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ASARJMan said:
Granted DW was great for the pilot group, and CS was an OK CP, but LJ was way too lax on discipline. LJ was more interested in being 'loved' & 'popular', as though she were in HS.

I think during the time you are talking about was right after the 98 TA was signed and SrVP Paquette was still here. He was one senor mgt person that actually came out on the airport and observed what really was going on, and discovered that the fault for the screwed up operation wasn't the pilots fault. He deserves more credit other than DW for those times.

Sadly, it's returned to a f*#ked-up operation now, and getting worse. BL used to be in charge of the ATL ramp, never really did anything in that position, then was promoted over to the G/O, and then took over when SB left. All SB was interested in was promoting SB, and getting his picture published to impress Delta, where he came from. Ex-Delta managers running ASA has been very detrimental to ASA. Will JA ever discover this, and start canning some of these clowns?


I don't know what her title was but she was not a CP under Dan Waters. She was Randy Martin's predecessor. I think she was called a contract administrator or manager of pilots contracts??????

Prior to Dan Waters taking over she was a CP. She was always dumping her work on Chromer who was always in the airport area where he could bail her out if she was on the boat with JoeMerchant when she should have been working. Chromer carried her until he got tired of being used. I guess they are friends again because they both are kind of short on people who haven't figured them out. Her and Joe always take great care of themselves and only befriend others who they can use. She was dumped by ASA Management and the MEC. Good goes around!
I have talked to several SkyWest pilots and flight attendants and almost all of them have said they like PBS. It just takes learning the system to make it work well.

Rather than try to talk them into joining ALPA, why don't we (ASA) get rid of ALPA and take their (SkyW) working agreement. We would immediatly make more money and have better QOL than we have now. Plus, we would stop lining the pockets of our useless union.

If you're not able to dual qualify on other planes, maybe you should not be flying anyway....just a thought.

Oh yes, he talked to SEVERAL pilots and FAs and they all liked it, therefore it's statistically PROVEN that a MAJORITY of skywest crews like it and we should go for it at ASA! Sheesh!

It never amazes me how you management types can be so stupid and shallow. But then again, you're too busy fighting the pilots and FAs to staff the airline properly too.
perhaps I should have said "unions" set it up. As far as I'm concerned, they all suck.

Hey moderators, looks like D'Angelo has washed up again!
John Pennekamp said:
It never amazes me how you management types can be so stupid and shallow. But then again, you're too busy fighting the pilots and FAs to staff the airline properly too.

It never ceases to amaze me how you die-hard union types think anyone who disagrees with the union is a "management type". I guess we are all supposed to blindly follow the union. Give me another cup of the ALPA koolaid, the first cup didn't take.
ASADriver said:
Yeah well I'm not impressed with Congress either. You answered my question though. This offer would probably pass and the hardliners running the show aren't going to do that. They would rather burn the place down and send a message. How that harms other people is of no concern to hardline union people.

But guess what? The hardliners are the elected reps. Go ahead and recall them if you think you have the votes, Biscuit! Install a management shill like yourself and sell out the pilot group.

Speculation of how a proposal would pass is just that.
ASADriver said:
Well that is what a lot of the loudmouths were saying prior to the scheduling section being done. I remember lots of ALPA saying "we aren't asking for big raises, we are only asking for QOL improvements". Then when the scheduling section got done, they changed their line to "we will not take a paycut". Now it is "we want pay raises and full retro". Seems like the hardliners keep trying to raise the demands.

A paycut was NEVER in the plans genius. Yes, the majority of the gains that the pilot group wanted was in QOL, and the new section 13 addresses that. But the majority of the pilot group was NOT willing to accept a paycut for better QOL.
ASADriver said:
Well that is what a lot of the loudmouths were saying prior to the scheduling section being done. I remember lots of ALPA saying "we aren't asking for big raises, we are only asking for QOL improvements". Then when the scheduling section got done, they changed their line to "we will not take a paycut". Now it is "we want pay raises and full retro". Seems like the hardliners keep trying to raise the demands.

Taking a pay cut NEVER was part of the plan mister. But we expect COLA to be part of this contract, and every contract for that matter. As far as retro, are you saying we shouldn't get it? Think of the $$$ the company has not paid us in COLA for the past 4 years. Sure, some still get a raise every year, but many of us senior pukes are topped out, and all we want is a COLA raise. Not unreasonable. After all, didn't BL get that stock deal?

Yes, QOL was the most important improvement we are looking for. Now that we have that, ASA wants to reopen it? Don't think so. They want PBS now, well, a side letter will deal with that after we achieve a TA.

CFIT doesn't like it read some of his posts about it. A good chunk like it? That's the first SKW pilot I have heard say he likes it. I or the union is not trying to sell PBS, the company is. But to say that we have to implement PBS in order to get a TA that is stupid. Does the company have a PBS in mind? And how does that get implemented? They probably don't have a clue. You just gonna take a PBS that the company gives you? You can bet it will be the worst out there that benifits only the company.

I don't have a problem with dual qualification. Pay me accordingly for knowing 2 aircraft and pay me the rate for the aircraft when I fly it and I'm fine. But I won't fly more than 50 seats for 50 seat rates. Especially the lowest 50 seat rate out there. That old dog group is about 20 people on the ATR that couldn't pass any CRJ course so it doesn't matter.

I won't have a problem with it either, but I am sure not going to sign off on a system that I don't know about.

The union is fighting hard for those things. You think they would turn down a PBS that was good for the pilots and company?

I didn't mean to give the impression that PBS is bad but, depending on your work rules it can become a big consession. One thing that can't be argued is that our PBS program is very complicated, however, once you get the hang of it then it's not a problem. I'm certain that if SkyWest Inc. wants you to have PBS it will be the program in use at SkyWest Airlines and that program is from AOS. If that is indeed the case then it would be in ASA pilots best intrest to have someone on the CNC that is very computer savvy to investigate the way the system works and the possible hidden consession points.

As far as flying both aircraft type, it's not that big of a deal, I think it makes you a better pilot and keeps you head in the game more. And Tomclit, you need to get a life, your bitterness and pissy attitude must make you a joy to be around.
atrdriver said:
If you think that the RJ is somehow harder to learn or fly than the ATR you are fooling yourself. I came over to the RJ because of the schedules, not because I wanted to fly that POS.

I wasn't meaning to offend. My sarcasm is lost in translation. Nothing against the ol timers but there have been a few that have had a problem with the computer age. Being that they don't own a computer it's hard to get through the CBT's. LOL
ASADriver said:
It never ceases to amaze me how you die-hard union types think anyone who disagrees with the union is a "management type". I guess we are all supposed to blindly follow the union. Give me another cup of the ALPA koolaid, the first cup didn't take.

Hey, Biscuit, whatya think about SKYW offering their pilots matching pay on the 700? ALPA doing pretty good getting those boys and girls a pay raise ( and they're nonunion) , 2% across the board. We're next, if this place doesn't melt down completely.


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