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IBT 1108 Attempts to take NJASAP funds

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Anatomy of a Divorce

I used the analogy in an earlier Post, and it seems more accurate as this thread grows.

Bottom Line:

IBT 1108 Funds are safely under the control of IBT 1108 Officers, not NJASAP Officers.

The Flight Options Pilots will be fine.

The NetJets Pilots will get their agreed upon loan, but it will be with money allocated by CURRENT IBT 1108 Officers, not signed over to onesself, as a "Personal Loan," just prior to leaving the Organization.

You boys seem like you don't like not being in control anymore. You chose to leave the Organization, not us.

Don't expect the Flight Options Pilots to just roll over and allow you to keep the keys to the Treasure because that is what you would have liked.

You will get your Loan, assuming it is not discovered that your leadership already misappropriated IBT 1108 Funds, but it will not be taken by Former IBT 1108 Officers. It will be loaned by Current IBT 1108 Officers.

Freedom in Not Free
Funny when I used to say that to all you NJs guys you denied it to the death....
Mad because they were a step ahead of what your thugs actually WERE up to? Ironic how it all turns around....

All us NJs guys denied it? Our thugs? Tell me you don't hold a valid FAA medical certificate. Please.
Hey people,

How about laying off this subject since you are not lawyers or law enforcement and concentrate on getting on with your jobs and oh, yeah, getting my job and the other 69 ILLEGALLY fired pilots jobs back. All this does is give power to the FLOPS unethical management group.
Allow the courts to determine if there was foul play or not- it's their jobs, not ours.

Unemployeed pilot!!!
We've already gotten the money Freedom. We were able to protect it because the IBTs poorly thought out plan failed.

If you really think you are in charge of what happens to the remaining money now that your leadership has acquiesced to an illegal Trusteeship, you're mistaken. Based on what I saw and the spending habits of your guys versus dues collected, I figured that 1108 was going to be out of funds by Christmas or Groundhog Day at the very latest. Now that BM has been so kindly given the keys to the Treasury, I figure it will happen much sooner than that. Hopefully you'll make it to Thanksgiving before the funds run out.

After it happens, tell me how you guys like being merged into 727 or 1224.
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Freedom, the Netjets pilots already have their loan. That's a result of the steps we took this week to ensure the compliance with the separation agreement.

as to whether or not the FLOPS pilots will be fine.........that's the issue that is causing so much concern. From what we saw last week you have 2 leaders who are either ethically challenged at worst or able to be hoodwinked rather easily at best - and now they have added bill moore and a bookkeeper whose loyalties have been proven to be towards the IBT - not the local.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that all works out.......
That's an Outright Lie Grizz, and you know it.

We've already gotten the money Freedom. We were able to protect it because the IBTs poorly thought out plan failed.

If you really think you are in charge of what happens to the remaining money now that your leadership has acquiesced to an illegal Trusteeship, you're mistaken. Based on what I saw and the spending habits of your guys versus dues collected, I figured that 1108 was going to be out of funds by Christmas or Groundhog Day at the very latest. Now that BM has been so kindly given the keys to the Treasury, I figure it will happen much sooner than that. Hopefully you'll make it to Thanksgiving before the funds run out.

After it happens, tell me how you guys like being merged into 727 or 1224.

Yes, we were in the hole to the tune of approx 6-7000 dollars per month with Costs vs. Dues collection. It certainly did not help that Sh-tfinger took the Pilot group from over 1000 to less than 500.

But to make the kind of statement (false) you just made, does nothing but put into the minds of the Flight Options Pilots doubt about whether or not they should stay in the fight.

You are doing B19's job for him. Nice work Grizz!

Instead, with 1.2 million as a War Fund, and only running a deficit of lets aim high and say 7000/month, by my calculations, not including Interest, just on Principle alone, we could last another 171 months, or 14+ years in Negotiations.

We all know Flight Options as a company could never endure this battle for 14+ years, so I feel it safe to say the Flight Options Pilots will be just fine, but thanks for your concerns. The Company cannot continue to operate as they have been. They need to make a huge change in direction with regard to their Pilots; I expect just such a change to be announced shortly.

