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Jet Blue open house

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and I guess it makes you feel better to point that out on a public forum?? Maybe you can use that info about your uncle to your advantage the next time you refuse to help get clean the plane during a turn?

" Huge Disconnect " with your posts? No I dont think so it is more than obvious to me that you are a true piece of work..

I dont think you "objectively " represent anything about JB other than your unrelenting hatred of "your" current situation. Your mid 1200's here yet your upgrade is going to take another 5 years?

#950 or so just upgraded to bus capt.. lets say that puts about 300 guys between you..

even if we average only 10 upgrades per month with no account for attrition or resignations your at 30 months or 2.5 years

Please anybody that is considering JB please put the Chef on your ignore list

What about my OPINION of upgrades did you not understand? I even qualified my statement in many ways:

The reserve improvements "could go either way", meaning they could help or hurt upgrade times. Most captains I talk to think it won't matter much. Reserve is still reserve, no matter what Flica improvements come down the pike. And reserve sucks, no matter where you work.

My bus captain projection is realistic, depending upon the fence and deliveries/sales, which once again I mentioned in my post. You think we are gonna upgrade 120 a month this year? We haven't done that since I have been here, so that's the info on which I am basing my opinion. 7-8 captains per airplane equals 70-80 a year with a delivery schedule of 10 airbii a year.

I am low 1200s and yes the last CA bid went to 932, but there are quite a few in front of him that have bypassed, not to mention those at FLL, BOS and LGB that are waiting to pounce as well. Again, I think my opinion is not that far off. If we assume 280 numbers for me to go at 70 upgrades a year, that's 4 years (notwithstanding the fence, attrition, the dynamics of opening a MCO base in January, etc). How can I be more clear on this point? Besides, check Dogwood's post in that other JB thread. He and I share the same opinion. I don't think I am being as original as you think I am. And I wasn't complaining either. Just relating my personal upgrade scenario for any future jb interviewees.

Back to you purse slap: "unrelenting hatred"? What? Yeah, I am certainly hating flying with another cool captain and enjoying my Friday night in Burbank. Oh and I helped clean the cabin again, just like I always do, but I have to admit that's a special kind of purse slap only to be found at jb. Beware the cabin cleaning nazis.

As for my uncle, no I did not "use" that occurrence for my own personal gain. I was being serious about it. I don't take that lightly and it makes no difference if this forum is public or not. Some things just aren't tolerable. You could try and use a little of that "Caring" value we have here at jb and let it be.

For all you fellas that keep PM-ing me on the real scoop at jb, keep on truckin'. I will continue to answer you as objectively as I can.
Cooge I have been called worse!! My point was that Chef states he will take first available upgrade and if reserve is running 17 months or longer he will be the first one to log onto this site and say something stupid like"

" Go back and look at my posts I used to be a 100% jetblue juice guy but since they have junior assigned me to 2 years of reserve yada yada.........

If I take the first available upgrade I will do it with the knowledge that reserve could be a very long time, and my post was fairly straightforward in that regard. My point was to define current CA reserve times for those on the outside, which are definitely fluid and a function of upgrades and timing. Again you are slinging mud based on what? Your opinion of what I will say after I upgrade? Okay, I'll accept that. It's your opinion and you certainly are allowed to express it.

After a long transcon today though, I think I may bypass a long while. Someday being a senior FO especially with my good reserve gig and my dr wife? Maybe it ain't worth giving up that schedule after all. Tough call to pass up the PIC. Either way, if my prediction on upgrade becomes reality, I won't have to worry about upgrading (to the left seat of the bus) for a very long time.
Can anyone post the eflyer on here, or a link to get more info on the open house? Much appreciated...

Can anyone post the eflyer on here, or a link to get more info on the open house? Much appreciated...


AHHHHHHH, Try post number 2 in this very thread............

Ok, that might have been a little standoffish of me so here is the link to make

it easy for you: http://forums.flightinfo.com/showthread.php?t=96720

Kids these days....... :)!

Good luck and see you there Puttin,
Capt. Z
ualdriver wrote:

That's great... but don't you still pay a monthly premium out of your paycheck? If you do, what I meant by free medical was that back in "the day" we didn't even have to pay a penny even pre-tax out of our check. It was one of the "benefits"... free medical insurance. Then a copay for visits and drugs.


No monthly premium. Just the 15 dollar copay to go to the doctor or 50 bucks for the ER.

One of the VERY FEW good things in our cerrent contract.
No monthly premium. Just the 15 dollar copay to go to the doctor or 50 bucks for the ER.

One of the VERY FEW good things in our cerrent contract.

I'm not trying to be an A$$ but what does this have to do with the "cerrent"
(is that how the word is spelled these days? (cee abuv)) thread?

I hope you can take the small joke,if not have a great weekend anyway.......
Last edited:
I'm not trying to be an A$$ but what does this have to do with the "cerrent"
(is that how the word is spelled these days? (cee abuv)) thread?

I hope you can take the small joke,if not have a great weekend anyway.......

I'm working, so unfortunately it's not the best of weekends. And I don't use grammar or spell checks when I type on internet forums, hence the error.

Someone previously misrepresented UA medical costs in a post back there somewhere. That's what it has to do with this thread.
I'm working, so unfortunately it's not the best of weekends. And I don't use grammar or spell checks when I type on internet forums, hence the error.

Someone previously misrepresented UA medical costs in a post back there somewhere. That's what it has to do with this thread.


"My bad" as Imus would say, or I guess not say now.

Take care regardless,

Capt. Z
I can't make the April 19th open house. I'm curious if anyone knows of the next one in the works, if there is one.

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