Air Wisconsin 5% with 3% fixed, Comair 6%, Mesaba up to 12.5%, Horizon up to 10%, Piedmont up to 8%. We have fairly similar medical plans. We are not far off from a regional. But we are a nice place to work.
Wrong sir. Most of those plans, I can speak for Mesaba for sure, are 1-2% for the first 5 years, then 3% for the next 5 years, then 7% or so for the next 5 years...
Mesaba takes something like 14+ years to get to 10%, and 18+ years to get to 12.5%
I would bet real money that most if not all of the others are similar.
We get 10% from day one, and with the time value of compounding interest, the difference is considerable. I left Pinnacle/Mesaba (same contract) after more than 5 years.... 1.5% TOTAL 401k match.... (new contract, old one was WORSE!)
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