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Jet Blue open house

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Or look like a complete dork when walking through the terminal in a baseball cap with your uniform. You got your recall, dude. Why aren't you taking it?

sounds like quite the fashion statement, then again maybe I shouldn't comment as he could just be shy about being folically challenged or something. In the cockpit its one thing but out in a public place like the terminal I think it's lacking a little class....
sorry for the double post my treo managed that by itself w/ a page lock up..........
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Regarding the good bad and the ugly @ JB.........I think those of us considering JB need to hear the good and the bad from the avg. joe on the line. We can then make a better choice if we are lucky enough to receive an offer for employment...... So far from what I've read and what a half dozen of my friends there (@JB) tell me it ain't perfect but it sure as heck beats my current gig............ those (even though they are flat) stock options would have been nice though,just in case........

Its not a bad place to work if you remember this is just a job and not a career. Bus captains do well but the rest struggle. The pay is still below standard. As for the rest you have to look at who is feeding you info. The blue juice drinkers at Jetblue are cultish. Ive never seen anything like it. But there is also a good bunch of people who hate it here. You have to read between the lines. Heres how I look at it. Until the industry gets back to normal and starts hiring again Jetblue is not a bad place to work. You wont make any money but you wont hate your job either.
>>Of course none of this will matter when we are bought by a legacy carrier. If they ratioed us in, it wouldn't be that bad to be in the top 20% of the 320 FO list. I could live with being in the top 20% of a legacy narrowbody FO list.<<

Yeah right, call Make a Wish. In the highly unlikely event that a legacy were to merge with JetBlue, that clicking sound you would hear would be the stapler.
I've sent the invitation to 6 of my friends who work at the regionals. All qualified and all have bigger things in mind than flying for the regionals.

None of them wanted to go.

Its not a bad place at all. The pay, well of course it needs to go up but then we have only been around for 7yrs. Now, the health plans here, they suck big time!!
1. Sure lower first year pay, but better rates on 3 seats (counting the first 190 raise). I said better. Definitely room for improvement (especially in year 2 bus FO and all CA rates).

2. 5% 401k AND 5% guaranteed profit sharing payment.

3. B fund being looked at. Apr 16? Go check that email you got from SG again.

4. Stock Options? WHO THE F- CARES. Of the pilot group, I bet 75% plus are under water. Time is clicking away btw. I got in before the split which really means I have 3,000 more worthless options than you do.

5. Mark my words, we will soon become an Embraer airline. The Bus side movement is minimal. They just said no upgrades in the May bid (for June) and promptly slid two May classes in order to get our pitiful FO training program back on track. Don't expect any upgrades during the summer -- it's just cheaper to RSA then it is to pay monthly CA guarantees. Attrition may solve some of your upgrade problems, but with the fence coming down and all, who knows. At 50-70 a year, that makes it a 4-6 year upgrade for me (low 1200s) FROM TODAY. That's without anymore delivery snafus or Airbii sales.

Note: the last CA bid went surprisingly deep into the seniority list (low 900s). There are still a lot of bubbas bypassing because reserve is now at 17 months and counting (ref: a CA friend of mine). He predicts 2-3 more months. Reserve improvements could go both ways. Maybe some dudes who have been bypassing will fleet up, maybe not. I of course put my Bus CA bid in for any seniority level. Maybe I will snag the left seat on a wild pitch. But to pass up the seat (and the PIC) could prove disastrous (read Embraer comment again) for those determined to wait.

Fortune Favors the Bold.

Darn, Chef, isn't this the most upbeat post you've ever had in reference to Jetblue! What did you do, find yourself a girlfriend or something?
Not written for myself... just the guys who want to come here.

such a hypocrite..........you will not take your recall back to your "beloved ALPA carrier", but will stay at jetblue and bad mouth the company. interesting........

like i previously posted, we hired alot of great furloughed guys who will be missed. but the idiots we want to leave, wont.
Jetblue is a good place to work. I am going to give up my number at NWA to stay and don't have any heartbreak about doing it. Remember we are only 7 years old and in that time have come a long way since bus ca's were making 80 an hour. Now our pay and benefits are middle of the pack of the comparable majors (320/190 comparable aircraft rates). So many guys ask questions on this board when you should be looking at the factual research... go to airlinepilotcentral.com and look at the math. These are the facts. Medical anywhere sucks right now. Gone are the days of free medical. Get over it and stop bashing B6 for having crappy medical. So does NWA and UA... If you were to go to CAL or NWA or UA you'd be looking at identical payscales on the 320 as an FO for the first 4 yrs or so on the 320. Our retirement is the same... at 7 it's an industry standard pay package. I'd bet... no guarantee you that at 20, SWA had an industry sub-standard pay package... I remember in the mid 90's that SWA was the land of misfit toys. No one went there unless they couldn't get hired at a major... hell, in 2000 I never even thought about it. Never even applied. Now by default they are the highest paid for the same equipment. Keep falsely attacking B6. Until you look at the facts you'll continue to look foolish... B6 is a great place to work... I've been there less than 2.5 yrs and can hold 320CA and am a CA on the 190. At 80 hrs I'm making about 90/hr. Still not where the 190CA rates should be but the 2 yr deal I signed up for got over a 13% raise this yr. So say what you guys want, but if you want the cold hard facts then PM me and I'll give you the truth. I don't really write here much anymore b/c the dorks will pick this apart w/ in a few pages and it'll turn into a juvenile bashfest.... PM me and I'll answer your questions truthfully and honestly.


ps-sure we have issues, but at least our management tells us the truth and quickly addresses issues as best as they can. Our CEO isn't cutting pay and then taking sick bonuses... our leadership leads by example. They aren't perfect but who is???????
"Gone are the days of free medical. Get over it and stop bashing B6 for having crappy medical. So does NWA and UA... "

We have a lot of crap at UA, but actually, you can have free medical at UAL (BCBS IL HMO). And it is very good. With two little kids we "test" it frequently and it costs me $0 per month.

Carry on with the JetBlue bashing........

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