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Just passed on NetJets class

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I would have taken Netjets. That said, try to make the most of your experience at Bexair. I noticed that they have a bunch of CL604s in their fleet, a Legacy and some XLs. I presume with your background that you will fly the Legacy. Personally, I'd try to get a CL604 rating and experience out of it. You could always return to the States and at least have a rating that could be worth something on the corporate side.
Don't listen to most of these guys on here, they're pilots. Most of them can't even balance their checkbook, and most of the guys I've flown with have their salary increases spent before they get it.
Go do your thing for five years and invest your whole salary. Live off of your per diem and the $35k they're gonna give you, you'll live fairly comfortably on that. In five years you'll have well north of $1m and you can take what ever job you want at that point.
If I go and dont like it I do have the opportunity to take my class with NetJets.

Really, how's that? From your earlier post:

I had a class coming up with NetJets and I turned it down, actually talked with Dorinda today and told her that I would not be accecpting a position in the company

If you told them that you would not be accepting a postion, why would you still have that opportunity?

BTW- Since you asked...it was definately a bad decision...I'd be up all night worrying about it too.
BTW- Since you asked...it was definately a bad decision...I'd be up all night worrying about it too.
Bad decision based on what? Why do you believe it to be?
And like I said DM told me that if I would like the opportunity to work for them in the future that I should give her a call and they would get me in class.
There is a lot of drinking in UAE. I'll never forget taking emirates from Kuwait to Dubai and the first thing I see off the plane is an Irish Pub. That is where I had my first beer in over Six months.
Good, cause I like beer, although I was concerned to see the price of Budweiser over there, with it being an import and all.

I hope you like living in the sand box and like eating things you can't pronounce.

Not for me, but good luck anyway.:)

Do you mean eating things at places like Kenny Rogers Roaster, Applebee's, KFC, Burger King, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Taco Bell, and the list goes on...:D....in some of these cities you are in no danger of eating any strange animal parts anytime soon.....unless they put it in the Burger King, then i guess thats a different story.....

Some of you guys keep posting how "dangerous" it is going to be and that your going to have your hands chopped off?...Come on now....Just don't go off and do retarded high-school prank sh** and you'll be fine....

As we all know, there are some folks who dont much care for us types over there. Might want to invest in a very thick steel necklace....one which a knife wont cut through. Good luck out there in the sandbox.

He is going to Dubai....no danger of him being put in some Syrian-Egyptian-Turkish-Style prison....this isn't extraordinary rendition for the poor guy to be tortured, it's just another flying job in a different neighborhood.

Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick... :puke:

Give me some tabouleh and hummus any day over that crap!

My mother used to make tabouleh and hummus when I was a kid, never liked the stuff....But I don't think I ever tried it, just kinda stared at it and figured it was gross. I still do that to certain foods today.

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