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String Chz said:
Hey h25B....you really don't have a "dog in this hunt" so we really don't give a rat's tail what you think. Hush!!!!! Will you. You don't have a vote, you have no idea what's its like being one of us. Just sit on the sidelines and watch...I don't care about your past experience.......just shut up!!!!!

Not another one of you guys... If you all don't care what those of us without a "dog in the hunt" think why do you even post on this board ? Especially since the union has a private board. Go there and sing to the choir if you like, otherwise I believe you need to "hush"... Every payday I'm thankful I have no idea what it's like to be one of you. :D I support anyone trying to get a raise, it's good for everyone and Heaven knows all this industry needs is another 2200 pilots on the street.

The truth is sometimes hard to hear, I understand. :rolleyes:
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If you NJA yo-yo's hadn't demanded AA 777 CA pay four years ago you would be working under a contract and have a foot to stand on. You guys made your own beds. Now wet them.
crap if AA 777 ca pay is 100k at year 5 we're all screwed.
CMHTroll said:
Agreed, the inflation and wage issue is dropped, and wewill continue to operate NetJets the same way we have for the past 5 years

Ya you wish. By the way what happened to the daily line stats??? Maybe all is not well on the good ship NJA huh?!?
Keep your head in the sand.
h25b said:
Not another one of you guys... If you all don't care what those of us without a "dog in the hunt" think why do you even post on this board?

Dont worry, they tell me I dont a have dog in this hunt either, yet it is my aircraft, my job, my benefits they clearly want to take away from me.

Of course its all in the name of job protection. Its ironic that Airline Pilots at the mainline (larger groups) have scope clauses to protect the premium wages, and restrict the regional (low pay, smaller groups) jets. Here you have the flip; the low paying guys (larger group) want to scope out the small (yet higher paying) guys.

Who would have thought...
BWY BOB WAS NAMED?? When? Who is he?

A buddy of mine had trouble booking a charter flight on Friday. All of the operaters said that they were already flying for NJA.
Troll--or whatever YOUR name is....

Bridegway Bob is not a participant on this board as far as I know......

I did not mention Bridgeway Bob's name on this board.....

I would expect the same respect from you, FamilyGuy and whomever....

But apparently, mutual respect, character and integrity are not part of your make-up as evidenced by naming me on the board and by your response.

Cowards stand behind anonymity.......If you, FamilyGuy or whomever had any courage, you'd PM me with your names and the reason you think it's OK to put my name on here. Rationalizing that Bridgeway Bob, who sends out anonymus messages the are "company official" is a far cry from one individual participating on a public message board.

Your rationale is just that.....rationale that doesn't hold water, lacks respect and reflects on your own lack of character.
abenaki said:
The "total compensation picture" is irrelevant if IT DOESN"T APPLY TO THE PILOTS....

If the said increase only increases my pay a few thousand bucks a year, then it doesn't APPLY. Just like the spin put out about the 80% percentile pilot making $80K, if there aren't any pilots that fall in that percentile then it DOESN'T APPLY!

30% is meaningless unless it translates in our paychecks......Get this CMHTROLL--IT DOESN'T.

Let's take YOUR position in the company, adjust YOUR salary BACK to 1998 wages, adjust it by your 30% and it STILL DOESN'T EQUAL THE BUYING POWER OF TODAY.

A fifth year captain here is NOT getting anywhere NEAR a 30% raise and without that, the whole thing is absurd because it does not even adjust for inflation of the 1998 wagers.


THe pilots need REAL changes in their paychecks. I agree. The other stuff, extra $$ for contract violations etc. that wont change- I am talking, and I think you are too- changes to your base salary, changes to your per diem.

Why mgt and NC have made changes to the rest of the contract that cost money and take up precious dollars that could be in your paycheck, I dont know.

Personally, I am not as "principled" as you when it comes to my paycheck. If my W-2 said i made 65k last year, and it says I made 75k this year, I take that as a real increase. Real dollars in my pocket

I am sure it gets more difficult to read when you w-2 has OT, contract violations etc in it. You are looking at a number and your w-2 and it doesnt compute. And since the wage scales are not the same, it doesnt compute that way either. There has to be way to compare- apples to apples.
Just curious,and no i don't work for Netjets, is it possible for the company to put new aircraft into non-union pilot's hands? In other words, Gulfstreams Part II but with any new orders, to "circumnavigate" the contract issues?

"just come in high and add 5 knots"
FLYLOW22 said:
BWY BOB WAS NAMED?? When? Who is he?
He's the "moron" named in Gasta's report (very professional) that Abneki so kindly forwarded to us. Good acting job though "flylow". Also, interesting that Abneki would forward others names to everyone, but is concerned about his name on this site.

FLYLOW22 said:
A buddy of mine had trouble booking a charter flight on Friday. All of the operaters said that they were already flying for NJA.

Relax "doctor spin". Yes, your "legal" job actions do drive up subcontract costs. Surprise surprise
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You're Right--

Would you please elaborate on your statement? When and where did I forward "others names to everyone"? At no such time did I do anything that revealed ANYONE'S names. Nor WOULD I reveal anyone's name(s). If you are referring to Gasta's post, that was very publically distributed in various venues. My posting his summary here is not exactly revealing something that was not well-distributed via other means. So, I do not understand your accusation and consider it false.

You said:
"Also, interesting that Abneki would forward others names to everyone, but is concerned about his name on this site. "
FamilyGuy, Troll et al:

I had to wonder a while why you would reveal my name on here. Troll's excuse that Bridgeway Bob's name was revealed so why shouldn't mine sounds like a a child at the playground who threw sand at someone in their sandbox because they saw one of their parent's do something innappropriate. As I said, I didn't reveal Bridgeway Bob's name nor have I used it in any of my posts. So, that reason is completely fabricated out of nothing to justify a behavior.

