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G0-Jet Pay Scales

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I really don't have a dog in this fight....but....as I posted in another thread I started, a friend of a friend called and asked me if G0-JETZ was a good career move. To which, I replied something like, "I dunno, aren't they a bunch of scabs? I don't think it's a good idea.". But, sadly, the allure of SJS and the wonderful world of 121 flying are apparently enough to get most of these folks to turn a blind eye to union, contract and alter-ego issues. It's sad. The downward spiral continues.
redbook said:
Jeez you are a bad liar and dumb.
just a quick search found this post by you two weeks ago:

crj700 questions
about to start school for the crj-700 and i'm hoping to get a leg up studying for the next couple of weeks. Does anyone have any training info for the 700 they can direct me to? I guess I'm looking for maybe a list of limitations and/or emergency checklist items etc.



WOW, things are so great there that he has to lie and hide who he works for. What a Farken joke. He obviously has seen how things are on the inside and doesnt want to admit he works for gayjets.
redbook said:
Good advice, you should follow your own. Too late, you already screwed yourself and are stuck at g0jet.

"get your time"
"move on to a real airline"
you should charge for that kind of career advice.



I hate to tell you, but I don't work at GJ. I am just tired of hearing from TSA whiners trying to instigate an unauthorized jumpseat war. There are a lot of pilots at carriers that are being screwed to a much larger extent than TSA pilots with this stupid little dispute, which by the way is with TSA management!
Smarta$$ said:
AND the scumbag gayjet pilots that accept a job that hurts the entire industry AND enables TSA management.

It is funny that you say we should have a beef with TSA management, but yet YOU enable their unscrupulous practices by accepting this subpar position. fag

First, I don't work for GJ!

Second, tell me again how this compares to the asset sale of MidAtlantic and the fuloughing of their pilots, or the outsourcing of mainline NWA jobs to Compass. So quit your whining already, you still have your jobs!
Smarta$$ said:
I see you are referencing Compass, implying that it is the same situation as gayjets. Compass is a totally different situation because it would be VOTED in by the NWA pilots you fag. NOT against their will.

Yeah, the most senior pilots selling out the junior guys!
twflys said:
Geez, the TSA guys really have it out for G0jet. I've got plenty of buddies at other Major and Regional Airlines- NOT A SINGLE ONE has expressed anything in a negative light about G0Jet. This war is totally mute.

Thank You! Let the little kids play and have their temper tantrums ;-)
h25b said:
I'd have to say that all of us Purdue "alums" that have been out of school for better than 8 years could really give 2 squats about the whole TSA/GJ fiasco or whether anyone works for or cares to work at GJ's. For us, the word "scab" is a narrowly defined term that none of the GJ pilots come close to fitting within. Once you get a mortgage, wife, kids, a couple dogs, etc.. (what us grown-ups call a life) you won't give a squat either. Your union could care less about your life (and the things included in it listed above).

You seem very sadly still wrapped up in the whole Purdue Hangar 6 high school BS way of looking at the world and no one cares anymore. Grow up... I'm good friends with the ex-Eagle guy at GJ's and I would love for one of you guys to personally approach him with about half of the moral character attacks that those on this board love to throw around safely hidden behind the cloak of internet anonymity. See how it works out for you. I've known him for 10 years, he's an outstanding pilot, human being, husband, father, and friend...

Finally, an adult on this board sans profanity and with life experience! Go figure!
h25b said:
I'd have to say that all of us Purdue "alums" that have been out of school for better than 8 years could really give 2 squats about the whole TSA/GJ fiasco or whether anyone works for or cares to work at GJ's. For us, the word "scab" is a narrowly defined term that none of the GJ pilots come close to fitting within. Once you get a mortgage, wife, kids, a couple dogs, etc.. (what us grown-ups call a life) you won't give a squat either. Your union could care less about your life (and the things included in it listed above).
Never called anybody a scab there, skippy - but please, keep putting words in my mouth. I'd have refuted this BS quicker had the email notifications been working properly...

