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G0-Jet Pay Scales

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h25b said:
I'm good friends with the ex-Eagle guy at GJ's and I would love for one of you guys to personally approach him with about half of the moral character attacks that those on this board love to throw around safely hidden behind the cloak of internet anonymity. See how it works out for you.

and a little internet tough guy thrown in for good measure.
Lav Service said:
There is a letter being sent to the mass email system that the flight instructor’s use as well as many members of the management team there. The letter explains how GJ was started and why their company has created so much controversy. It is being signed by pilots from (among others) ExpressJet, Air Wisconsin, American Eagle, SkyWest, Horizon (Teamsters), Peidmont, and Shuttle America (Republic Airways Holdings). All of whome are UND alumni. According to what I've been told UND alum at FedEx have expressed interest in drafting a letter also. There is also a statement by US Airways being sent that stresses their opinion that GJ is a union-busting whipsaw and not to seek employment there. Many of those who are signing the letter are also writing personal letters to many people at the school. It may not stop all people from going to work for GJ. But they will go in with their eyes open at least.

To the people at GJ who will not like this. First of all that's tough. Second, every person I spoke with regarding signing this letter immediately agreed to do so. They stated that, in their opinion, you are an alter-ego carrier that must not be supported in any way. Many of these people (particularly those flying at certain teamsters airlines) stated that they regret that they even share the same union with you. Hmmmmm.So jetfo:

I don't think so chump.

Hey Lav Service.....aka Mike S......you still live in your dad's basement with your four kids??? You can be a Captain with us and provide a decent livelihood for your family, especially when Trans States takes all of your flying.
redbook said:
More g0jet apologist lies.....

Exactly which portion of any of my posts have been lies ??? Some things may be an opinion to which you may disagree, but calling me a liar is going a bit out of bounds. You may disagree but respectfully, you are outside your league by questioning my integrity. Lets play fair please..
twflys said:
Geez, the TSA guys really have it out for G0jet. I've got plenty of buddies at other Major and Regional Airlines- NOT A SINGLE ONE has expressed anything in a negative light about G0Jet. This war is totally mute.

Turn around your GJ ID and talk with some people. Had a United guy jumpseating last week and was very interested about how things were going with the TSA group vs the GJ turds. I would not say that; noone knows about it or cares. It comes down to everybody getting fkuced by their management right now and the guys that go along with it en mass don't exactly bring up feelings of friendlyness or compassion.

Do you know why people at TSA really don't like you guys? Sit down and ask, most any of them will tell you without the BS that has been told to you like it's gospel.
IronWalt said:
You people need to be POUNDING ALPA for this crap. Not each other.

So the guys that have gone along willing, bear no fault in this? I'm that more than one of those tools has said somewhere, "Hold the line." Hypocrits, the whole lot. I used to let most of that siht roll of my back but the more I hear these guys talk about how great the company and how TSA guys did this to themselves, the more militant I get about the whole thing. I talk a four year extention with no pay raise just get those guys stapled. Thats where management screwed the pooch. They could have really put this pilot group in the hole if they would only offered a staple. Stupid them. Can't read the current to save their own skin.
just wondering.. what the hell does any of this solve??? do you guys lay in bed at night and feel better about yourself for getting on a internet web forum and bashing the GJ pilots??? exactly how many guys got laid off at TSA because of GJ??? none. as for bringing down the industry pay standards look at Mesa, CRJ700 guys over there make less than the GJ guys. and they were probably 300hr PFT guys at one time. i would say that is screwing this industry more than the GJ pilots and hardly any one bitches about that. just remember when the pilots start fighting, the only ones that win are managment. just my $.02

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