You are showing your True Colors here Grizz. Your boys say they are pissed at the National and 2 MEC members, yet you make statements to harm the entire Flight Options Pilots Contract Negotiations efforts.

How do you justify that?

Freedom is Not Free
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I'd say Grizz was making a prediction not a statement of fact.

however, no one at FLOPS has answered the question I've asked several times.

Are you in trusteeship???????

If that's the case and IBT not 1108 controls that 1.2 million - i'm not entirely sure you'll have the 14 years of funds available you seem to think. You want to know why we're pissed? it's because this agreement to separate had set FLOPS pilots up perfectly to get the contract you deserve. It appears to many of us that those efforts to help were in vain and your executive board is taking you down a path that has no happy ending.

predictions are only truths or lies after the future validates them. We will see in 6 months whose vision had greater accuracy.......I personally hope I am very very wrong with what I see.
There are 4 bank accounts that signature cards were changed on, including the petty cash fund, the main savings fund which is in CD's and bonds, the general fund, which miraculously was massively depleted so that after payroll expenses would be down to just about zero, and a 4th account with very little money in it. No account has any information regarding Net Jets pilot donations.

WHAT bank and WHAT account did the Net Jets leadership use for such donated funds? I have it on good authority that the flight options leadership has NEVER seen any donations from the net jets pilots for their RIF pilots, and no RIF pilot has ever received such donations. All the NJASAP leadership needs to do is tell the FO MEC treasurer where that money is/was deposited.

The GP did what he did based on what the auditor was seeing, and everything was done with IBT attornies telling the auditor and the FO MEC members to do to secure and maintain control of all IBT 1108 funds. "the check" in question was a dues payment that should have been paid to the Local. It belonged to the Local, not NJASAP.

Nothing illegal, and nothing illicit was done. Certain precautions were put in place to PROTECT the Local's and it's members' interests.

Now there is the question of up to a half a million dollars in misappropriated funds - computers bought for net jets pilots paid for by the 1108 (they should be 1108 assets, not personal computers as "gifts", right?), flight loss pay for NJASAP leadership pilots, etc. If there is even a HINT of such misappropriations, the GP has the authority under the IBT constitution to invoke emergency trusteeship.

If anyone should be worrying about the police or being caught with their hand in the cookie jar, I think that person will be wearing a net jets tie, not a flight options tie. The flight options guys are not worried about any of that because THEY weren't up to anything conspicuous.

We'll see who's pilot group should be looking at their leaders as corrupt if any of that proves to be true. The flight options MEC is blameless, and if the plan that Grizz eludes to was so poor, then why is it that it worked and why are the NJASAP pilots' panties in such a wad? Do you really think the IBT National cares about a measly $377 thousand, which most of that goes to the LOCAL and only what, $85k goes to National? (Yeah, you still have to pay national's fee for that loan)

Voice of Reason's original comment couldn't have hit the nail more squarely, in my opinion. The more you guys spill your guts, the more this becomes painfully obvious someone "over there" had alterior motives regarding the Local's bank accounts, not to mention the $170,000+ in floating checks that would become the Local's responsibility AFTER the 11th of July.

I'm glad they did what they did. It sounds to me it was a good idea. Hoffa insured that the Local 1108's money stayed in the Local's hands and did not get misappropriated. Now we will see if there was already a lot of other Local 1108 money that was illegally spent by the NJASAP leadership while they organized their new little union.
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Title III of the LMRDA has defined limits within the RLA. Trusteeship has a much higher bar for RLA dedicated labor organizations.


