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Kerry Purple Heart Doc Speaks Out

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MW44 said:
Notice that this Navy doctor hasn't said a word about this for 35 years but suddenly he speaks up.

sounds an awful lot like a certain Mr. Clarke who decided to retire first, then "suddenly he speaks up"...dosent it ;)
350DRIVER said:
It is well documented that George W. Bush never showed up for National Guard duty for a period of approximately one year, possibly more, in 1972-1973.

im with Marine on this one, i still dont understand what the deal is...

look, i was in the guard for 3 years (after my 5 years of active duty) and, if one were to pull my record, i actually was not there for almost about 8 months of that time.

its very comon for some guys to miss lots of guard time for a plethora of reasons, be it family, job related, or whatever. its nothing new and happens in practically every guard unit around the country. normally the time is made up, but just like in my case they acknowledged that it would be near impossible, and i got out on my original ETS date with an honorable discharge, and no negative action taken...so wheres the story :confused:
Ok 350....

...I know this is an exercise in futility...but can you please give some factual examples of this country going backwards and how Bush is specifically responsible?

As far as Bush being "awol"....if he had done what Kerry did...you would be ranting about him only serving 4 months and wriggling out of his service. It is funny that Bush's questionable service and lying is somehow so much more serious than Kerry's questionable service and lying.

Are you really going to lump togther everyone who has ever served in our National Guard and Reserve units as having a "comical military record"? That statement alone shows your lack of knowledge and aversion to reasonable argument and disagreement. It is absolutely fine that you don't like Bush...but seriously...put some thought into your reasons. All I have ever read from you about Bush is the same crap repeated over and over in some form. I guess as long as Kerry actually went to Vietnam, even if just to say he was there...(come on...4 months and he's out...you don't see anything fishy about that?)...and he got a couple of boo boo's...well...he has to be more important than everyone who has ever served in the Guard right? He paid his dues? Wake up and smell the sulfur.

A reasonable, factual argument...c'mon...I know you can do it.

MarineGrunt said:

lol...yea, thats it. nevermind that my job required me in international waters ;)

...its kind of hard to pull guard when your about 15 hours (by boat) from the nearest piece of dirt, and over 2,000 miles to my guard unit once i do get to that particular dirt :D

guess i better never run for any political office, huh :rolleyes:
There is actually lots of evidence of GW being AWOL. Also, Kerry served 2 tours, not 4 months. His record is available at johnkerry.com if you wish to see it. As far as being an airline pilot is concerned, which candadite do you think is pro-labor? Who do you think ALPA supports?
So lets see the evidence of AWOL..

4 months...just like I said....Dec. to March on the gunboat. The service on the Griddly previous...was not a "tour"....neither was his 4 whole months on the gunboat. His wounds were scrapes at best....the truth comes out from those he served with. It should send a big smoke signal up that those he served with and most Vets can't stand the man. He served only to serve himself.

Re: Bush AWOL

Sheesh, even the NY Times thinks he completed his duty:
Until his fifth year of National Guard duty, there is no question about his service.
The Globe says those who served with Mr. Bush regarded him as a top pilot and that he spent more time on active duty than was minimally required for reservists.
In the first four years of of his six-year commitment, he spent the equivalent of 21 months on duty.

In May of 1972, George W. Bush moved to Alabama to help in a U.S. Senate campaign and requested permission to serve in a unit in that state.
His superiors, however, later said they did not approve of that unit because it didn't do much.
There were no drills or exercises.
The unit's commander told the Boston Globe that it had no airplanes and essentially met one weeknight per month.
The Globe says that months apparently went by without resolution to Mr. Bush's status and, therefore, no guard duty.
Technically, without new orders, he was still a part of his unit in Texas, but he was living in Alabama.
Mr. Bush was eventually assigned to a unit in Montgomery.
One of the superior officers there told the Globe he could not remember George Bush serving there. But in 2004, he told reporters that he never intended for that statement to mean that Bus hadn't served. He was simply saying he didn't recall his being there..
During that time, Bush failed to take his annual pilot's physical examination and was removed from flight status.
A Bush spokesman told the Globe that Mr. Bush does recall doing some duty in Alabama.
On another occasion, a representative for the president said that Bush made up for any time that was lost by participating in other drills.
But his service records show about a year in which there is no report of duty.

From May to July of 1973, the records show that Mr. Bush did log 36 days of active duty. He was granted an honorable discharge in October of 1973.

The New York Times looked into the allegations in 2002 and concluded that the time Mr. Bush missed had been made up satisfactorily and that his records showed his having performed all the required service.

From this site:
So what the hell is the issue?

"Until his fifth year of National Guard duty, there is no question about his service."

5 years...and then he decides he wants to do something else. Big friggen deal. You people are grasping at straws. Awol shmawol. 5 years of service....and for all you liberal wackos...if the NY Times reports it...it must be.


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