Every pilot who leaves gets replaced with a less expensive year 1 pilot. Regionals have dealt with this for decades, when somebody leaves they replace them and life goes on. Unless JB matches the best compensation in the industry there will be attrition. Anybody who thinks the management of the company isn't prepared to accept pilot attrition isn't thinking clearly, it will be a cost/benefit decision. At what point does the cost of attrition make it worthwhile to spend money to slow atrition. For now, if you lose a pilot you hire another pilot...no problem. If you have some unhappy pilots, also no problem because you are always going to have some unhappy pilots. A lot of guys will complain and talk about leaving, far fewer will actually do it. I would expect that JB compensation will improve, but if you are waiting for the day when it matches the top of the industry you will be waiting a long time, unless of course JB gets absorbed by a carrier that is already at the top.