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Lets talk unions....

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Here we go one last time Captain OCD. No, I'm not overreacting. Your logic is sound in your own opinion. It must be nice to be perfect. You never make mistakes.

I do not see the point of 30 people needing a union when things were running smooth in my office. As I have said more than once, you DO NOT know everything that is going on in our office. We had (and please note I said HAD, most of them have quit now) a lot of young impressionable people who voted this thing in because they were told by one bitter, angry person that this is what they needed to do. So, they did. Now we have it and there's a few (maybe six or eight) people who still think we need it. The rest of us want it out because we did a lot better dealing with management directly.

Unions may work for pilots, flight attendants and mechanics but I don't see it helping us. I am very anxious to see what benefits we get if a contract gets voted in at all. If someone else tells me "management can't abuse you anymore, they can't just fire you at will, etc." I'm gonna throw up. They never did that before.

Captain OCD Boy, if you are happy with your union, then I am truly happy for you. In my opinion, we don't need a union. Yes, a majority voted it in here but now that majority has left the company. What I have said is my opinion. If you don't like it, block me and quit responding to whatever drivel you think I write.

I have dogs so I don't need your dysfunctional dog to hump my leg. Thanks for the offer. I told my dogs you were a real, live airline CAPTAIN. They were completely unimpressed. The went outside and left two really sizable craps. I've read all of your posts to both of them and they still think you're a stereotypical pilot who thinks your own poop doesn't stink. What do they know though, they're just dogs.

You need to go reorganize your closet. Your white shirts aren't all spaced exactly 1.75 inches apart on the hangers anymore. You have a hair out of place also. I bet you just ran to the closest mirror and looked.

Fly 'em safe, Captain OCD Godman.
I guess my job doesn't involve any kind of attention detail either. I saw the grin icon.

Go ahead. Tear me up for this badly worded post. I did it fast.
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ShutupandFly said:
Captain OCD boy, give me a break. I'll bet your the kind of guy that puts your uniform on and sits in front of the 7-11 drinking coffee just waiting for someone to come up and say "gee mister are you an honest to goodness real pilot! Golly Gee I wana be just like you when I grow up"

Ha! You can't do both (grow up and be a pilot)
405 said:
Here we go one last time Captain OCD. No, I'm not overreacting. Your logic is sound in your own opinion. It must be nice to be perfect. You never make mistakes.

Never big ones. If I did, I wouldn't be here to type this. I try to make a series of small mistakes that can be caught and corrected by my diligent F/O's. I also try not to whine. I dislike whining.

405 said:
I do not see the point of 30 people needing a union when things were running smooth in my office. As I have said more than once, you DO NOT know everything that is going on in our office. We had (and please note I said HAD, most of them have quit now) a lot of young impressionable people who voted this thing in because they were told by one bitter, angry person that this is what they needed to do. So, they did. Now we have it and there's a few (maybe six or eight) people who still think we need it. The rest of us want it out because we did a lot better dealing with management directly.

Interesting backstory, but it's OBE now. If a majority of your co-workers want the union gone, get rid of it. Or just keeping whining about how terrible the union has made your job. Your choice. If your assessment of the numbers is correct, then it can be done quickly by distributing cards.

405 said:
Unions may work for pilots, flight attendants and mechanics but I don't see it helping us. I am very anxious to see what benefits we get if a contract gets voted in at all. If someone else tells me "management can't abuse you anymore, they can't just fire you at will, etc." I'm gonna throw up. They never did that before.

Well if you don't see them helping you, then that's the way it must be. Given your extensive experience with collective bargaining, you know better than all of us about the benefits of union membership. :rolleyes: <--this icon means I'm being sarcastic. (just trying to help!)

405 said:
Captain OCD Boy, if you are happy with your union, then I am truly happy for you.

Truly? I feel the energy of your warmth.;) <--this icon means I'm kidding about feeling your energy.

405 said:
In my opinion, we don't need a union. Yes, a majority voted it in here but now that majority has left the company. What I have said is my opinion.

Sounds simple. If it bothers you, get those cards distributed and see how the rest of your co-workers really feel.

405 said:
I have dogs so I don't need your dysfunctional dog to hump my leg.

1. My dog functions very well. Try to get through our door sometime while I'm gone and see for yourself.
2. Pity, you two could have really hit it off. My dog doesn't understand unions either!:laugh: <--even MORE sarcasm!

405 said:
I told my dogs you were a real, live airline CAPTAIN. They were completely unimpressed.

Did you mention my charm, wit, and good looks? If you did and they still aren't impressed, then it could be your dogs are full of crap.

405 said:
The went outside and left two really sizable craps.

A ha! See? See? I told you! :laugh: <--that means I'm joking.

405 said:
I've read all of your posts to both of them and they still think you're a stereotypical pilot who thinks your own poop doesn't stink. What do they know though, they're just dogs.

My poop smells kinda "minty".:eek: <--that means it doesn't really...I'm going for shock value here.

405 said:
You need to go reorganize your closet. Your white shirts aren't all spaced exactly 1.75 inches apart on the hangers anymore. You have a hair out of place also. I bet you just ran to the closest mirror and looked.

My shirts are in boxes (they come that way from the cleaners). The only hair I have that's "in place" is sticking out of my ears. I don't have a mirror in my closet.

You're not scoring well here. Suggest you shift the objective back to how much unions have (and surely will) ruin your job.

405 said:
Fly 'em safe, Captain OCD Godman.

Thanks, I appreciate your sincerity. :rolleyes: <--sarcasm reprise
405 said:
I guess my job doesn't involve any kind of attention detail either. I saw the grin icon.

Go ahead. Tear me up for this badly worded post. I did it fast.

Geez...you even edited it fast! You missed the "to" between "attention" and "detail".


Now that's attention to detail!
I knew another novel would follow. Thanks for pointing out what all of the little icons meant. I never knew any of that before.

Hey, Geoff.
Occam's Razor said:
Geez...you even edited it fast! You missed the "to" between "attention" and "detail".


Now that's attention to detail!

You are correct, sir.

I really don't pay any attention to detail in my job. I sit back, play online poker, sleep and SKATE like a mofo. Forecasts? I don't look at them. NOTAM's? What's the point in reading those? You don't need me sitting there watching you professionals fly through weather. You guys know everything already. Adios and have a nice flight.

What's that icon for sarcasm again?:rolleyes: Is that it?
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405 said:
You are correct, sir.

Humbly accepted. (Now if I could convince my kids of that too!)

405 said:
I really don't pay any attention to detail in my job.

Who said anything about your attention to detail on the job? I was pointing out the entertaining irony of typing "attention to detail" incorrectly. You gotta admit that's good stuff.

405 said:
I sit back, play online poker, sleep and SKATE like a mofo. Forecasts? I don't look at them. NOTAM's? What's the point in reading those? You don't need me sitting there watching you professionals fly through weather. You guys know everything already.

Ouch! I'm getting a whiff of self-esteem issues here, buried inside a light, flaky crust of sarcasm. I hope I'm wrong. No Pt. 121 pilot could possibly know enough to do the job safely. It takes a team.

405 said:
Adios and have a nice flight.

Always! It's the best job in the world! Thanks ALPA! ;) <--union plug.

405 said:
What's that icon for sarcasm again?:rolleyes: Is that it?

Depends on context.

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