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Just passed on NetJets class

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I think you're crazy. Just the fact that you had to ask, and here you are defending your decision, that tells me you are not 100% sure.

Ask yourself this question, in about 3-4 years, when the long commute, the weather in Dubai, and Dubai get old, where are you going to go? what are you going to do? Read comments of people who've been at Emirates for 3-4 years, not good.

I'd gone to NJ, but everyone is different, and this is your life. Best of luck on this venture.
My friend,

Depending on how young and single you are, this could be a tremendous adventure!! You only live once, and life is more about the experiences you have than the money you make (IMHO).

A long time ago, when I was around 20, I had the opportunity to take a job in Australia flying planes for a cargo company. At the time, I had no money (the company wasn't offering to pay for the move), didn't know anyone in Australia, and was sure my family would not support my move to such a far location (I would need their support because I'd need money for the move and initial setup down there). So I turned it down.
Later, when I told my family about the offer, they rebuked me for not taking the job. Told me it would've been a great life experience for me to live there for a year or two, and of course they would've helped me with any moving expenses! All I had to do was ask!

The path I ended up on landed me here at NJA, so I can't say it was a totally poor decision. Had I taken the job, who knows where I would've ended up later. Maybe here. Maybe hopping from one airline that went bankrupt to another. But to this day, I think I should have done it. It's one of the few regrets I have in life. I was young and single, and had a zest for adventure that you couldn't beat! And also, to this day, I still haven't visited Australia.

Now having said all that, a few things to remember:

1) Saudi Arabia isn't Australia. I've heard it's an interesting place, but the rules sound a little scary. And if you're a young, personable, and reasonably good-looking person, you should be able to get laid anywhere, so I'm not sure friendly women is a good reason to take a job like this.

2) One of the things I didn't mention in my story, is that I was a relatively low-time pilot when it took place, and the airlines weren't hiring much back then. So would I have taken the position in Australia if I had also been offered a job with one of the major airlines back then (back then, being an airline pilot was my main goal)? I doubt it. You've been offered a position with the most stable and profitable fractional provider in the world (again with the caveat that no one can see perfectly into the future. Maybe it won't be that way 10 years from now, but we can all only go by the facts currently at hand. That makes NJA a pretty good bet). Should you be passing on a truly good position for more of an unknown? Only you can decide, but you should definitely give it a little more thought.

3) Whatever you decide, remember to take into account the world situation, as well as economics and adventure. Will you be flying to places where Americans are hated even more than in Saudi Arabia (yes, we aren't too well liked there)? What if things get to the point where the state department advises all US citizens in the Middle East to leave? I doubt I had to worry much about being the victim of violence against Americans had I gone to Australia.

Good luck in whatever you finally do!! Ahhh, to be young and single again!!! (Well, at least the young part. I do miss being 21! In my upper 30's now, and it's not half as much fun as others would have you believe.:laugh: ) Keep us posted as to how it's going if you go over there.
I appreciate the info, and yes it will be an adventure. What happens when I get sick of it? Well I walk away with a few type ratings, tons of international flying experience and lots of money put away.

Someone asked what happens when I get caught with a bottle of Jack? Well I do not know that it is the big deal that everyone thinks it is, the hotel that I stayed at had just as many bars on the street as I can find on a Memphis overnight. And yes the girls are friendly, extremely friendly, it the two weeks I have spent out there I did extremely well! I am excited to go, and am looking forward to the experience.

And one other thing, for everyone here that seems to think that Dubai is in Saudi Arabia it is not, it is in the United Arab Emirates, a very westernized country.
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And one other thing, for everyone here that seems to think that Dubai is in Saudi Arabia it is not, it is in the United Arab Emirates, a very westernized country.

Yeah, my bad. I just went back an re-read what I posted. Caught the error but you've already pointed out the mistake.:0

Nevertheless, the gist of it still stands.

