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Kerry Purple Heart Doc Speaks Out

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I see some on this board think that serving in the Guard or Reserves is less honorable than active duty.

Well after a few minutes of research I found the following:

John F. Kennedy
Despite having a bad back, Kennedy was able to join the U.S. Navy through the help of Captain Alan Kirk, the Director, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) who had been the Naval Attache in London when Joseph Kennedy was the Ambassador. In October 1941, Kennedy was appointed an Ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve and joined the staff of the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Rank and organization: Major, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve , Marine Squadron 214.

Jimmy Doolittle
Born on December 14, 1896, in Alameda, California, Doolittle grew up there and in Nome, Alaska. In October 1917 he enlisted in the army reserve . Assigned to the Signal Corps, he served as a flying instructor during World War I

Senator Robert Kerrey (not the guy running for President)
Rank and organization: Lieutenant, Junior Grade, U.S. Naval Reserve , Sea, Air, and Land Team (SEAL). Place and date: Near Nha Trang Bay , Republic of Vietnam , 14 March 1969

FURTHERMORE, Boyington, Doolittle, and Kerry each recieved the MEDAL OF HONOR. There are many more examples.

Don't you feel STUPID now?
350DRIVER said:
You cannot sit back and attack a man who actually served in a war

....Actually, I can. My "candidate" is not from some poorly organized politcial party that is having trouble defining both itself and it's candidate.........he's the president. His skills as a commander in chief are proven......John Kerry's are not......and this is why I get to question his record, character and truthfulness to help us determine whether the man deserves a shot at the presidency.

Well, John Kerry's character is non-existant...he takes a position on whatever issue seems to be popular or politically expedient. When asked about his questionable activities, the man can't give a straight answer and blames the "right wing attack machine" for bringing it up....not to mention, he lied to Peter Jennings about something that he should just "man up" and admit....so his truthfulness has been demonstrated as being questionable. This move us on to John Kerry's record, and I gotta say, if his voting record is indicitive of how he would run this county as president, we need to keep this "hipster doofus" as far away from the White House as possible.

How long do you think that the Democrats can deflect critcism of a far left-wing candidate by saying that "he's a war hero and you have no right to question him?" I have every right to question this idiot........I have.......and I don't like anything that I see.
I find it interesting that Disney is trying to sink the new movie by Michael Moore before it comes out. Apparently it documents the close relationship between the bush family and the Saudi royalty that has existed for years. Could this be potentially devestating to Bush? The truth hurts...
Re: So lets see the evidence of AWOL..

Dubya said:
4 months...just like I said....Dec. to March on the gunboat. The service on the Griddly previous...was not a "tour"....neither was his 4 whole months on the gunboat. His wounds were scrapes at best....the truth comes out from those he served with. It should send a big smoke signal up that those he served with and most Vets can't stand the man. He served only to serve himself.


It should also send up a big smoke signal that what John Kerry doesn't say is more important than what he does say.

This is the exact reason that his facts must checked every time he opens his mouth.
MW44 said:
I find it interesting that Disney is trying to sink the new movie by Michael Moore before it comes out. Apparently it documents the close relationship between the bush family and the Saudi royalty that has existed for years. Could this be potentially devestating to Bush? The truth hurts...


You Michael Moore disciples need to read up on your man. His "documentaries" are chock full of half-truths and lies...in fact, the Academy is wrestling with the notion of revoking his Oscar because it turns out that his "documentaries" are not documentaries at all.

In "Bowling for Columbine," Michael Moore once again puts distortions and contradictions before the truth

Please take the time to actually read this and click on the links to all of the other distortions in Moore's other "documentaries."

Disney isn't trying to "sink" anything. There's no red cross on the front of Disney's headquarters and they don't "have to" finance Moore's film because not doing so would be censorship....it's not. Disney made a smart move.....they chose not to distribute Moore's film because they're trying to limit their culpability in this certain to be slanderous "documentary."

Michael Moore had his run, and it was fun while it lasted (the guy even had me fooled...........in high school) but his credibility is gone and his 15 minutes are over.
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flint4xx said:
I see some on this board think that serving in the Guard or Reserves is less honorable than active duty.
Don't you feel STUPID now?

During WWII it was common for most Officers to be Reserve. It had to do with making it easier for the military to release them at the end of the war. In fact during WWII with the AVG one of the reasons most of them wouldn't accept appointment with the AAF, because they weren't being offered appointment in the full Army, not just the reserves.
I find it interesting that Disney is trying to sink the new movie by Michael Moore before it comes out. (snip) The truth hurts...

I would bet Disney has seen it for what it is, which is a big fat lie. They are probably very concerned about libel and slander. The guy is a walking liability for anyone that publishes his tripe.

Micheael Moore is another liberal opportunist that plays fast and loose with lies to achieve an emotional reaction from his audience.

The guy is a well documented liar that commits the very acts he so strongly condemns (outsourcing) in his opinion pieces. Kind of like Clinton warbling about family values while he is getting blown by an employee.
I find it interesting that Disney is trying to sink the new movie by Michael Moore before it comes out.
...Michael Moore is a fat lying communist bastard...I spose it's also a Republican plot against him that he is too freaking fat to get on the rides at Dinny Land as well.
Every one of them lies. Its a class war dopes. The rich want to get richer.

Bush = spoiled rich kid
Kerry = spoiled rich kid
Osama = spoiled rich kid

Need I go on? I think the spoiled rich kids should go kill each other instead of recruiting brain dead disciples to die for their causes.

Do you REALLY believe that Billy Bob in Iraq, Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan really gives a flying hoot about the US? Do you care what they are doing?

Wake up; it’s not Kerry Vs. Bush. It’s the politicians vs. you. They take your money and buy guns so you can die for their power struggles and their wealth.

If you want to serve humanity join the Red Cross.

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