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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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CatYaaak said:
ATC: "Falcon XXXX, stop your climb at FL 350, and reduce to .73 mach or less"

FalconCapt: "XXXX Center, WTFO????"

ATC: "Sorry guys, slower traffic above you, same direction, doing their best impression of a high altitude road block".

FalconCapt: "Aw...don't tell me..."

ATC: "Yeah (sigh)....it's a WSCoD"

FalconCapt: " a &%*^% WSCOD! I knew it! Can't you have it...you know....shot down or something?

ATC: "In my dreams Falcon, but they don't let me live out my fantasies when I work. Can you give me .83 or better?

FalconCapt: "Sure"

ATC: "Okay, increase to .83 or better. As soon as you're clear I'll climb you up in front of that mother......ing WSCoD close enough to show him what a real airplane looks like."

FalconCapt: "Okay, we only smelled him before, but now we have the WSCoD traffic in sight at 20 miles...make that 12 mile...7 mi....no wait, 4 miles.....whoa!,..Center, I've never seen the a$$-end of an airplane tail come at me so fast!"

ATC: "Heh heh, yeah, I heard we made them paint stripes on 'em so you other guys wouldn't mistake 'em for clouds. Falcon XXXX, I know this is an understatement, but WSCoD traffic no factor. Climb now to FL 450"

FalconCapt: "Climbing to FL450, Falcon XXXX.....$**&^ing WSCoD"

ATC: "You said it, man....*$(&#@ WSCoD"...

Funny thing about this piece is that if you substitute the WSofD to a Falcon, and the trailing Falcon to a Gulfstream, guess who would be the roadblock now? Other than pointing the Falcon straight down, the Gulfstream blows the doors off the Falcon (at least a F2000 vs GV):D It's pretty hard NOT to be in a Gulfstreams way!
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Yeah, but unless you're in the bowels of FSI SAV or the factory across the parking lot, most G-whatever guys will tell you they respect the Falcons.

Haven't flown one but would like to. At least they aren't hanger queens like GLEX's... Oops, sorry, I retract the statement.

Yaaak--That post was great. That was up there with the movie of the guy nailing his ex-girlfriend's mom. LMAO.TC
Has anyone else noticed that LegacyIIDriver has been strangely absent/quiet???

Maybe his account "doesn't work" again!!! Like all of his other excuses!

Shall we start taking bets as to what name he resurfaces as next...

Let's review what he has used so far (in chronological order):


Anyone??? Anyone??? Buehler???
fokkerjet said:
Funny thing about this piece is that if you substitute the WSofD to a Falcon, and the trailing Falcon to a Gulfstream, guess who would be the roadblock now? Other than pointing the Falcon straight down, the Gulfstream blows the doors off the Falcon (at least a F2000 vs GV):D It's pretty hard NOT to be in a Gulfstreams way!

The 2000 vs. almighty G-V granted......no contest! But....

....the scenario would be slightly different. Firstly, the GV would be asked to stop his climb at FL450 on his way to FL510, because the Falcon would be at FL470. Now, if it was a climbing G-lV (instead of G-V), no conflict is possible because he's leveling off 2,000' below me, so no worries (granted, watching it shoot by below would probably give me Hotel/Challenger near-miss flashbacks).

Now if you used the low WSCoD altitudes taken from the scenario instead, the GV would be asked to slow to .83 (instead of .73) because the Falcon would be doing .84 or a tad more. (why push it up to .865?). But FalconCapt flies a 900EX...he's the guy who was flying that fateful WSCoD day...and his airplane would generate better numbers than a putt putt 2000.

If a 2000 wants to run away from Gulfstreams, we have a tactic we use to surround and herd them down to low levels where we make use of our 370kt Vmo....which really bugs 'em. We just have to watch out for the Fokkers down there. Btw, do they tether those things or something? (heh heh)

But all this is so off the point, and that point is................

Yeah, I think the new screen name should be WSCoD, too.
Falcon Capt said:
Has anyone else noticed that LegacyIIDriver has been strangely absent/quiet???

Maybe his account "doesn't work" again!!! Like all of his other excuses!

Shall we start taking bets as to what name he resurfaces as next...

Let's review what he has used so far (in chronological order):


Anyone??? Anyone??? Buehler???

You forgot Skull-Two, a$$hole.

Ban this: *middle finger*
Careful there now. Do not get yourself banned. This is still funny you know.

Word to the wise. Scotch and aviation forums do not mix.
It wouldn't be funny if he and I met face to face. I'd be in jail and he'd be in the hospital.

Enjoy your fun without me. I'm gone! The stupidity level has surpassed my tolerance...

It was...well...interesting.

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You will be missed. I for one will be very sorry to see you go. Good luck to you. You really should spend some time in a G-string or frog ship. You will then know what we are all talking about.

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