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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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Well int hat case go ahead and BASH AWAY!!!
Now to stay on topic, all of yo are right about the Falcons and Gulfstreams being way better. But if we talk about $$ here, I think the Brasilians are doing a great job!
CatYaaak said:
fokkerjet said:
Kind of overstating the performance of both the Falcon and Gulfstream, aren't you? QUOTE]


My good man, have you forgotten where you are? This is the WSCOD thread, where concepts like "overstatement" or "fact" are just so......passe'. 40 pages of posts has established that it's strictly "Book or better" around here! Those Falcon numbers are from the book, and not only that, the "real world" numbers I get are much, much better.

You see, Dassault numbers have always been conservative, and with the new wiper mod and lighweight galley-counter the performan..........

I'm sorry Comrade, I stand corrected and will send myself off to the gulag will I force myself to lose my western ideas and adopt those of the "Homeland".......:D

I need a new handle.......has "Yak'erjet" been reserved yet?
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Flechas said:
All of you guys would have loved to fly the legacy when you first were looking for a job. Also, if the company that you work for may go tits up in the future, who knows what you'll end up flying, you may even have to change your opinion about the legacy......

It's not really about the airplane. I first began corporate flying in a Westwind of all things...kind of the Legacy of it's day. And yes indeed, I was happy as he!!, and it had it's good points, but I certainly didn't run around insisting to everyone it was some kind of Star-machine.

Will the Brazilians sell as many WSCoDs to the corporate world as there are Westwinds running around? Time will tell, but you have something more substantial than "It was an airliner" to sell it with. Forget the rarified world of BBJ's and G-Vs, even in the fertile ground of turboprops I can remember 15 years ago Bae pushing hard to market the corporate-version Jetstream as a King Air replacement. Unlike the WSCoD, it even had BETTER perfomance numbers than it's target market competition in many areas...and carried more people....So where are those Limeycraft now?

Of course, no aircraft, including the aptly-named WSCoD, will EVER usurp the Bagel Bomber as King of Aircraft Nicknames. It outperforms ALL the competition here. The Yom Kippur Clipper (etc., etc, etc.) reigns supreme and shall never be supplanted!

Everyone likes to support their own aircraft to some degree, but among peers, there's a world of difference between highlighting your aicraft's forte's and sounding like a clueless salesman. Hint: when you start arguing "Airplanes" with experienced, fact-producing factory test pilots to the point you're even telling them the capabilities of their own aircraft, you've solidly entered that latter realm.

LegacyDriver would have done much better to have immediately changed his name to "WSCoDriver", and worn it like a badge of honor. It's not often many of us get to see something like this...witnessing the birth of a great acronym-name. WSCoD!

Most of us get it. That LegacyDriver and Silver Wings don't understand that it's a play on the well-known nickname "Whistling Death" given to that great aircraft, the F4U Corsair, by the Japanese, is not our fault...pushing the two of them into the silly excersize of citing other aircraft's "Death Rates" vs. the WSCoDs. I mean, how weird is that?

Personally, I'd like to buy a few beers and congratulate the anonymous regional puke who thought it up. I hope he decides to fly corporate someday. He obviously has a working knowledge of history, the right attitude, and a great sense of humor.
CatYaaak said:
It's not really about the airplane. I first began corporate flying in a Westwind of all things...kind of the Legacy of it's day. And yes indeed, I was happy as he!!, and it had it's good points, but I certainly didn't run around insisting to everyone it was some kind of Star-machine.

Will the Brazilians sell as many WSCoDs to the corporate world as there are Westwinds running around? Time will tell, but you have something more substantial than "It was an airliner" to sell it with. Forget the rarified world of BBJ's and G-Vs, even in the fertile ground of turboprops I can remember 15 years ago Bae pushing hard to market the corporate-version Jetstream as a King Air replacement. Unlike the WSCoD, it even had BETTER perfomance numbers than it's target market competition in many areas...and carried more people....So where are those Limeycraft now?

Of course, no aircraft, including the aptly-named WSCoD, will EVER usurp the Bagel Bomber as King of Aircraft Nicknames. It outperforms ALL the competition here. The Yom Kippur Clipper (etc., etc, etc.) reigns supreme and shall never be supplanted!

Everyone likes to support their own aircraft to some degree, but among peers, there's a world of difference between highlighting your aicraft's forte's and sounding like a clueless salesman. Hint: when you start arguing "Airplanes" with experienced, fact-producing factory test pilots to the point you're even telling them the capabilities of their own aircraft, you've solidly entered that latter realm.

LegacyDriver would have done much better to have immediately changed his name to "WSCoDriver", and worn it like a badge of honor. It's not often many of us get to see something like this...witnessing the birth of a great acronym-name. WSCoD!

Most of us get it. That LegacyDriver and Silver Wings don't understand that it's a play on the well-known nickname "Whistling Death" given to that great aircraft, the F4U Corsair, by the Japanese, is not our fault...pushing the two of them into the silly excersize of citing other aircraft's "Death Rates" vs. the WSCoDs. I mean, how weird is that?

Personally, I'd like to buy a few beers and congratulate the anonymous regional puke who thought it up. I hope he decides to fly corporate someday. He obviously has a working knowledge of history, the right attitude, and a great sense of humor.
As usual, a well though-out, well-written, entertaining post!!! Kudos to the Yaaak!
Guys (and you too, WSCoDdriver),

This thing is coming up on 600 posts and nearly 20,000 reads, lets keep this very informative thread going and push it into the FlightInfo "Largest, Most Popular Thread, Hall of Fame"!!!

I believe it already holds the FI record for "Post Which Remained on Topic the Longest"... The WSCoD is so much fun to "Bash" (as our thread originator requested) that there has been no need to drift off topic!

Carry On!
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Falcon Capt said:
Oh, we aren't even CLOSE to being done here...

I disagree. It's obvious the Falcon is better than the Legacy, Legacy driver doesn't know his ass from his head, and it's down to 3 posters.....
Maybe if we coax WSCoDDriver back for a few more of his "facts".

Come on WSCODDriver, just hang around for 3 more weeks till that FL410 chip comes online. Remember FL410 is coming on May 1 now!

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