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Mesa and Delta...It's official

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Management has very successfully neutered ALPA. How can any of the DCI carriers expect to negotiate improvments to their contract?

How can they negotiate growth when each and every opportunity for growth is met with a bidding war?

How can they even be successful in holding on to what they have when Delta is free to shift flying around to the entity that will provide it with the highest margins and lowest cost?

Sure H25B, you can say "heck no!" "full pay till' the last day". I doubt that such an adversarial relationship would be productive within the framework of the portfolio concept. Ultimately Delta can simply wait until the leases are up on existing aircraft and slowly return them to the lessor. After all, there are half-a-dozen other carriers chomping at the bit to take over that flying -- for less!?!

What can a regional airline MEC do? They are between a rock and a hard-place. They are charged with defending the PWA and, at the same time, ensuring the job security of their membership (to the best of their ability). After all, ALPA's job #1 is (or at least should be) Jobs.

I don't envy the Comair pilot representatives right now. Chautauqua was a difficult enough challenge. Now with Mesa the playing field just got a whole lot more crowded.

ALPA's power stems from their ability to withdraw their services if necessary. In the portfolio concept that power is virtually eliminated.

The bar will always be set by the lowest common denominator.

Management won... and they did so nice and legally in compliance with the Delta, Comair, and ASA scope language.
I respectfully disagree and from your experience I am sure you've seen the shortcomings of the "full pay till the last day" concept. But I think we're talking apples and oranges on this one. I can't believe the ultimate outcome was altered (whatever that is) by Comair's "taking one for the team." This agreement was certainly in the works as Delta was asking for the Comair concessions.

So my point was that Delta was shopping before the concessions and will continue to do so regardless, obviously the concessions did not buy some sort of newly found reason for them to keep things in the family.

I had just started at CHQ back in 1999 when Mr. Bedford came to the company and the very first thing he tried was the old jets for concessions (or in our case an extension of the current contract). We voted no and guess what, look where CHQ is today. Not even a shadow of its former self.

I am definately not advocating "full pay till the last day." Of course hindsight is always 20/20, but if I was one of the "yes" voters for those concessions I would feel like this deal with Mesa was a real slap in the face.

Heck, I don't think Delta has even announced what the plans are for the additional jets in the concessions package yet and here we are out with this Mesa deal. This whole thing freakishly reminds me of the days sitting in the PIT crew room listening to all of the Piedmont/PSA/Allegheny "Holy" Owned pilots being ticked at us CHQ guys/gals getting "their" flying...

Bottom line, Comair better get happy with what they have and stop worrying about additional stuff because it is obviously going to be slim pickins from here on out. Not taking those concessions in the first place would have made that process a whole lot easier...
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"if I was one of the "yes" voters for those concessions I would really feel like this deal with Mesa was a real slap in the face."

I think on this one point we can both certainly agree.

Fortunately, and thanks to you, I can observe this whole mess as an "airline enthusiast" rather than as someone whose livlihood depends upon it.

Have my first eval with R.P. today. Wish me luck.
FurloughedAgain said:
"if I was one of the "yes" voters for those concessions I would really feel like this deal with Mesa was a real slap in the face."

I think on this one point we can both certainly agree.

Fortunately, and thanks to you, I can observe this whole mess as an "airline enthusiast" rather than as someone whose livlihood depends upon it.

Have my first eval with R.P. today. Wish me luck.

Give me a call later when you get a chance...
Hey, h25b, your still low paid with a bad qol so where is chq after the 1999 no vote, my answer is close to the bottom. If you still work for chq, you have no voice in this Mesa thing.
Like FurloughedAgain, out of the airlines all together and into corporate. Left CHQ in 2000... BEFORE THE LATEST CONTRACT... I'm fairly paid, home every night (more or less), and get to see the kids grow up. Would have never seen that at ANY regional. Including Comair... Nice try though...

Just hate to see any pilot get hosed. The Comair guys/gals are getting hosed...
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ASH said:
As a CHQ guy on the DAL side of the house, I am weeping.

Mesa...seriously....MESA!?? Sorry, I mean Freedom. Boy I look forward to our next contract negotiations. Now in direct competition with the Mesa contract. Talk about leverage over Mgmnt.:rolleyes:

Now that's rich. A CHQ guy crying over Mesa coming into the fold!

Websters, we've got a new definition for the word...

hy·poc·ri·sy (hi-pok-ri-se)
n. pl. hy·poc·ri·sies
  1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
  2. An act or instance of such falseness.
  3. Chautauqua pilot expressing dismay at being undercut by like minded pilots from another bottom feeding airline.
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FDJ2 said:
Delusional. Denial. Deceit. One or a combination of all three.

You didn't answer Surplus1's question. You dodge and redirect your response by asking several questions of Surplus that, if he takes the time to answer, you'll
dismiss and won't believe anyway.

If Chautauqua, Mesa and/or Skywest invest in Delta, how would you feel if those pilots made scope demands as layed out hypothetically for US Airways in the last page of the update?
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ComeOnSkip said:
Now that's rich. A CHQ guy crying over Mesa coming into the fold!

Well at least we have something in common with the chautaqua pilots now. I am hearing Comair is going to be purchased by Republic. It is a hell of a lot bette than being purchased by skywest.

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