Dsptchr, my post on page one of this thread made it clear that the MEC chairman is NOT on the negotiating team and his leaving the room had NO BEARING ON WHAT TOOK PLACE. We were all apprised of the proceedings which followed because one of the negotiators posted a full report to the pilots. Communication is a top priority for Local 1108. Your post shows a basic lack of understanding so I will help fill you in. The leadership positions are voluntary--we do not pay them.
ok, back to trying to have a good discussion without the hostility.
so the MEC chairman left the room and your negotiating team took over and reported back to you. Of course, they didnt report EVERYTHING because they signed a non disclosure form. Is their report transparent? Can you trust the negotiating team if they signed the agreement? If the answer to the above question is "yes, we still trust the negotiating team", then it looks from an outsider that your MEC chair has "staged" a confrontation for no reason.
You see from my perspective- this makes no sense. But i am willing to listen and try to understand.
Then I thought the following:
But if the MEC chairman is not participating fully in the negoatiations, why are you paying him to be there? Couldn't your money and his energy be better spent elsewhere, than sitting outside the negotiating room?
But you have said "leadership postions are voluntary. We do not pay them."
Does this guy take his vacation time to attend these meetings? Who pays for him to be there? Hotel, airfare? His time.
ok, back to trying to have a good discussion without the hostility.
so the MEC chairman left the room and your negotiating team took over and reported back to you. Of course, they didnt report EVERYTHING because they signed a non disclosure form. Is their report transparent? Can you trust the negotiating team if they signed the agreement? If the answer to the above question is "yes, we still trust the negotiating team", then it looks from an outsider that your MEC chair has "staged" a confrontation for no reason.
You see from my perspective- this makes no sense. But i am willing to listen and try to understand.
Then I thought the following:
But if the MEC chairman is not participating fully in the negoatiations, why are you paying him to be there? Couldn't your money and his energy be better spent elsewhere, than sitting outside the negotiating room?
But you have said "leadership postions are voluntary. We do not pay them."
Does this guy take his vacation time to attend these meetings? Who pays for him to be there? Hotel, airfare? His time.