I will say that if the friendliness of the women over there really is a factor in your decision, you aren't giving this the serious consideration that you should. Sex happens anywhere (and everywhere!!). Not a good criteria for ANY job. That being said, it's only been learned through experience. Thinking back on my 20's, it would've been tough for me to NOT factor in extra friendly women as a job 'perk'.:cool:

Good luck! If nothing else you've got some great life experiences ahead of you! And if it doesn't work out, I'm sure NJA will still be here for you to apply with in the future.
Ha, no I did not seriously consider the women in my decision. (OK maybe a little bit)
Ill be leaving Friday, Ill keep in touch and let you guys know how its going.
And fortunately I have some pretty serious contacts at NJA I was told that if I want the job in the future to just call her back, go through a few formalities and get into class.
Maybe I am crazy, but I had a class coming up with NetJets and I turned it down, actually talked with Dorinda today and told her that I would not be accecpting a position in the company. I had a job offer out in Dubai an I am going to take it, they are a newer fractional BEX-air http://www.bexair.com/ I was feeling pretty secure with my decision earlier, but I know that I am going to have a tough time sleeping tonight.
What do you guys think? Am I crazy? I am single, and have really nothing tying me down here in Chicago, I will be working six weeks in Dubai, then four weeks off, they will buy me a ticket to and from Dubai during all of my four week off stretches, starting pay is 12,500 a month, and 100 dollars a day per-diem for every day that you are not on your 4 week off stretch, plus 35,000 a year for living expenses.
Anyone done anything like this before? I am nervous.

You DARED turned down the sacred NJA offer?
You must be crazy...
Don't you know NJA is today's best thing since UAL?
They are paid the best, get to kiss the best a$$es, get to eat the best crew meals...
Don't you know 100 year old Warren Buffett owns NJA and he's going to live forever, and anyone who follows will be specially programmed to do exactly as he has done (just erase the last 20 years of pilot pay from your mind)?
Don't you know the best of the best wealthy they drool over will never EVER cut back on private flying, no matter how high oil is or how many of their companies tank in this increasingly poor economy?
Don't you know anyone who turns them down must be an idiot and anyone who thinks differently about their company "must have been turned down" there?:smash:
There. I must have have saved 17 pages or so of clutter from this thread.
Congrats and good luck to you. Take the adventures while you can, so you don't end up like 80 percent of the NJA guys on here who have to try and justify THEIR inner voices by expressing the above 24/7 on a message board, rather than getting out and enjoying the life they claim so many should aspire to. :eek:
Carry on.
You DARED turned down the sacred NJA offer? ...
There. I must have have saved 17 pages or so of clutter from this thread.

:laugh: Nicely played!

SIU: NetJets is a good job and a good place to hang your hat, but it's not the only place. And it may not be the best job for you. Enjoy the adventure! The safe path is rarely the most interesting.

The best job for me is one that involves drinking margaritas at a tiki hut on some tropical island 24 hours a day. As I haven't found that job yet, I'll enjoy this one.

Keep us posted!
With advice from guys whos names are realityman and voice of reason how can I go wrong?
:laugh: Nicely played!

SIU: NetJets is a good job and a good place to hang your hat, but it's not the only place. And it may not be the best job for you. Enjoy the adventure! The safe path is rarely the most interesting.

The best job for me is one that involves drinking margaritas at a tiki hut on some tropical island 24 hours a day. As I haven't found that job yet, I'll enjoy this one.

Keep us posted!
You could go to Eagle and fly ATRs out of SJU.
:laugh: Nicely played!

SIU: NetJets is a good job and a good place to hang your hat, but it's not the only place. And it may not be the best job for you. Enjoy the adventure! The safe path is rarely the most interesting.

The best job for me is one that involves drinking margaritas at a tiki hut on some tropical island 24 hours a day. As I haven't found that job yet, I'll enjoy this one.

Keep us posted!

Keep ME posted on THAT job, lol. I'm definitely in! :D

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