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200 A-320 on order or on property. Manning currently at 7-7.5 Crews per bus. 200 X 7.5 = 1500. Currently 1700 (+) on property.

I agree We'll se more E-190 before Airbus.

Thanks Doug, thats what I thought...... maybe some more creative financing will bring in those 380's............. I know a reckless thought but it's like I tell my wife, "hell you can't blame a guy for trying right?"
200 A-320 on order or on property. Manning currently at 7-7.5 Crews per bus. 200 X 7.5 = 1500. Currently 1700 (+) on property.

I agree We'll se more E-190 before Airbus.

Of course none of this will matter when we are bought by a legacy carrier. If they ratioed us in, it wouldn't be that bad to be in the top 20% of the 320 FO list. I could live with being in the top 20% of a legacy narrowbody FO list.
Here's the high-lights. (low-lights?)

Starting pay ALL SEATS (A320-E190) is $47/hour​
401K now 5%​
No B fund​
NO STOCK OPTIONS. (Used to get 6000!)​
Oh yes... and knowing that the last A-320, $125,000 plus captain is already on the property.​
But, People are OK, Pref bidding rocks, all the snacks you can eat and you can look like a criminal in a goatee so who needs pay?

what's left over from your USAIR retirement and pay?????

why havent you taken your USAIR recall???????????????????????
Of course none of this will matter when we are bought by a legacy carrier. If they ratioed us in, it wouldn't be that bad to be in the top 20% of the 320 FO list. I could live with being in the top 20% of a legacy narrowbody FO list.

Thats funny! All I have read on these boards is how DOH is the only way to go.

I think any legacy will give you guys date of hire, that would work for them and look good to anyone else. Why would you be ratioed ahead of someone?

Thats funny! All I have read on these boards is how DOH is the only way to go.

I think any legacy will give you guys date of hire, that would work for them and look good to anyone else. Why would you be ratioed ahead of someone?


Same reason the Western guys were ratioed in with the Delta guys when they merged. A DOH would essentially be a staple at any legacy. My take is that without ALPA we would get a DOH integration. With ALPA, we may have a glimmer of hope for some sort of ratio integration. In any case, it probably would not be good to be on the bottom half of the B6 list. This is also one of the dozen factors that are causing some guys to leave for something better.
Hey Peter, if you are so unhappy, leave. You are the only one I know that still rants and raves about boeing and unions...yet you are at a non unionized airline flying anything but boeings.
Regarding the good bad and the ugly @ JB.........I think those of us considering JB need to hear the good and the bad from the avg. joe on the line. We can then make a better choice if we are lucky enough to receive an offer for employment...... So far from what I've read and what a half dozen of my friends there (@JB) tell me it ain't perfect but it sure as heck beats my current gig............ those (even though they are flat) stock options would have been nice though,just in case........
Or look like a complete dork when walking through the terminal in a baseball cap with your uniform. You got your recall, dude. Why aren't you taking it?

sounds like quite the fashion statement

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