Title III – Trusteeships
Title III of the LMRDA provides controls on the use of trusteeships. Under the Act, a "trusteeship" is "any receivership, trusteeship, or other method of supervision or control whereby a labor organization suspends the autonomy otherwise available to a subordinate body under its constitution or bylaws." Simply put, a trusteeship means an international administrator is sent in to run the affairs of the local union.
A trusteeship is one of a number of disciplinary devices by which the international union can control the actions of the local and its members. In their original form, trusteeships were imposed by parent unions to remedy corruption by union officials at the local level. However, the use of trusteeships became so widely used and subject to enough abuse that the McClellan Committee included them in its investigation. Obviously, legitimately utilized, a trusteeship can be indispensable to cleaning up a local and keeping the union strong, while a trusteeship imposed for improper or abusive reasons deeply violates the democratic rights of a local’s membership and takes away their voice in union matters.
Title III was designed to prevent abuses of the trusteeship remedy. Under Title III, trusteeships may be established over subordinate unions only in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the union imposing the trusteeship, and for one or more of the following purposes:
0. Correcting corruption or financial malpractice;
0. Assuring the performance of a collective bargaining agreement or other duties of a bargaining representative;
0. Restoring democratic procedures; or
0. Otherwise carrying out the legitimate objects of such labor organization.
[It is illegal to establish a trusteeship simply to throw out a local leadership that does not go along with the international, or to suppress insurgency, or to get control of the local’s money, etc.]
Unions which impose trusteeships must file with the Secretary of Labor special reports within 30 days of the establishment of a trusteeship and must report semiannually thereafter. In the initial report, the union must include, among other information, the date the trusteeship was established, a detailed report of the reason or reasons why the trusteeship was established, a complete account of the financial status of the trusteed organization at the time the trusteeship went into effect, and statements regarding the extent to which members of the trusteed organization take part in electing the officers of the union which has assumed the trusteeship, as well as in selecting delegates to represent them at union conventions or other policymaking meetings.
Under Title III, a trusteeship is presumed valid for 18 months from the date it is established, and cannot be attacked during that year and-a-half except upon "clear and convincing proof that the trusteeship was not established or maintained in good faith for a purpose allowable under [Title III]." When the 18 months has expired, the trusteeship is presumed invalid in any proceeding and will be discontinued unless the union shows by "clear and convincing" proof that the continuation of the trusteeship is necessary for an allowable purpose.
In administering a trusteeship, two practices are specifically prohibited: 1) It is unlawful to count votes of convention delegates from the subordinate organization unless they were elected by secret ballot in an election where all members in good standing could participate; and 2) It is unlawful to transfer any funds from a subordinate to a supervisory organization, except normal per capita taxes and assessments payable by other subordinate bodies.
Title III provides two enforcement alternatives:
0. A union member, or a subordinate body affected by a violation, can file a complaint with the Department of Labor, which must investigate. If the Department of Labor upholds the complaint and the union refuses to lift the trusteeship, the Department can file a civil action in district court [if the Department files suit, the court’s jurisdiction is exclusive]; or
Any union member or subordinate body of a union affected by a violation of Title III can bypass the Department of Labor and file suit directly in district court.
What has the NJA/(Former 1108) leadership done to deserve the distrust from a few of Flight Option pilots? Tell me what they have done other than support the Flight Options pilots for the last 2 years with time and money?

Answer the following questions!

1. Who formed, funded and organized 1108 into one of the most productive locals in history?

2. Did Hoffa/IBT negotiate an industry leading contract in 2005?

3. Did Hoffa/IBT do the groundwork and spend many hours of personal time to help organize Flight Options pilots?

4. Did Hoffa/IBT form unprecedented relationships with NJA management which resulted in Interest Based Bargaining? Did he better the lives of many NJA pilots as well as the bottom line for the company at the same time?

5. What do you get for your money that is going to the IBT coffers in Washington?

6. Ask the Airborne Express/DHL pilots how the IBT is helping them out right now?

Hoffa and the IBT are big on promises and short on actions(at least legal ones)! The new 1108 leadership has made their bed and now they have to lay in it. This doesn’t mean the Flight Options pilots have to do the same!! When the smoke clears from this underhanded debacle, I sure hope it doesn’t affect the line pilots at Flight Ops and their quest for a contract.

There are two statements that ring true more than ever!

“Trust but verify”!
"Actions speak louder than words"!

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