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Mesaba D Day

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D'Angelo said:
Well until you quit making up lies about my living situation you will keep hearing it. No one wants a regional pilot to admit hes sucessful and living a lavish lifestyle. Why? Because then they lose their argument that pilots are all poor barely making it. BS we are living like kings especially if you can get in a 2 income situation like I myself am in.

Um.... no they dont agree with you. And I got news for you. You are not living like a KING. I know that everything is relative, but you would have had to come from one horendous background to believe that you are living like a king.

How long do you think that you will keep this lifestyle if you and every one decides to just take what the company gives out and not fight for what is fare. Do you think that Comair will just keep you in the lifestyle that you are accustomed to if they had the option to pay what ever they think is fare.

Shut up, Go suck your boyfriends d!ck and figure out that you know nothing what influences worker compensation.
kmox29 said:
Please post where I have made up lies about your living situation. Try to not be so stupid when you point your finger.

Not you per se but people on here are certainly trying to make up lies about my living situation. They simply refuse to believe that a regional FO makes plenty. They want to hold me down. Why you ask? because that negates the argument for getting contracts that keep going up and keep putting airlines out of buisness. What goes up must come down.
D'Angelo said:
Not you per se but people on here are certainly trying to make up lies about my living situation. They simply refuse to believe that a regional FO makes plenty. They want to hold me down. Why you ask? because that negates the argument for getting contracts that keep going up and keep putting airlines out of buisness. What goes up must come down.

You say that you make plenty. How much would you be making if you didnt have a union fighting for you? How much would you make if it were up to the company alone?

your boyfriend is pissed off that you keep typing on here when he has not blown his load yet. your work is not done. keep sucking.
Smarta$$ said:
Um.... no they dont agree with you. And I got news for you. You are not living like a KING. I know that everything is relative, but you would have had to come from one horendous background to believe that you are living like a king.

How long do you think that you will keep this lifestyle if you and every one decides to just take what the company gives out and not fight for what is fare. Do you think that Comair will just keep you in the lifestyle that you are accustomed to if they had the option to pay what ever they think is fare.

Shut up, Go suck your boyfriends d!ck and figure out that you know nothing what influences worker compensation.

it appears union blowhards always have to resort to lies and extreme worst case scenario examples. I have a lady and am perfectly straight. You guys really have fantasy issues. Anyway I am living like a king. I drive a nice car, live in a nice secure building, the value of our condo has gone up at least 10k since we bought it. I came from a nice background actually. Nice clothes, always had the niec toys, parents with good jobs. I was never deprived of anything. You union liars just want all FOs too be poor slobs living on welfare to show the public that we need to break the bank so we can live lifes of luxury. Forget it! I am living it up as we speak. Nice dinners, good wine, the occasional lobster, nice everything really. We have money saved too and do not live paycheck to paycheck.Our combined income is in the upper 5 figures. Please educate me on why I am so poor based on these facts.
D'Angelo said:
Not you per se but people on here are certainly trying to make up lies about my living situation.

Might want to not quote me and type it in directly underneath then.

I'm not saying unions are the answer to life, but you're not living in the real world if you think that your salary would be where it is if it were not for unionism. How many pilots do you think I could go out and find this evening that would take your job for $10,000/year? I'm willing to bet quite a few. Now, in your world, I just reduced your salary to $10,000/year. Market driven.
Smarta$$ said:
You say that you make plenty. How much would you be making if you didnt have a union fighting for you? How much would you make if it were up to the company alone?

your boyfriend is pissed off that you keep typing on here when he has not blown his load yet. your work is not done. keep sucking.

If we didnt have a union would have we gotten as good of contract? NO. Would have we gotten a fair good deal? Absolutely yes. Management knows you need to have a happy pilot group. The problem is that some pilot groups would be unhappy no matter what you did for them. Its pointless to even try the union anger mentality has polluted so many pilot groups. Also if we didnt have a union I would be saving a lot of money every year and we wouldnt have had to take a paycut
Smarta$$ said:
You say that you make plenty. How much would you be making if you didnt have a union fighting for you? How much would you make if it were up to the company alone?

your boyfriend is pissed off that you keep typing on here when he has not blown his load yet. your work is not done. keep sucking.

Of course you are absolutely the typical union man. The unions live off of 3 things. Fear, anger and lies. They make you fear that without them you would be in the poor house and could never get a good contract. They use anger and the mob mentality to falsely lead pilots into falling on their swords so they can attempt to get more dues. They live off lies because they always exaggerate about the plight of pilots. The lie because anyone who disagrees with them they try and slander that person. The lie about economic factors and they absolutely lie about what it takes to live these days. Their egos have gotten to big to contain. Its good to see them starting to crumble apart.
D'Angelo said:
Management knows you need to have a happy pilot group.

That is the funniest sh!t I have read in a long time...thank you.
kmox29 said:
That is the funniest sh!t I have read in a long time...thank you.

Its true. If pilot groups were truly as angry and unhappy as claimed on here people would be quitting like mad. Therefore the company must be doing something to keep people happy. theres no mass exodus anywhere per se.
D'Angelo said:
Of course you are absolutely the typical union man. The unions live off of 3 things. Fear, anger and lies. They make you fear that without them you would be in the poor house and could never get a good contract. They use anger and the mob mentality to falsely lead pilots into falling on their swords so they can attempt to get more dues. They live off lies because they always exaggerate about the plight of pilots. The lie because anyone who disagrees with them they try and slander that person. The lie about economic factors and they absolutely lie about what it takes to live these days. Their egos have gotten to big to contain. Its good to see them starting to crumble apart.

This is totally not me that you are describing. I do not live in fear of anything thank you. You say that airlines know that they need to have happly pilots? Tell that to Mesa, Trans States or Pinnacle. All have many unhappy pilots and the company could care less. Are those companies any worse off financially than Comair? Quite the opposite, those companies have millions in the bank. You see companies know that they do not have to have happy pilots because they know some other flightinstructor or low life will do the job for less. Reference gayjets. Those guys are willing to do it for less, wait a minute so are you. So YOU of all people should see my point that people will do it for less just to have your job. Good thing the union orginized the pilots together and agreed on a wage that let you "live like a king".

My house went up in value over 100,000 in the last three years. So now I can see the difference in perspective between your version of living like a king and mine. Enjoy your apartment building.

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