uba757 said:FDJ2, Im a new pilot at CMR and dont know much about the RJDC and really dont care at this moment.
Kind of short sighted on your part, but whatever.
I will tell you this when the deal with Delta and Mesa came out you were all happy and making fun of the CMR and ASA guys
No I was not. Previous Delta scope protections would not have allowed Mesa to join DCI. Unfortunately we had to give up some scope protections this fall. Remember how the RJDC gloated about their effectiveness in gaining new growth flying for DCI shortly after our LOA was signed. Well welcome to the RJDC party. No scope for anyone. No my friend I'm not happy about our scope language and I'm not happy that more and more flying is being outsourced to the cheapest bidder.
so you have no right or place to ask anyone to be honest and show courage because those qualities in a person would make you realise that Mesa coming into Delta, DCI or what ever you want to call it is bad news for all of us.
News flash, more flying going to DCI is bad for all of us, but you'll learn that one day.
I think you are a very bitter man and I hope you can get over this childish and imature obsession (The RJDC).
I think you're naive and uninformed, so what.
Again I dont care about the RJDC but I am tired of reading the same thing over and over.
Then don't read it. Stick your head in the sand, keep your butt in the air and everything will be o.k.
Answer the question, answer the question. For god sake enough.
Perhaps if the RJDC folks could muster the courage to actually answer a few straight forward questions with some straight forward answers this would all be over. If I were you I'd worry more about what the RJDC refuses to tell you, then my silly little questions.
Please just let it end. Listen we have more important things to worry about like Delta going Banckrupt. Just let it end. Nothing personal just tired of the same thing over and over. UBA757
No you really don't have more important things to worry about. You are just beginning to see the effects of the scope free world the RJDC is litigating for. Mesa at DCI, you think that's bad, nothing against the good folks at Mesa, but that's just the tip of the iceberg the RJDC would reap for all professional pilots. Sorry, as long as there is a group of cowards, like the RJDC, running around trying to eliminate scope protections for all ALPA pilots, ducking and dodging answering just a few basic questions, I'm going to hound them.