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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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LegacyIIDriver said:
You forgot Skull-Two, a$$hole.

Ban this: *middle finger*
Now wait a minute, you said I was the one losing because I made what you thought was some irrational comment, now you go and do this???

LegacyIIDriver said:
It wouldn't be funny if he and I met face to face. I'd be in jail and he'd be in the hospital.
Now this, well this is a threat... So we'll leave this up as proof/evidence... Reverting to hostilities now, tisk, tisk, tisk... and to think, YOU started this thread... What were you thinking???

LegacyIIDriver said:
What is this? The sound a WSCofD's engine makes as it blows itself out in the thin air at FL410??? Or the sound it makes when you run it out of fuel "beating the book numbers" and trying to fly it 3,400+ NM???
LegacyIIDriver said:
To you I say, thanks, G100. Perhaps one day I will have the privilege... *salute*


"POOF"??? What's that? what's that poof? did anyone else hear a poof? I distinctly heard a poof!....did I just hear the signature poofing-sound "poof" of a Brazilian circuit breaker tripping? No, it can't be, those things never trip, they aren't even necessary...nothing breaks. So what else could it be.. Uh oh, omg omg.....does this mean...WSCoDriver, are you there?...Say it ain't so....he's....(sniff)......he's......(sniff)..(sniff)....



I guess it was the sound of the breakers tripping his head, and gee I miss him already, but now what am I supposed to do for fun? (sigh) Oh well, there's always Teamster-hassling over on the Frac Board.
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So much talk about a frigging airplane!

How this has not turned into a BBQ thread by now, blows my mind!
LegacyIIDriver said:
It wouldn't be funny if he and I met face to face. I'd be in jail and he'd be in the hospital.

Enjoy your fun without me. I'm gone! The stupidity level has surpassed my tolerance...

It was...well...interesting.


Such maniacal devotion to something as stupid as an airplane? I mean, it's not like he insulted your family or something, dude... it's a hunk of freakin' metal! (Scrap aluminum must be cheaper than composites in Brazil ;) ) To actually feel like violence would be necessary over something that inconsequential makes me think you aren't psychiatrically qualified to be in command of a golf cart, much less an aircraft.

And what an aircraft it is, too, right? :rolleyes: I've been flying this POS for years... I mean, even if you flew a GV or BBJ or something I couldn't see caring about it enough to put this much effort into defending it... but an RJ???

Geez, why dontcha get a job with a regional? The pay might suck, but you'll be among your own kind (we even let you all have your own side of the crew room, where you can congregate and talk about flying a jet, while we hide over on the other side and discuss important things like women, barbecue, new job prospects etc...

Sorry, but 40 pages of this? You're out of control, man. It's a pipe. A sucky one at that. Let it go...
Stearmandriver said:
And what an aircraft it is, too, right? :rolleyes: I've been flying this POS for years... It's a pipe. A sucky one at that. Let it go...
Ah yes, another "Testimonial" of the fine attributes of the WSCofD by someone who would really know, an EMB-145 Captain!... This is now what? 4 EMB Pilots who all agree it is a POS???

CatYaaak said:
....the scenario would be slightly different. Firstly, the GV would be asked to stop his climb at FL450 on his way to FL510, because the Falcon would be at FL470. Now, if it was a climbing G-lV (instead of G-V), no conflict is possible because he's leveling off 2,000' below me, so no worries (granted, watching it shoot by below would probably give me Hotel/Challenger near-miss flashbacks).

Kind of overstating the performance of both the Falcon and Gulfstream, aren't you? Neither one can climb anywhere near their max altitudes until their weights are down pretty low. In the F2000, lucky to get above FL410 until down to mid-weight, and only if it's ISA minus........

The Fokker; yea, she's slow but we rarely fly her above the mid 20's since she's pretty much on schedules all day, and there she fits right in. When she ventures south of the border, she's in the mid 30's, but still out of the way since the newer airliners are way above her. Besides, she wasn't designed for longhaul......mostly regional stuff, like the WSofD.
fokkerjet said:
Kind of overstating the performance of both the Falcon and Gulfstream, aren't you? QUOTE]


My good man, have you forgotten where you are? This is the WSCOD thread, where concepts like "overstatement" or "fact" are just so......passe'. 40 pages of posts has established that it's strictly "Book or better" around here! Those Falcon numbers are from the book, and not only that, the "real world" numbers I get are much, much better.

You see, Dassault numbers have always been conservative, and with the new wiper mod and lighweight galley-counter the performan..........
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All of you guys would have loved to fly the legacy when you first were looking for a job. Also, if the company that you work for may go tits up in the future, who knows what you'll end up flying, you may even have to change your opinion about the legacy......
Flechas said:
All of you guys would have loved to fly the legacy when you first were looking for a job. Also, if the company that you work for may go tits up in the future, who knows what you'll end up flying, you may even have to change your opinion about the legacy......
The ONLY reason the Legacy is getting bashed so bad (Remember, this is the "Legacy Bashfest" here, just like Legacy Driver named it, we are just doing our part to keep the thread on topic!) is because LegacyDriver (i.e. WSCofDdriver) came on here trying to boast that the Legacy is the "End all, Be all" of Corporate aircraft and that it is better than any other machine out there in this field... He came looking for an argument, and by golly, he found one!

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