way to go Bun. That's what we need more of. Step up and ask the man. Enough already with the rumors. You guys are all pessimists! Hell I just got an email asking for OT so I don't think furloughs are in the offing. Also one of our guys saw Globals in our colors. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
I already referenced my bad mood earlier, so maybe I shouldn't say this but from what I see, waterview and standards captains account for more of the rumors and malicious gossip than any of the regular joes... My husband has been told more "hush hush don't say it was from me but..." from these guys than anyone else. We're even talking stuff about people's private family lives, not just "business" Why girls ever got the reputation for being gossipy back biting snipes should make anyone whose spent any time around pilots wonder...
Also TNs don't lie -- sure they can apply for reassignment but so much easier to just do it from the get go. If it doesn't have an FX on it, I'd say we need to be more worried about what you're smoking in that pipe...
But for the most part I agree with your sentiment so don't think I am attacking you personally.