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G0-Jet Pay Scales

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twflys said:
Actually, it is true. G0jet isn't having ANY trouble filling the classes, I know- I've got friends who recently got hired on and there isn't room for them in the next class... too many lies on this board.

Jeez you are a bad liar and dumb.
just a quick search found this post by you two weeks ago:

crj700 questions
about to start school for the crj-700 and i'm hoping to get a leg up studying for the next couple of weeks. Does anyone have any training info for the 700 they can direct me to? I guess I'm looking for maybe a list of limitations and/or emergency checklist items etc.


Originally posted by twflys: Geez, the TSA guys really have it out for G0jet. I've got plenty of buddies at other Major and Regional Airlines- NOT A SINGLE ONE has expressed anything in a negative light about G0Jet. This war is totally mute.

I don't work for TSA and never have. The people signing the letter don't work for TSA and none of them ever have either. Who do you work for chief?
Does anybody have some real info for this company? How long does it take to upgrade and how many aircraft are they getting. I hear them in and out of ORD.
and here twflys is getting rejected from xjet a few months ago:

"I got a call from expressjet a while back and accidently deleted the message. I've tried updating my resume online- but haven't heard back. Does anyone know how to get in touch with HR at express... email or phone number?


and he interviewed at republic on 1-10-06. denied.

and in december...he was rejected at horizon.

NO WONDER. You are a scumbag and everyone figured it out.

Welcome to G0jet the end of your short little career.

Where did you go? Caught in your lie about your "friends" working at g0jet?

Let me guess you will be back with a new screen name saying :

tsa pilots are overreacting, g0jet isn't all that bad, its the tsa mec fault, its the tsa pilots fault, don't blame us, we are just trying to fly, we love to fly, its all the guys who started flying rjs....etc etc etc.

Everything to confuse the issue. You are scared now that you have signed up for g0jet. You will be back here spouting off soon enough.

Ask Dan K, and Dave T for a new screen name. They keep changing theirs too.
No, actually I never took the class at G0jet, and never interviewed with CHQ or Horizon or Xpress Jet. I got offered an upgrade and a raise at the company I work for- and can't take the paycut of a regional airline. My friends that are going through school for G0jet seem to really like it there- and it cracks me up how much it pisses you off Redbook.
twflys said:
No, actually I never took the class at G0jet, and never interviewed with CHQ or Horizon or Xpress Jet. I got offered an upgrade and a raise at the company I work for- and can't take the paycut of a regional airline. My friends that are going through school for G0jet seem to really like it there- and it cracks me up how much it pisses you off Redbook.

Now a small change to the original lie...you interviewed at g0jet but didn't take it. Better go change all of your previous posts. Crack yourself up all you like.
BoilerUP said:
This May will mark the third year that TSA has recruited low-time pilots from Purdue. All seniors and recent alums got an email last fall about GJ hiring Purdue grads at the same times as TSA, which was a slap in the face to the 40+ recently graduated employed by TSA. GJ even shared a table with TSA at our job fair last fall, but I heard got next to zero attention. Alums employed at TSA would have made an appearance, but even those off probation were afraid of being unjustly fired

Last I'd heard, no recent Purdue grads had gone to GJ. Current students and recent alums made it a point to educate those graduating to explain the reprecussions of accepting such employment. Don't let their naivity about the industry or SJS or whatever get them somewhere they might regret. Good luck!

I'd have to say that all of us Purdue "alums" that have been out of school for better than 8 years could really give 2 squats about the whole TSA/GJ fiasco or whether anyone works for or cares to work at GJ's. For us, the word "scab" is a narrowly defined term that none of the GJ pilots come close to fitting within. Once you get a mortgage, wife, kids, a couple dogs, etc.. (what us grown-ups call a life) you won't give a squat either. Your union could care less about your life (and the things included in it listed above).

You seem very sadly still wrapped up in the whole Purdue Hangar 6 high school BS way of looking at the world and no one cares anymore. Grow up... I'm good friends with the ex-Eagle guy at GJ's and I would love for one of you guys to personally approach him with about half of the moral character attacks that those on this board love to throw around safely hidden behind the cloak of internet anonymity. See how it works out for you. I've known him for 10 years, he's an outstanding pilot, human being, husband, father, and friend...
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h25b said:
I'd have to say that all of us Purdue "alums" that have been out of school for better than 8 years could really give 2 squats about the whole TSA/GJ fiasco or whether anyone works for or cares to work at GJ's. ...

More g0jet apologist lies....you don't give "2 squats" but you make time for hundreds of pro g0jet posts.

Welcome back h25b, I knew you'd be here before long.

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