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JB pilots file with NMB

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I made up my mind about representation the minute I heard a pro union supporter tell a crew room full of pilots that he would rather have a union so they could furlough the bottom 300 and he could keep his high bid divisors.....than to keep the divisor low and keep everyone on the property.

Make up your own mind for sure, but if that statement wasn't divisive, nothing is.


Caveat: So as not to get any thin-skinned folks' panties in a wad, I am in no way affiliated with the JBPA (other than upcoming 'Yes' vote and donations).

So, you make decisions about YOUR career based on the random rants of some clown in the crew room?

Smaaaaaaaaart. Not too surprising though based on some of the other inane logic I hear from people I fly with.

What did you think about the crew room rantings of that other guy named John Ross?

I heard him tell a crew room of pilots that earning $265,000 per year only yields too many toys.

I also heard Neeleman tell pilots during PCG-Gate that we should leverage our seniority to offset the cost of inflation.

Do you think that this company will not furlough folks if they absolutely had to?

Would we even have any say?

Are you afraid that Dave B. won't play pool at your house anymore?

Have you read the PCRB report?

Divisive? The imposition of the -190 payrates, the rollout buffoonery, subsequent token pay raises subsidized by Embraer, and the recent rob Peter to pay Paul Ponzi scheme were FAR more divisive than one knucklehead ranting in the crew room. Did you ask him if he was an interim JBPA member or if he planned on running? Seems like an intelligent question since only your career is at stake.

So, based on our egalitarian culture, when do you think the company will 'TrueBlueUp' our compensation package to be more in line with industry average? You think they'll do this out of the kindness of their hearts? I thought I heard Ross mutter that they'd have to give EVERYONE a raise if they gave the pilots a raise.

Based on your experience and background, and the fact that you'll likely be a career employee, don't you think you deserve a more comprehensive benefits package than a bag smasher? Well, we'll never have a separate plan unless we legally negotiate for one under an enforceable CBA.

I respect your opinion and obviously disagree with your simplistic logic.

Enjoy your mediocre career, because that's all we're destined for under our current arrangement.
I've heard what the JBPA supporters have to say and have decided that they have nothing to offer me. In fact, I believe that JBPA will do more damage than it will do good. So I'm voting NO by not voting.

Why not vote yes and ensure "they" offer you something.... you could participate....
Why not vote yes and ensure "they" offer you something.... you could participate....

How about you worry about the laundry list of problems at AirTran and stop sticking your nose into every union organizing drive? How long have you guys been negotiating your contract? How long have you gone without an increase in your pay or benefits? How about that union of yours that sold out 100+ pilots so a few instructors could keep their jobs? Don't tell me I need a union. For all the reasons above and then some AirTran obviously needs a union, JetBlue does not.

Why vote yes? I don't see the advantage. We have a good relationship with management. I've seen our pay increase every year with a bigger increase than I would have received with a CBA. Why in the world would I want someone else to speak for me when I work somewhere that I can speak for myself?

JetBlue pilots are better off without a union.
How about you worry about the laundry list of problems at AirTran and stop sticking your nose into every union organizing drive? How long have you guys been negotiating your contract? How long have you gone without an increase in your pay or benefits? How about that union of yours that sold out 100+ pilots so a few instructors could keep their jobs? Don't tell me I need a union. For all the reasons above and then some AirTran obviously needs a union, JetBlue does not.

Airtran would be a lot worse off if there wasn't a union. Then again it could be allot better...

Why vote yes? I don't see the advantage. We have a good relationship with management. I've seen our pay increase every year with a bigger increase than I would have received with a CBA. Why in the world would I want someone else to speak for me when I work somewhere that I can speak for myself?

Seems relative.... there are allot of guys that don't have a good relationship with their bank account... unless they are top 5-10%, which suggest that is where you are at...

JetBlue pilots are better off without a union.

There is no career air line pilot employment that doesn't have a union. If an in house union is good for SWA pilots, then why not jB?
You can not vote and that's your choice.
However in afew years when the B's aren't running the show any more this could/will be a very different place. Say now Russ Chew moves into power and he's a smart business guy. Does some shifting around makes a load of cash and decides that jetblue would be great to sell or part out. Your five year contract ends with a thanks for comming out and you go to the street. You feel you have been terminated wrongfully. You sue and quickly run out of money and now have no job and owe your lawyer more. Not so far fetched, look at the history of this industry.
I'd much rather have the masses on my side than stage a one man fight.

Health care... ever hang a picture and use a ladder? fall off? get knocked out? lose a medical? not under a doctors care anymore? can't hold a 1st class? can you go to work? have fun doin some b!t@# work in MCO and be thankful that your still employed. Oh wait cant' do that cause you dont live there and cant commute without a medical and JB doesn't fly where you live.

Atleast you will have a say in your wages and benefits rather than hoping for a handout when and if the company decides to "review" them.

If now isn't the right time then when is? The right time is often too late.

For what it's worth if we so much as think of furlough i go. I'm voting yes. I need faith in somthing that will be here longer than a 6-10 year CEO because i would like to spend the next 36 flying jb airplanes.
Why not vote yes and ensure "they" offer you something.... you could participate....

Yes but some prefer not to and just to wait for the redistribution of wealth rather than to fight or work for what they could be.

All the effort put into this carreer and people are still willing to fight over the scraps... or not at all.
Airtran would be a lot worse off if there wasn't a union. Then again it could be allot better...

I don't disagree with you on that point at all. I'm trying to draw a compairison between AirTran's management and JetBlue's management

There is no career air line pilot employment that doesn't have a union. If an in house union is good for SWA pilots, then why not jB?

That's like saying if all your friends smoke pot you should too. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't make it the right choice.

You claim I am basing my decision on the rantings of one guy in the crew room, yet you are willing to vote because of one comment about money and toys in the crew room as well?

The company cannot legally furlough due to the agreement you claim isn't worth the paper it is written on.....and I dare say from their actions they took the high road and did what they could to keep everyone on the property. Certainly not the only solution and that solution isn't appealing to all.

Again....more insults and claims that I am friends with management.

Do I agree that we need improvements? Yes. Do I disagree with our VP? Yes. But we obviously disagree on how to get there.

I think we have done well considering the business we are in. There are no guarantees in this business and there certainly will not be any under representation.

I don't disagree with you on that point at all. I'm trying to draw a compairison between AirTran's management and JetBlue's management

And yet both managements seem to lack the SWA effect. All airlines could gain from SWA type culture... I am not saying they should be SWA, but one cannot argue with SWA business performance...

Who would not want that?

That's like saying if all your friends smoke pot you should too. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't make it the right choice.

Riiiiight..... but we aren't talking about recreational drug activity... We are talk about self representation. An experiment we have as a culture deemed a huge success. Self representation via our gov't is the envy of the world. The right to represent oneself is fundamentally American....

Look, there is nothing American about CorpAmerica and that includes jB, Airtran, DAL, UAL, AMR, ExxonMobil, WalMart, etc...

These companies want to make money and serve the shareholder. That is it...

The airmail pilots deemed unification fundamental in the 1920's and 80 years later you are still wondering?
The company cannot legally furlough due to the agreement you claim isn't worth the paper it is written on.....


You need to go back and read your agreement. The company absolutely can furlough if they want. The difference, is if they furlough, they have to pay us our guarentee as long as we are "available" to the company should they call us.

There is no economic advantage for JetBlue to furlough. THAT is the ONLY reason they haven't dumped pilots. Its all about the $$$$!

Dave's kid and A350... I'm curious what your backgrounds were prior to coming to JetBlue? Not trying to start anything... just curious.

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