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G0-Jet Pay Scales

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PilotSkydiver said:
I'll let you guys know what the reply is...

Dear Mr. P#######,

My name is ##########, a UND Graduate and a former member of SAMA. It has come to my attention that you have invited Go-Jet Airlines, (A Division of Trans-States Holdings) to this years SAMA conference. I would like to inform you of some details about this airline of which you may not be aware.

In 2003-2004 the Trans-States airlines MEC was in negotiations with management over possible new flying with EMB-170 aircraft for the United Airlines codeshare, which ultimately fell through and the aircraft went to Chautauqua Airlines. Chautauqua and Trans-States both fly for American Airlines as American Connection. After Chautauqua started receiving aircraft it was brought to their attention they were in violation of the American Pilots (APA) scope clause of their contract, which states (paraphrasing) no subsidiary of AA or codeshare Partner of AA shall operate aircraft larger than 50 seats. After they were made aware of this they decided to create another airline for the EMB-170's and Republic Airlines was born. Chautauqua worked closely with their pilot group and through tough but fair negotiations they were successful in reaching a deal which would allow the pilot seniority list to be integrated with this new airline (and also subsequent airlines such as Shuttle America and Mid Atlantic). Having seen the problems at Chautauqua the Management at Trans-States Airlines decided to be proactive and Go-Jet Airlines was born.

Instead of working with the pilot group at Trans-States Airlines to come to a mutual agreement over seniority rights at this new airline the management team at Trans-States airlines decided that since this was a "totally separate" airline it did not have any obligation to honor our contract. (Our Contract Says in Section 1 in the section on scope "The Company shall not create an Alter-Ego to circumvent any section of this contract.") I am not a lawyer but the word company was weak and the NMB decided that the company was not Trans-States Holdings, but Trans-States Airlines. Trans-States Holdings continues to be a holding company only with no real offices and actually the business certificate was revoked by the state of Missouri in 2003 for not re-filing paperwork. Trans-States did make one offer to the pilot group in the form of concessions and a contract extension in which 75% of the voting pilots turned down. To this date no other offer has been proposed.

The University of North Dakota stands for integrity and honesty, not shady business practices and loopholes. I am proud to be a UND graduate, but when I hear about my university advertising and supporting Go-Jet Airlines I am dismayed. I urge you not to support Go-Jet airlines. Go-Jet was devised to get around contracts bargained in good faith and is a threat to the hard working pilots at Trans-States Airlines. Go-Jet is just another airline dedicated to the downward spiral of pilot wages and benefits. The absence of these will cause a decline in enrollment at UND and I do not wish for this to happen. I do realize that placement is a difficult job and I do not wish for our graduates to be jobless, however Go-Jet is not a good choice for our new graduates. I am confident that you will make the morally right and ethically sound decision.



Since UND is still advertising for Go Jet. I guess they decided it was morally right and ethical to do so. Just like most everyone but the zealots had concluded long ago. Good luck to those who choose Go Jet as a career. I still think you will be on the beginning of a large expansion.
jetfo said:
Your beef should be with TSA management!

AND the scumbag gayjet pilots that accept a job that hurts the entire industry AND enables TSA management.

It is funny that you say we should have a beef with TSA management, but yet YOU enable their unscrupulous practices by accepting this subpar position. fag
jetfo said:
Just wondering what you are going to advise UND and it's grads to do when Compass starts hiring. And, for that matter, how about Republic taking US Airways mainline jobs. But, I am sure you have no problem with that.

Do you GJ bashers ever realize how self centered you are. You are not the only guys who are having problems. And, frankly, most couldn't care less about TSA and GJ.

Get a life, get your time and move on to a real airline, if you haven't screwed yourself before then by waging this pointless and losing battle. You keep up this jumpseat war and you may find yourself blacklisted and stuck at TSA.

I see you are referencing Compass, implying that it is the same situation as gayjets. Compass is a totally different situation because it would be VOTED in by the NWA pilots you fag. NOT against their will.
Since UND is still advertising for Go Jet. I guess they decided it was morally right and ethical to do so.
It's fine for a University to advertise for G0jet, nothing unethical there. The pilots there should educate themselves on the company and make an informed decision about the begining of thier carreer. Just because the college is promoting it doesn't make it a smart carreer move.
There is a letter being sent to the mass email system that the flight instructor’s use as well as many members of the management team there. The letter explains how GJ was started and why their company has created so much controversy. It is being signed by pilots from (among others) ExpressJet, Air Wisconsin, American Eagle, SkyWest, Horizon (Teamsters), Peidmont, and Shuttle America (Republic Airways Holdings). All of whome are UND alumni. According to what I've been told UND alum at FedEx have expressed interest in drafting a letter also. There is also a statement by US Airways being sent that stresses their opinion that GJ is a union-busting whipsaw and not to seek employment there. Many of those who are signing the letter are also writing personal letters to many people at the school. It may not stop all people from going to work for GJ. But they will go in with their eyes open at least.

To the people at GJ who will not like this. First of all that's tough. Second, every person I spoke with regarding signing this letter immediately agreed to do so. They stated that, in their opinion, you are an alter-ego carrier that must not be supported in any way. Many of these people (particularly those flying at certain teamsters airlines) stated that they regret that they even share the same union with you. Hmmmmm.

So jetfo:
"Do you GJ bashers ever realize how self centered you are. You are not the only guys who are having problems. And, frankly, most couldn't care less about TSA and GJ."

I don't think so chump.
Geez, the TSA guys really have it out for G0jet. I've got plenty of buddies at other Major and Regional Airlines- NOT A SINGLE ONE has expressed anything in a negative light about G0Jet. This war is totally mute.
waterski_heavy said:
Your wrong on many counts......we just finished a class of twenty...have a class of 24 now... a class of 24 start at the end of april and interviewing for a class of 20 plus to start mid may.....and yes....there is one University of Purdue and several job fair guys in the latest graduating class but make whatever false rumors and lies you want to....not going hurt us at all. One other point....it is hilarious when someone claims to have reliable sources about what is going on with our company and then they end with "has anyone else heard this?" If your sources where so reliable why would you need to get it comfirmed...obviously just trying to once again try a different angle to make a new airline with a great future look bad....nice try.

You may have a class of 24 now but the rest of your information is not true. Now who is making up false statements to make themselves look better?? Can you prove all of this Waterski_heavy AKA FlyHIToo....(you have to use 2 different names to make it look like there is more than one person on this board in support of G0jet). The only "options" you have past the orginal five is the option to supersize your fries with your order at Mcdonalds. You guys cant fill the positions you have... and if you do its by the skin of your teeth, with some of the lowest quality candidates in the business. You know it, I know it, and the world knows it. Yet you come on here and try to pretend that life at G0jet is all rosie and you have resume's to the ceiling.. Give us all a break! We are not stupid. Face it you made a bad decision and will pay for it when Trans States negotiates its contract. Mark my words.
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Actually, it is true. G0jet isn't having ANY trouble filling the classes, I know- I've got friends who recently got hired on and there isn't room for them in the next class... too many lies on this board.
twflys said:
Actually, it is true. G0jet isn't having ANY trouble filling the classes, I know- I've got friends who recently got hired on and there isn't room for them in the next class... too many lies on this board.

just say its you. too many lies. Funny.

G0jet has a HUGE waiting list. Sure. Thousands of well qualified apps on file.

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