You seem very sadly still wrapped up in the whole Purdue Hangar 6 high school BS way of looking at the world and no one cares anymore. Grow up... I'm good friends with the ex-Eagle guy at GJ's and I would love for one of you guys to personally approach him with about half of the moral character attacks that those on this board love to throw around safely hidden behind the cloak of internet anonymity. See how it works out for you. I've known him for 10 years, he's an outstanding pilot, human being, husband, father, and friend...
I'm glad you and this guy are good friends, that you've known him for 10 years and that he is an outstanding human being. That may all be true, but the fact remains when he left Eagle for GJ (for the PIC time and for the payraise) he climbed on the backs of every TSA pilot who earned that flying through their sacrifices and hard work for Hulas.

What about those TSA FOs who are also good husbands, fathers and friends who could have used the benefits of growth via CR7s? Can you friend look those people in the eye and tell them he didn't do anything immoral or unethical? Can you? Or will you keep up this holier-than-thou "when you get married and start a family and mature you will understand" attitude? Because I'm getting married in 6 weeks, am looking at buying a house on probationary RJ pay while paying down student loans, my fiance was just diagnosed with Type I diabetes and can no longer do ATC and I lost my ANG pilot slot two weeks ago because of high pressure in my eyes despite perfect vision. Please, don't lecture ME about the difficulties of "life" - I'm already there.

I'm about sick and farking tired of your lame-ass "I graduated ten years ago and you don't know anything about the industry" line of BS when it comes to me and any other recent Purdue alum. It doesn't take somebody being in this industry for a decade to realize working for GJ is not a good thing to do. Lots of people had families & obligations but didn't cross picket lines at Continental & Eastern & Comair. Lots of people had obligations but didn't join Freedom A. And lots of people with obligations at TSA and elsewhere didn't want to undermind the TSA pilot group in their negotiations. There are a few that did, because they were "looking out for themselves, because the union could care less about your life." Well that may be...but I'll sleep well knowing I didn't stab anybody in the back on my proverbial 'way to the top'

Rant off.

Paul Lucas
Class of 2005
Turkey Shoot said:
So the guys that have gone along willing, bear no fault in this? I'm that more than one of those tools has said somewhere, "Hold the line." Hypocrits, the whole lot. I used to let most of that siht roll of my back but the more I hear these guys talk about how great the company and how TSA guys did this to themselves, the more militant I get about the whole thing. I talk a four year extention with no pay raise just get those guys stapled.

I don't even have a dog in this fight and know that that will never happen!

Keep on dreaming and building up you resentment to no purpose!
BoilerUP said:
Never called anybody a scab there, skippy - but please, keep putting words in my mouth. I'd have refuted this BS quicker had the email notifications been working properly...

I'm glad you and this guy are good friends, that you've known him for 10 years and that he is an outstanding human being. That may all be true, but the fact remains when he left Eagle for GJ (for the PIC time and for the payraise) he climbed on the backs of every TSA pilot who earned that flying through their sacrifices and hard work for Hulas.

What about those TSA FOs who are also good husbands, fathers and friends who could have used the benefits of growth via CR7s? Can you friend look those people in the eye and tell them he didn't do anything immoral or unethical? Can you? Or will you keep up this holier-than-thou "when you get married and start a family and mature you will understand" attitude? Because I'm getting married in 6 weeks, am looking at buying a house on probationary RJ pay while paying down student loans, my fiance was just diagnosed with Type I diabetes and can no longer do ATC and I lost my ANG pilot slot two weeks ago because of high pressure in my eyes despite perfect vision. Please, don't lecture ME about the difficulties of "life" - I'm already there.

I'm about sick and farking tired of your lame-ass "I graduated ten years ago and you don't know anything about the industry" line of BS when it comes to me and any other recent Purdue alum. It doesn't take somebody being in this industry for a decade to realize working for GJ is not a good thing to do. Lots of people had families & obligations but didn't cross picket lines at Continental & Eastern & Comair. Lots of people had obligations but didn't join Freedom A. And lots of people with obligations at TSA and elsewhere didn't want to undermind the TSA pilot group in their negotiations. There are a few that did, because they were "looking out for themselves, because the union could care less about your life." Well that may be...but I'll sleep well knowing I didn't stab anybody in the back on my proverbial 'way to the top'

Rant off.

Paul Lucas
Class of 2005

Well said paul. They will say anything to justify their backstabing job at fagjets.

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