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Dave Benjamin said:
Has anyone seen a copy of that contract? Could it just be an urban myth? Crew costs are only a small part of the puzzle. Attractive finance or lease rates on the aircraft themselves probably have far more impact. Efficient scheduling and utilization are a big factor. If managment really negotiated a clause to be second lowest they should have got some concurrence from your MEC. Since SkyWest Airlines and ASA are separate entities in theory how can they both be expected to have second lowest operating costs? I've heard people at SKYW make the same claim about the need to be second lowest.


Why does Delta care about the breakdown of cost? It's just the total they need to put on the check that matters.

The whole "second lowest crew cost" garbage is made up by management. In fact, Delta could mandate "second highest crew cost" and demand all other costs be reduced to give a lower final cost.....to guarantee the pilots are happy. That would not only be feasible, but make better business sense.

The truth is, JA, BL think we are SO STUPID that we believe that Delta really cares exactly how SKYW arrives at a cost for Delta to pay.

They don't
Speaking to the credibility of "Voice of Reason", the originator of this post... "Voice of Reason" happens to be Joe Merchant's OLDER GIRLFRIEND.

Do you now understand her motivation to undermine the MEC and convince you to settle the contract based on a phantom proposal and lies?

It is true that they made a proposal, but it disappeared when asked to put it on paper. LJ's lies and misinformation are always real. She is bitter that she can't control negotiations this time and transform the contract into a earmark for her and her special interest cronies.
John Pennekamp said:
Let me tell ya why, Biscuit. Because that's EXACTLY why Comair took two concessionary offers. Their MEC is weak and they panicked that the pilots would reise hell if they didn't put it to a vote and they would get recalled. So they put a B.S. proposal up for vote and sh_t if it didn't pass! The company seized on the opportunity and scared the bejesus out of the pilots while offering the SJS guys a nice new ride.

I'm glad our MEC is strong enough and smart enough to resist the temptation you management shills keep crying for!

So your afraid of what the majority want? Doesn't majority rule? If the majority of pilots want this deal, then who are MEC to prevent them from voting on it? It is our right to decide our future. I guess you think ALPA people are smarter than the membership.
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ASADriver said:
So your afraid of what the majority want? Doesn't majority rule? If the majority of pilots want this deal, then who are MEC to prevent them from voting on it? It is our right to decide our future. I guess you think ALPA people are smarter than the membership.

Yes, majority does rule. You and your views are the minority. The MAJORITY of the pilots do tell the MEC what they want. You're bitter because you're in the minority and also a "management pilot", and can't get what you want. Now get off flightinfo and get back to work, Biscuit, or I'm calling your boss. You're on the clock right now. Glad you GO types spend your work day on Flightinfo.
John Pennekamp said:
Yes, majority does rule. You and your views are the minority. The MAJORITY of the pilots do tell the MEC what they want. You're bitter because you're in the minority and also a "management pilot", and can't get what you want. Now get off flightinfo and get back to work, Biscuit, or I'm calling your boss. You're on the clock right now. Glad you GO types spend your work day on Flightinfo.

But that isn't what you said above. You said the CMR MEC gave into the majority and that was a mistake. You also implied that might happen here if the membership were given the choice to vote. The majority spoke at CMR and you don't like it. Your afraid the majority here might vote yes to this offer.
ASADriver said:
But that isn't what you said above. You said the CMR MEC gave into the majority and that was a mistake. You also implied that might happen here if the membership were given the choice to vote. The majority spoke at CMR and you don't like it. Your afraid the majority here might vote yes to this offer.

Biscuit, this 'ain't comair, and our pilots are a lot stronger. My comment above is that I don't want them to be sucseptible to you and your management buddies propaganda. That's what killed comair. The pilots never called for a vote, the MEC offered it, and management hijacked it.

Tell Dudley to get off the computer and get back to work... unless management is paying him to come on here and spin...
Hey Genius,
The "majority" just voted two weeks ago to strike by an overwhelming margin. If you think this Non-offer offer - written in pencil so shills like yourself can get out the word that the MEC said no thanks - is good enough to change the minds of a majority of our pilots, well I've got this bridge... In the current environment that is ASA no pilot is going to be fooled by a ghost offer and a hand shake. We all know that the devil is in the details.
Why PBS now? Why didn't the company pursue this years ago? Although CT & the gang would like the pilots here to forget what life has been like here for the last 5+ years & just hastily agree to whatever makes him look good right now - It's not going to happen.
Get back to the table. Get Serious. Get it in writing. Until then, it's all just your word on the internet. No way that is enough to sway this pilot group. The ink isn't even dry on the strike ballots - the majority Has spoken. You're just not in it.
ASADriver said:
Then how about showing it to the membership and letting us vote on it? It has been verified that the offer was made. It's simple, put it down on paper and send it out for a vote.

It's not an offer if was not made in a mediated negotiation. If they're serious they should invite us back to the table. But they're not, it's just propaganda for them to use. I hope the CNC learned a lesson and the next time the co. wants to talk they need to schedule a mediated meeting.

They're trying to stall so SKW can prepare for a strike. We need to strike soon, the sooner the better. If we give in then they'll go to the SKW pilots and tell them they need to be cheaper than us. Then they'll come back to us and say we need to be cheaper than them again, and so on and so on.

And for all the GO types who cruise these boards, if we give in they'll come after you next. Look at any airline that got concessions from organized labor, they've always followed up by going after everyone else. Right now mgmt is making you think you're part of the team and it's "us against them". But in the end they'll cut your pay also unless some one finally says enough is enough.

I thought JA was going to be stand-up guy to work for, but he's turned out to be a Lorenzo mini-me. Shame on him and the puppets in the ATL GO who blindly follow him around.
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ASADriver said:
So your afraid of what the majority want? Doesn't majority rule? If the majority of pilots want this deal, then who are MEC to prevent them from voting on it? It is our right to decide our future. I guess you think ALPA people are smarter than the membership.

Hey driver, a majority is 50.1%. A few weeks ago we passed a strike vote by 92%. I would say that is quite a majority. A majority that is not interested in non offers by management that are tied to things that polling has clearly shown that the pilot group does not want. Our MEC and CNC knows what the majority of the pilots want because they have paid for Wilson Polling data for the past 4 years.
Ganja60Heavy said:

Why does Delta care about the breakdown of cost? It's just the total they need to put on the check that matters.

The whole "second lowest crew cost" garbage is made up by management. In fact, Delta could mandate "second highest crew cost" and demand all other costs be reduced to give a lower final cost.....to guarantee the pilots are happy. That would not only be feasible, but make better business sense.

The truth is, JA, BL think we are SO STUPID that we believe that Delta really cares exactly how SKYW arrives at a cost for Delta to pay.

They don't

Every cost element is broken down, including crew costs. The overall cost is required to remain within parameters as is individual costs. The second lowest cost requirement is required by 2008' and is a approved provision in the bancruptcy hearings and is available on-line throught the freedom of information act.

It may not sit well with you but the company doesn't need to nor should have to get approval from the pilot group to secure business opportunities. If it is not compatible with your contract then amend, change, or strike until it is.
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