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Kerry Purple Heart Doc Speaks Out

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Mr. Irrelevant said:
I'll bite Marine. I wish I had done military service at a much younger age. I don't believe they'd even take me at my age now. Not an excuse but at least I'd have the sack to say I don't want to serve right now as opposed to opting for student deferments or call my father and get into a guard slot as a "volunteer"! It was a cushy slot Marine and you and everyone else on the Repub side knows it. It doesn't mean he isn't a good or bad president. I'm just tired of seeing the GOP blow smoke up our asses about Kerry being such a p-u-s-s-y when their guy "volunteered" for a unit that was clearly set up to give special priveleges to those with connections.

Maybe we should think of the reason behind the lack of volunteers for the services. I doubt anyone here would hold back on volunteering if the world were faced with a WWII situation again. This war on terror is not the same and deserves to be in Afganistan and Pakistan until Osama is toast! It is there obviously but not with the force it could have. Why?? Because we went to Iraq on some BS WMD scare. That's a whole other political quagmire now that I really don't believe Bush nor Kerry has the faintest clue how to handle. And neither do I.

Mr. I.
Cushy job? Dam, I woulda given my right nut and most of the sack to fly F-102s... sure beats poundin the dirt! But anyway, I ain't gonna bust yer balls dude, at least you can back up your statements and don't give me a website for a reference. Shows me your thinkin.

Dubya 2004.

Grunt out.
FN FAL said:
terrorism isn't going to be over with just because they caught Saddam and it aint going to be over with when they catch Usama either, the feds figure terrorism and fear of terrorism is a trend that will here for a long time.
uuuh, not sure if you're misunderstanding me or if you are piggy-backing on my statement, but that's where I was going. This war will never end. We will need a lot more troops in the near future, since most of those getting back from the war are getting out. Especally those who were in the sh.t. Come 5 years from now, we'll be hurtin for bodies...
uuuh, not sure if you're misunderstanding me or if you are piggy-backing on my statement
I'm agreeing with you. We entered into a new era of threats to national security and global security with terrorist attacks on the USS Cole and 9/11...and it didn't end with the capture of Saddam.

....I currently have a very close friend who has just been released by his current guard unit to pursue a career in another state with the possibility of transferring to a different unit closer to where he will be. He served and now he is done. Who gives a flying frogs fat a$$ what he does between now and whenever he reports again.

For you to say Bush is "a complete and total disgrace to the office he currently holds" shows how very little you know of the man, his family, and how quickly you defend someone like Kerry with story after story....personal stories...of how he doesn't give a rats arse about anyone but himself.

You are incapable of intelligent thoughts about anything political.

Shut it.


I was wondering when you would bring your worthless $.02 back onto this board. I think a few care about this man going awol, sometimes the truth hurts smuck doesn't it?

3 5 0

ps> good luck with your "training":D
First of all, John Kerry's war record needs to be examined...for god's sake, the man admitted to commiting war crimes!!

......but now he's backing away from that statement.

He threw someone else's medals over the White House fence. He can't tell us the truth about it, so he makes up lies..

Videotape Contradicts John Kerry’s Own Statements Over Vietnam Medals

The RNC did NOT bring this out....ABC News did after learning that Kerry lied to Peter Jennings........and everyone knows that you don't do that.

You wanna slam Cheney's education deferments? Chew on this.

Does anyone think that if John Kerry had been allowed to defer his military service, that he would've just went anyway?

Also, what kinda "chickenhawk" (I feel so dirty using such a stupid word) would volunteer to go to Vietnam?

You Democrats should be ashamed of your party's leadership. In a time of war, politics must stop at the water's edge. Our troops are counting on our support and your party's efforts to undermine this very important war effort are embolding our ememies and demoralizing our troops and allies.

Are you guys so rabidly angry that you're willing to let troops die and a war on terrorism fall apart simply because you want the White House back? Or is it just that you are having so much "buyers remorse" for this "hipster doofus" of a Democrat presidential nominee that you feel the need to lash out once again at the source of your hate?

3 5 0, I'm sure that if President Bush was reading this thread he'd be very happy that he saved your airline and your job.
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You cannot sit back and attack a man who actually served in a war and put his life on the line for this country and saved a few others in the process. You loose all credibility when you swoop to a low level like this when your "pick" has a comical military record at best. Whether you like him or not he surely has paid his dues to this country versus a man who went awol and was given special treatment due to his father. I am not a big Kerry fan at all be he surely will be getting my vote this nov., he is the lesser of the two evils and just like in a horse race you simply pick the better horse. This country is heading in a backwards direction and it is time to make a change for the better.

Like father like son- - - 1 term and home

3 5 0
You cannot sit back and attack a man who actually served in a war and put his life on the line for this country and saved a few others in the process.

Why not? The guy is a walking lie. He could end all of this by letting his medical records be reviewed. However, it would end very unfavorably for him, which is why he holds them back.

The guy really is an opportunist, and no hero. He may have in an isolated incident committed a heroic act, but that has certainly not been the tone of his conduct through his life. He has switched positions repeatedly to do the one thing he is effective at: maintaining his grip on power.

The poor democrats are headed for another disaster. The You can count on the Clintons to finish this guy off come the early Fall.

I would be on the lookout for an expose news piece from ABC, NBC, CBS or CNN. You can bet some Clinton hack is already putting the story together and will let it out when it will be most effective.

In the meantime, avoid all the current candidates and vote Libertarian.

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