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What are all these nay sayers afraid of? What are you going to lose with PBS? The only thing you can say is you think that somehow voting now will bring back the 130 or so on the street. It may, it may not. But the same is with PBS. Isn't it worth the gamble in the long run to possibly get new flying resulting from an ability to compete more effectively? Like has been said before, ASA gets no savings from this deal unless they are able to grow the company with it.
I don't think you heard me! LESS THAN 1% company savings. I think it's safe to say you haven't been furloughed before.

In a market that sees the lower profit margins, a million here and there makes a difference.

I've lost jobs before. Not in this industry but this isn't my first aviation job either. I've done my share of crappy jobs that required a large amount of sweat and blistered hands. I've done my share of pulling guard in a wet, cold hole at 0300. If you believe I am a slick faced kid with no perspective, you are mistaken. I've had my share of ups and downs. I've seen a job that paid $75K a year evaporate except there were no call backs for that one. So please, don't become sanctimonious as some of us here have borne our share of difficult times.
Ok people!!

Here's one for ya!! Listen up!!! Only gonna type this once!!!

The PBS cat is already out of the bag!!! The turd has already been crapped!!! Genie out of the bottle!!! Can't unscramble eggs...and all that other crap.

And it's all way past the tipping point. We ain't reversing this industry trend. Now we can sit here and fight it...all by our freakin selves...with our high costs and most likely shrinking pot of flying.

Or we can jack the bar up just a little with the best PBS system, contract language and work rules.

You guys need to talk to some folks about the PBS LOA. Not one pilot group out there, regional or mainline, has anything like we are considering. And the reason for that is because most of them got PBS at the point of a spear.

Yeah this ain't great, but we need to take a close look at the opportunity here. This may be our last best chance to control the screwing.

We keep our costs high and I'll bet a brand new pair of mormon long-johns Mr. A will just plain fak us into the trash pile of oblivion.

In no way does that man want us to be the cheapest out there. He is no idiot and knows very much who he is dealing with. But he will do what any sharp businessman would in this situation.

He's got two airlines with very different operational ledgers. Do the math people!! Besides, I believe if approved, the LOA will result in the Flightline system migrating over to the Skywest side, which will raise their costs slightly, much to our benefit.

Ahhhh, the sooner everybody realizes this , the better off we'll all be!
Of course, we'll always have our same old whiners and cry babies!
Everyone knows who they are.
What do we have to lose? Only the sole bargaining chip we have for contract negotiations. For Christmas I’m giving the Union the ability to use PBS in our favor.
I hear people saying that we should vote it in and use these few months until next contract negotiations as a trial period. That is true but that makes it sound like we will have a new contract in a few months. Clearly you don’t remember how long the last round took. There will be flaws. Even if you are one of the few that will read the LOA from start to finish you will not be able to find all the loopholes. The company will find them and then have no motivation to sign a new contract.
In 4 years if I hear you complaining about how long the negotiations are taking I will simply ask you if you voted yes on PBS. If you say yes I will just laugh.
Ahhhh, the sooner everybody realizes this , the better off we'll all be!
Of course, we'll always have our same old whiners and cry babies!
Everyone knows who they are.

I fully agree that PBS is inevitability. Just don’t hand it over on a silver platter. Vote no and let the union use it as leverage for the next contract. And don’t chew your foot off trying to undercut Skywest. Really who is going to win that battle?
I'm not a full blown YES voter yet. Waiting on roadshows.

Just trying to give the soap-box NO Voters something to think about here.

If this thing is voted down, I believe it will have to wait for the contract. I'd rather have two wacks at it.

And don't forget, quite a bit of the foot dragging in the last contract was on the union side, waiting for the economy to "improve."

The length of the next contract negotiations will be determined by the pilot group's resolve, manifested thru parking brakes and AFDL entries.
I fully agree that PBS is inevitability. Just don’t hand it over on a silver platter. Vote no and let the union use it as leverage for the next contract. And don’t chew your foot off trying to undercut Skywest. Really who is going to win that battle?

ON a sliver platter? Have you read over the email from ALPA? In an environment where we could likely voting on concessions, we increase our vacation and min day credit. We get a hard cap on four days. ALPA will have people in the room for trip building and line bidding of what we actually have some say in. You may not see it but in the complete view, we got quite a bit of the share the company could save if we grow some.

Once in contract talks, you believe we have leverage. We have more now than we will in contract talks. The company comes at us with a garbage system and refuses to budge. Once you reach a certain point, it goes to arbitration and then you end up with a crap shoot of what we'll end up with. During these talks, it was one item basically and we had NO obligation to bring it to a vote. That gives us more leverage than you realize.

On top of that, how much flying do you think we WON'T get while we go through the long process of negotiations? Get any new flying is a gamble as well. However, if this goes down, I'll working extra hard to get out of here. You guys can ride the ship down with your, "Full pay to the last day" mentality (which I find amusing since we've gotten a whole bunch for it and have industry leading provisions in the LOA).
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They used industry leading PBS to secure improvements in the current contract. If it gets voted down then the company has a LOT more leverage with the entire contract next time around. As has been said, getting it before the next round will allow us to judge what we like and don't and in the next round refine those points. We will not get that oppertunity if it's lumped into the next contract.
What do we have to lose? Only the sole bargaining chip we have for contract negotiations. For Christmas I’m giving the Union the ability to use PBS in our favor.

In 4 years if I hear you complaining about how long the negotiations are taking I will simply ask you if you voted yes on PBS. If you say yes I will just laugh.

If we vote PBS in, the company pays for the first 18 months of contract negotiations. That way they have a financial obligation to get things moving.

Plus, what makes you think that we would get as good of a deal during Section 6? During this process, we only really discussed PBS. During Section 6, the whole contract is open. What are you willing to give up to have the same things we have now, just a year or two later?
They used industry leading PBS to secure improvements in the current contract. If it gets voted down then the company has a LOT more leverage with the entire contract next time around. As has been said, getting it before the next round will allow us to judge what we like and don't and in the next round refine those points. We will not get that oppertunity if it's lumped into the next contract.

EXACTLY! We get it in place now. Then we let the company exploit it, as they will try, as always.Then in our next negotiations, we tweak and tighten up language where needed.
Don't let what is already accomplished now, burn any negotiating leverage in our next contract!

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