Far more concerning than PBS. Unfortunately PBS isn’t going to change anything about that. We will still be much more expensive than them. As I pointed out earlier we will be more expensive than them even if we had the exact same pay scale and work rules. If ALPA really cared about our future they would force a merger. Even if it meant the union would have to fall on the sword. If we wait until their pilot group has representation we will be shrunk to a more manageable size, lose our leverage, and most likely have to settle with a partial staple.

Have you used the Flica videos yet to look at how the system works? It's pretty slick. Everything about it give us as the bidders many more choices to refine just exactly what we want to fly, if we can hold it. You are very against this system yet other than you feel that this will keep the guys on the street longer, what is the down side? You say it will create stagnation. Well that is already here, so that is not true. You say life will be worse for a junior guy. I see nothing but improvements for reserves and the possibility of people who are on reserve now to hold at least some kind of line. You say it will be better for the senior guys. Well yeah, but it is now. Other than maybe a little vacation, what are you losing on this deal?
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Have you used the Flica videos yet to look at how the system works? It's pretty slick. Everything about it give us as the bidders many more choices to refine just exactly what we want to fly, if we can hold it. You are very against this system yet other than you feel that this will keep the guys on the street longer, what is the down side? You say it will create stagnation. Well that is already here, so that is not true. You say life will be worse for a junior guy. I see nothing but improvements for reserves and the possibility of people who are on reserve now to hold at least some kind of line. You say it will be better for the senior guys. Well yeah, but it is now. Other than maybe a little vacation, what are you losing on this deal?

Just to prove I finally get it...I strongly disagree, but:

I believe he thinks the PBS LOA is being sold by a MEC whose members and supporters will benefit from most of the system and work rule benefits helping out senior pilots, to the detriment of the juniour pilots and furloughs. He also thinks the token improvements to junior pilot QOL and pay are just that; token bribes to get their yes votes.

I strongly disagree with his point for many reasons, but I am sure glad he finally made it.

Took him long enough though!!!
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Have you used the Flica videos yet to look at how the system works? It's pretty slick. Everything about it give us as the bidders many more choices to refine just exactly what we want to fly, if we can hold it. You are very against this system yet other than you feel that this will keep the guys on the street longer, what is the down side? You say it will create stagnation. Well that is already here, so that is not true. You say life will be worse for a junior guy. I see nothing but improvements for reserves and the possibility of people who are on reserve now to hold at least some kind of line. You say it will be better for the senior guys. Well yeah, but it is now. Other than maybe a little vacation, what are you losing on this deal?

I have watched the videos and read all the slides on flica. Believe it or not I’m not surprised. I think I have a decent grasp how the system works. For the number 1 seniority pilot this will be wonderful. As you go down the seniority line the desirability will exponentially decrease. I think some people believe that holding 4 days on 3 days off is as bad as it can get. Most of the senior guys are going to bid for high block 3,4 days that duty in late and out early. What is that going to leave further down the line? Low block 4 days that will have to be either pushed together leaving only 2 days off or paired with day lines or two days in order to reach the min line value. Working 4 days on 3 days off is better than 5 days on 2 days off. Just because you put a preference into flica doesn’t mean you are going to get it.
You imply that because we have stagnation now nothing else can worsen or prolong the situation. I really don’t know what to say about that. I feel like I deal with a lot of people that just think about today.
You imply that because we have stagnation now nothing else can worsen or prolong the situation. I really don’t know what to say about that. I feel like I deal with a lot of people that just think about today.

I think you're a little off on just how the seniority implications will manifest, but even a trial bid won't tell us about that one, being as people learn to bid, things will definitely change. Frankly, I imagine the tech savy guys-senior or junior-having the advantage.

As far as thinking about the future, trying to get competitive without concessions, is definitely future oriented.

Personally, my crystal ball says we're all going to end up competing with a leaner version of Mesa for whatever 70-seat-plus flying is out there in about three years.

There may be an upcoming pilot shortage at the regionals due to hiring, retirements and a lack of bodies in the flight training pipeline, but I don't see it giving us enough leverage to really jack up pay rates and QOL. What it will produce is even more competition down here.
Just to prove I finally get it...I strongly disagree, but:

I believe he thinks the PBS LOA is being sold by a MEC whose members and supporters will benefit from most of the system and work rule benefits helping out senior pilots, to the detriment of the juniour pilots and furloughs. He also thinks the token improvements to junior pilot QOL and pay are just that; token bribes to get their yes votes.

I strongly disagree with his point for many reasons, but I am sure glad he finally made it.

Took him long enough though!!!

Well I have been saying that since page 15. The furloughs are really the only logical answer. How else would they be able to secure what they say is the best deal for us outside of section 6. If the company thought they could force a poor PBS system, and not have to recall furloughs after section 6 talks were done, they would not give us a better system now. I don’t agree but a union member said our only leverage is to strike and I don’t see us threatening a strike for PBS. Our leverage is coming from the company not wanting to recall furloughs. Just connect the dots and that is the only solution. The provided reason of the company wanting growth will not be entertained until you convince me how we are going to become cheaper than Skywest.
I think you're a little off on just how the seniority implications will manifest, but even a trial bid won't tell us about that one, being as people learn to bid, things will definitely change. Frankly, I imagine the tech savy guys-senior or junior-having the advantage.

As far as thinking about the future, trying to get competitive without concessions, is definitely future oriented.

Personally, my crystal ball says we're all going to end up competing with a leaner version of Mesa for whatever 70-seat-plus flying is out there in about three years.

There may be an upcoming pilot shortage at the regionals due to hiring, retirements and a lack of bodies in the flight training pipeline, but I don't see it giving us enough leverage to really jack up pay rates and QOL. What it will produce is even more competition down here.

For one thing Mesa isn’t our number one competition. Skywest is. They will be getting those 4 leftover aircraft and they will be shrinking us to the extent that the no furlough claus allows. PBS is not going to make us cheaper than Skywest.

To say this is without concession depends on were you stand. I think a decrease in QOL is a big concession and we all know that PBS requires less pilots so for the people on the street this is a major concession. I’m sure that the senior pilots at the majors didn’t see relaxing scope as being concessionary. Most of the majors now have half the number of pilots they had since 2000. For those tens of thousands furloughed it was concessionary.

We are always looking for ways to become more “competitive” in order to grow. Unfortunately if you are in this business for QOL or pay that path will not lead you to your goal. I don’t think it’s ever the wrong time to try to raise the bar instead of lower it. If we continue down this path you need to ask yourself, at what point will this career not be worth it. Because that is what it will come to.

If you really want to grow in a market that will have very little growth you will have to get rid of your competition. Skywest is our number one competition. Since the saying goes “if you can’t bet them, join them”, a merger would be our only hope.
I guess we see it differently.

I do not see this PBS as lowering the bar, when compared to every other system and contract out there.

As far as a merger, it's not worth losing the union. If we could make it happen and keep the union, I'm all for it.

And I do feel for the furloughs, but any action which forces an overstaffed situation simply will not work. Now, if Skywest hires one pilot while we have folks on the street, that is a different animal which we should do something about.

I believe PBS will make us more competitive without being a concession. On that we clearly disagree.

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