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Mesaba big annoucement imminent

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Ace McCoy said:
Be assured that if something occurs that requires a change to our contract, you will be fully briefed, and you will have a vote.

Hmm... You will have a vote as in MEMRAT or as in "call your LEC rep and tell him your concerns before he votes on your behalf"?

This says "if something occurs" but I was led to believe by people in the union and the company that this was more or less a done deal. I have to wonder if the union isn't doing a little "pre-spin" on this one.

This whole thing is getting old and nothing has even been announced yet. :rolleyes:
Towelie said:
Hmm... You will have a vote as in MEMRAT or as in "call your LEC rep and tell him your concerns before he votes on your behalf"?

This says "if something occurs" but I was led to believe by people in the union and the company that this was more or less a done deal. I have to wonder if the union isn't doing a little "pre-spin" on this one.

This whole thing is getting old and nothing has even been announced yet. :rolleyes:

It is becoming painfully obvious that it is just "business as usual" at mesaba. There will be no announcement, there will be no growth or otherwise, there will be no CRJs, and there will be no hope. It only makes sense to give the new CRJs to the airlink that already operates them.

From everything I've heard, your description of the announcement is d@mn close. The only thing you stated that I haven't heard is a seat lock for current F/O's. Everything else you've stated is nearly verbatim from reliable sources. Should be soon.
Talked to a union guy yesterday. All he would say is what was said in the VARS this week. They are just waiting until they can talk. I got the impression from him that the deal is done and they are just waiting for ??? to happen.

My guess is that all the agreements are there. All we have to do is wait for NWA to announce the jet award and then we can all talk about it. That way no problems with the SEC.

The seat-locks etc. can then be voted on by the union. He also gave me the impression that it should be soon so it sounds like Mel's 10 days is right on target.
Does NW own Pinnacle and Mesaba?

If so, why would they want to have 2 companies flying the same equipment type? What is the chance that the new airplane is an Embrarer type?
I think this will go in the "Let Down" book again. If there something going on it will fail. just like all the other times in the last 4 years--

If your so sure what is the hold up?? there waiting on something and it will not pass just like all the other times
SlapShot said:
Does NW own Pinnacle and Mesaba?

If so, why would they want to have 2 companies flying the same equipment type? What is the chance that the new airplane is an Embrarer type?

The buzz is 44 seat CRJ's..

As a 9E guy I am pleased for XJ in not only growth but also having ulterior motives. For years our (9E) managment keeps telling us XJ is like apples to oranges. Two different companies, different aircraft, no comparison. When XJ was in contract talks we were getting rid of our Saab's, now we are in talks and they are getting CRJ's? The same as we have.. now let the comparisons begin!

It only feeds the fire when XJ will operate them differently than us and there contract is already different from us.

SO, from a 9E guy.. I trully hope they get plently of them, we need all the ammo we can get in these contract talks. What could 9E management offer short of taking some of ours away and giving them to XJ (true whipsaw in NWA fashion). This is setting up a perfect whipsaw in one hand but a great fight for a better contract in the other. NWA already played the Avro card in XJ's contract, it will only be a matter of time and hopefully by that time XJ will have a decent fleet of CRJ's.
As always, dondk, you have a well thought out post. However, I am convinced that nothing is going to happen at Mesaba. Too many times this management team has dropped the ball on doing anything at XJ other than just coming into the office and doing the same thing that they have been for the last 7 years.
dondk said:
As a 9E guy I am pleased for XJ in not only growth but also having ulterior motives. For years our (9E) managment keeps telling us XJ is like apples to oranges. Two different companies, different aircraft, no comparison. When XJ was in contract talks we were getting rid of our Saab's, now we are in talks and they are getting CRJ's? The same as we have.. now let the comparisons begin!
Yeah. Sure. Great. We get to compare our contract to XJ's... and their pitiful CRJ rates which, at D.O.S., were LESS than ours and even now are within a dollar per hour.

I don't want to be compared to XJ thankyouverymuch; we need to be thinking more along the lines of CMR, XJET, ASA, and AirWhiskey (pre-concessions). True, XJ has block or better, a min day rig, and a better trip drop/swap provision, but other than that I'm not very fond of their contract and would gladly strike rather than live under it.

Flying this piece of sh*t airplane for the wages we fly them for is shameful, and I am embarrassed to tell people who I work for. Since only a few are moving on to bigger and better things, we'd better be prepared as a pilot group to make this contract count, rather than be another rung to lower the bar upon.

All that aside, I sincerely hope that XJ gets the rest of the CRJ's that Northwest has options for; you guys are due some serious growth and my F/O friends over there are MORE than ready for the CA's seat. I have no fear that you will grow and we will shrink because I also don't subscribe to the whipsaw tactics that management uses; I'm smarter than that and hope that most of my colleagues will use their mind likewise.

Our growth or lack thereof is NOT the fault of the pilot contract or labor costs, but rather management's ability to work with those agreements to make the airline profitable - that's their fu*king job...

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