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Netjets new payscale

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Preliminary word is (subject to change):
New hire FO-$56k
5yr Cpt - $100k 7/7

Three scheds 7/7, 15 flex or reserve, 18 fixed.

PTO for all.

103 crew base. HBA's are being set up for the chopping block. Protection is for duration till amendable date.

More will be on the way...

HBA's are NOT on the chopping block.

Read the LOA tomorrow
HBA's are NOT on the chopping block.

Read the LOA tomorrow

Yes, technically they're not on the block, but I should have put my emphasis on that statement.

The HBA's will be protected until the pilots vote them out. That is what I meant but didn't get across.

Getting this from a bud in CMH who was at the "meeting", so info is fairly accurate.
PAY PRETTY GOOD...If i were a cs or flex I would not join IBT 1108. Nothing ever good comes from a union...

Just got a $11000 raise. union sux...
Quick summary.
1st year Capt/FO 87500/56875
5 year Capt/FO 100408/68276
10 year Capt/FO 119254/81081

15 day scedule
1 year Capt/FO 96250/62563
5 year Capt/FO 110449/75105
10 year Capt/FO 131179/84189

18 day scedule
1 year Capt/FO 106444/64188
5 year Capt/FO 122147/83060
10 year Capt/FO 145072/98635

Still get our overtime, holidays and x days which will equal 10-15 percent of you salary.

So by my calculations, 5 year NJA FOs on the 18 day scedule will be making what 5 year captains at CitationShares make.

Wow. Unions suck. Dont vote one in guys.

Forgot to add, signing bonus of 150$ per month at the company.
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7&7 Base Wage Table: PIC/F/O&F/O Over 40K lbs.

1 $87,500........1 $56,875 $65,000
2 $90,563 .......2 $58,866 $67,275
3 $93,732 .......3 $63,738 $69,630
4 $97,013 .......4 $65,969 $72,067
5 $100,408 .....5 $68,278 $74,589
6 $103,923 .....6 $72,746 $77,200
7 $107,560 .....7 $75,292 $79,902
8 $111,324 .....8 $77,174 $82,698
9 $115,221 .....9 $79,104 $85,593
10 $119,254 ....10 $81,081 $88,588
11 $123,427
12 $127,747
13 $132,219
14 $136,846

Base pay prior to OT, Holiday, Ext Days

CLASS 1-3 Pay
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15 Day Flex Base Wage Table: PIC F/O&/F/O Greater Than 40K lbs

1 $96,250 .........1 $62,563 $71,500
2 $99,619 .........2 $64,752 $74,003
3 $103,105 ........3 $70,112 $76,593
4 $106,714 ........4 $72,566 $79,273
5 $110,449 ........5 $75,105 $82,048
6 $114,315 ........6 $80,020 $84,920
7 $118,316 ........7 $82,821 $87,892
8 $122,457 ........8 $84,892 $90,968
9 $126,743 ........9 $87,014 $94,152
10 $131,179 ......10 $89,189 $97,447
11 $135,770
12 $140,522
13 $145,440
14 $150,531

Base pay only...
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