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Mesa and Delta...It's official

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FDJ2 said:
You do negotiate with your employer, ASA. The rest of your comments are meaningless, since its based on the false premise that somehow DAL is your employer, DAL is not.

This is the most important point of this whole thing. For the life of me I can't see why the RJDC pukes don't understand this simple fact.
PCL_128 said:
This is the most important point of this whole thing. For the life of me I can't see why the RJDC pukes don't understand this simple fact.

Delusional. Denial. Deceit. One or a combination of all three.
737 Pylt said:
(Sigh!) What part don't you understand. All flying under the DAL code is subject to the DAL pilots' PWA. Simply put!

I understand that, but we were discussing the language in the lawsuit to abrogate ALPA scope, not the language in the PWA.

Clearly the RJDC seeks to eliminate the right of ALPA pilot groups to have scope protections in their CBAs. That is why they have filed their lawsuit, in an effort to abrogate the collective bargaining agreement of the DAL PWA ,and make all DL code flying subject to RFPs.
PCL_128 said:
This is the most important point of this whole thing. For the life of me I can't see why the RJDC pukes don't understand this simple fact.
Well, lets see it started when Chuck Giambusso and Mike Pinho lied to the 2000 BOD meeting and behind the scenes make the threat to take the Delta pilots out of ALPA if the union properly applied its own merger and fragmentation policy.

When the union failed to follow its own Consitution and its own Administrative Policy guidelines it started down the path which lead us into the alter ego world of warring pilot groups.

You simply reflect the wrong headed thinking that got us here. There is no convincing you of the value to unity because you think you benefit from the apartied system. You come on this board and mock the real concern that pilots have for trying to end alter ego.

But when this plays out - and Delta flying stops - there will be many Mesa pilots more qualified, with more PIC time than you have. Ask your buddies at US Air who is getting hired first - the Wholly Owned guys that they squeezed out of their jobs with scope, or the 50 year old 737 First Officers.

Perhaps you can rig some sort of jets for jobs program with Mesa. After all, wasn't that ALPA's real problem with Freedom to begin with?

US Air = Delta ( two years from now except for Delta has twice the debt level and a higher gross loss based on percentage of revenue ) Your apartied system is crashing.

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Delta will go BK

Have you seen the Pension liabilaty? Geez! Only one way out...Yup, BK. Or a negotiated termination or conversion to a cash balance plan like IBM did (I think it was IBM). 1.8 Billion over the next 3 years! Gotta earn that first dollar after the pension payment before things turn around. They still owe for the current year about 250 million!
Doesn't this prove that Comair taking concessions for growth was REALLY STUPID ??? It's obvious that Delta is going to go with the lowest bidder no matter what you do anyway so why not hang on to what you have (or would've had) ???

I realize that you will most likely get what you were promise in that agreement, but that will be it and anything additional will just go to the lowest bidder...
I thought this was about Mesa and Delta--now it is back to the Dam* lawsuit again...

GO CREATE a board for that ----we are tired of hearing it...

AND news flash--DL MGT. does support RJDC.......I know it and just wanted to share it with you guys .

I would think that the Delta folks would be more pissed off about CHQ. taking DL money and then giving 150million to USair....where is the justice in that---lets fund USair...with DL connection money...And now Mesa as a DL connection carrier and they want to invest in USair.

I am sorry but old lesson--you keep your own nose in your own business, and you know what is going on.
scarlet said:
I thought this was about Mesa and Delta--now it is back to the Dam* lawsuit again...

GO CREATE a board for that ----we are tired of hearing it...


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