Going beyond that, my posts are always respectful and when I err, I offer my apologies and admit my mistake(s). So, I don't think it's because I have offended anyone not that that would give an excuse for what you did.

So, it comes down to you wanting me to feel threatened. And, as I have admitted, I now feel threatened. Perhaps, as I have said, this makes you somehow feel powerful and smug in your knowledge of who I am as you stand behind your (cowardly) anonymity.

Then I had to ask myself, "Why would you want to threaten ANYONE? What can be gained by threatening someone and inducing anxiety and fear in someone? What motivates someone to do that besides what I said in the above paragraph?"

As I said above, my posts are respectful and I admit it when I make a mistake, so I don't think it's me, per se', who has done anything to warrant your putting my name on here.

Perhaps I am simply a target to vent your frustrations upon. I am an NJA pilot so if you can do something to harm me in some way, perhaps it's expressing some kind of vengeance on the group as a whole. You're frustrated, angry and upset so that has to go somewhere and I was a convenient target so FIRE ONE! HIT! Do you feel better now?

I wonder if you asked yourselves what the effects would be by your doing so beyond the desire to scare me? Am I and other pilots more likely to look upon you and management more favorably, or am I and other pilots going to be even MORE suspicious and watchful of what spews out of CMH? Are you trying to develop an ally or alienate me/us even more? What do you think is the likely reaction? Can you honestly say that you did something positive by doing what you did? Are you proud of making someone feel threatened while you stand behind your anonymity?

And what does your behavior do to the credibility of what you have to say? it certainly reflects badly upon your character and integrity and says that you will stoop pretty low to achieve your goals. Is this how you want to be perceived?

Whatever the result of your doing so, whether nothing or whether I am now targeted somehow in CMH, I know that someday all will be revealed. If I am harmed in any way because of your actions, there will be justice.

It's really too bad that it has come to this kind of thing. I am truly sorry that you felt such anger and frustration that you felt you needed to do this to someone whom you don't even know.

I hope that we all come out of this able to smile. This will end someday. In the meantime, you guys take care of yourselves. Stress is a killer and needs to be managed properly or it can have some serious effects. Be good to yourselves and your families 'cause in the end, it's certainly not worth this having harmed your marriages/families OR yourselves in any way.

God bless us all and help us all to get through this ordeal.
Diesel said:
oh no turbojetcpt they are cutting and pasting and calling us childish. it's fun to watch but the sad part is we are the only ones with a say.

Diesel, again, I say this with the opinion that you are one of the smartest guys on this board, I really respect you no-nonsense, straight-forward posts, they really cut thru the cr@p.

Do you really think that YOU have a say? Does being in the Union really give you that sense of empowerment and control? From the outside it looks like you really can make anything happen or effect any changes at the company. Of course you can say 'no' to their offers, but that just benefits Netjets (dragging out gives them more time at the old pay. Retro, shmetro, right now its more cash-flow).

It just seems like alot of flag waving, shouting and puffing up your chests, with nothing really to do.


Thanks for the nice word's but it's just my new england attitude that makes it interesting.

We do have a say of what goes on. You can have a bigger say by volunteering for different comittee's or staying active on our union message boards. The union message boards act as a constant poll for our union leaders to understand on a day to day basis of what the pilots want.

I do think i have a say. I'm a volunteer for a couple of different comittees and I am very very active in the union message board. Everyday the union leadership is on the messageboard posting and answering questions on what is going on day to day.

Everything is not rosey and shiny on the message board and that is what makes it so useful. A lot of guys get questions answered by the top of the union leadership and their questions/anger turns into understanding. The power of information.

So yes i do believe i have a say because they are elected officials and right now they are doing what myself and the majority of the pilots want from them.

Hope this helps. Gotta walk the dog.

Thanks, it just seems like a long road with very little intermediate movement. It must be frustrating. I guess I'm used to walking into the boss's office and walking out with a better deal, or a trip to the unemployment line.

Diesel said:
Hope this helps. Gotta walk the dog.

Is that a euphemism for something else? Like I need to go water the horse?


I have looked and looked and I still cant find your name.
and I cant figure out who said they would post it.

I also agree- that gasta is showing his --- in the letter to the pilots...sometimes i think he doesnt realize you guys have read union 101 too.
Diesel said:
it's just my new england attitude that makes it interesting.

That attitude isn't helping Brady down in my beloved "Old North State" today. 17-10 at the half, bless those Panthers. Yes Im stuck in a hotel and bored to tears.

[Of course I reserve the right to delete this post in 2 hours if they lose]
Walk the dog-

Irish euphamism for going to the local pub, drinking till i go blind while watching the pats/sox/celtics/bruins, getting a slice from the pizza guy around the corner who looks like Bin Laden but makes a great slice, stumble back to the apartment only for a friend to call and say the pats/sox/celtics/bruins are playing lets go watch at the pub.
abenaki said:
FamilyGuy, Troll et al:

I had to wonder a while why you would reveal my name on here.
God bless us all and help us all to get through this ordeal.

Abneki- Honestly, you are your own worst enemy in this so called "disclosure" issue. How is it that the entire message board knows this but you don't. Stop blaming and fearing; dig deep and you (like the rest of us already have--months ago) will find the truth about your "disclosure" problem. For your own health, relax, in "the big picture" no one really cares who you are (it's not about you).

On the other had, since you are apparently the informal spokesman for Mr. Gasta and his cohorts, why don't you show how the latest company offer was so far off and maybe we can "all get through this ordeal". Not an emotional diatribe, like Mr. Gasta's panic report, but something constructive so we can all go back to work. All I hear (from both sides) on these boards is criticism, but no one offers solutions. What would you suggest?

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