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waterski_heavy said:
Your wrong on many counts......we just finished a class of twenty...have a class of 24 now... a class of 24 start at the end of april and interviewing for a class of 20 plus to start mid may.....and yes....there is one University of Purdue and several job fair guys in the latest graduating class but make whatever false rumors and lies you want to....not going hurt us at all. One other point....it is hilarious when someone claims to have reliable sources about what is going on with our company and then they end with "has anyone else heard this?" If your sources where so reliable why would you need to get it comfirmed...obviously just trying to once again try a different angle to make a new airline with a great future look bad....nice try.

And he is proud to announce that the combined flight experience of all the new hires could possibly qualify for 135mins. Minus the x/c and night of course.
FlyHIToo said:
My guess is that no TSA pilot had any problem "climbing on the backs of every" AE pilot "who earned that flying through their sacrifices and hard work for" AMR. TSA pilots jumped right into those 10 airplanes of Eagle's while AE furloughed and TSA hired.

I also doubt that those "good husbands, fathers and friends" who are TSA pilots will refuse to fly those 69 EMB's that COEX currently flies if TSA is able to UNDER CUT the COEX flying and get that flying.

Will you TSA pilots "be able to look those COEX pilots in the eye and tell them you didn't do anything wrong" by not recalling the TSA MEC and not letting Dario extend a decade old, below par contract, that now has given Hulas the ability to UNDER CUT the COEX pilots?

If GJ is truly an Alter-Ego and is causing so much detriment to the industry... Why has ALPA National been totally silent on the issue since last summer? Maybe, because ALPA National knows that TSA MEC screwed up. Maybe, because ALPA knows that then NBM single carrier ruling has ended the question. Maybe, because ALPA knows that GJ is not an Alter-Ego.

Finally, someone with the facts!
FlyHIToo said:
If GJ is truly an Alter-Ego and is causing so much detriment to the industry... Why has ALPA National been totally silent on the issue since last summer? Maybe, because ALPA National knows that TSA MEC screwed up. Maybe, because ALPA knows that then NBM single carrier ruling has ended the question. Maybe, because ALPA knows that GJ is not an Alter-Ego.

You keep lying, I keep responding. You were an alter ego airline at inception, and you still are. The rest of the industry isn't fooled despite you and h25b and few other pathetic types desperate attempts at confusing the issue.

ALPA President to Trans States Management: We'll Cooperate, but We're Not Backing Down
ST LOUIS, MO - The head of the union that represents pilots at St. Louis-based Trans States Airlines today told pilots at a rally at Lambert Airport that the union is taking a carrot-and-stick approach to resolving labor issues at the airline.
"I have come here today to personally issue a public challenge to your management to alter the course that they have taken in dealing with their pilots," said Capt. Duane Woerth, president of the Air Line Pilots Association, International, in remarks prepared for the rally.
"I have come to challenge them to work cooperatively with our union to help build this airline for the future. And I have come to offer to help promote new business opportunities for this airline and new job opportunities for its ALPA pilots. I am convinced that, together, we can build Trans States into a strong, solid company for decades to come," Woerth said.
"I have also come here to draw public attention to the fact that, sadly, our efforts to discuss the issues before us in cooperation with the company have, to date, met with little to no success. Using only the most tenuous thread of justification, Trans States management has sought to create an alter-ego carrier that they intend to staff with pilots not sheltered by an ALPA-bargained contract," he said.
"In response to this tactic, we have been forced to file a grievance concerning this alter-ego carrier, because management has made it clear that ************************* exists solely to evade ALPA and the TSA-ALPA agreement. The clearest proof? Management's premature and illegal attempt to install a separate union before ************************* employs any pilots or begins operations. While management's public claim that a contractual restriction makes it impossible to extend the ALPA contract to larger jets, I assure you that we can readily overcome this very common obstacle," Woerth said
h25b said:
You've been at Air Wisky and on the line all of about 3 weeks, maybe a couple months ??? Perfect, keep telling us all how the world works.. Your help is greatly appreciated...
The world is greater than a cockpit. If you of all people can't figure that out...

And those "difficulties" you're currently experiencing ? It's just the beginning buddy, it's doesn't get any easier. So you're fresh from college and going straight in to the right seat of an RJ with maybe over 1000 TT ? Wow, what career hardship. :rolleyes:
I never asked for your sympathy and frankly don't want it. The point (which you obviously missed) is that everybody has problems, but most don't use them as excuses for stabbing others in the back.

Please spare me from the others didn't cross picket lines at XYZ Airlines BS. Here's another newflash junior, THERE'S NO PICKET LINE AT TSA. For crying out loud there's not even a strike. And one other important detail your 3 weeks of line experience escapes you. You don't earn additional aircraft, you negotiate it. This clearly didn't happen. As for looking anyone in the eye, don't even start. Tell you what, if you're in to GSO sometime send me a PM and I'll happily buy you a beer, look you in the eye, and explain to you that I and no one else could give a $hit.
Once again, I never said there was a strike or a picket line at TSA. Where do you dream this stuff up? You, for all your vast knowledge and understanding, must realize the point (that you once again obviously missed) is that just like everybody has problems, everybody has obligations and a family. While its true everyone has to look out for themselves, TSA ALPA *was* negotiating for the GJ flying but turned down a terrible offer from Hulas. Every single current and future GJ pilot directly weakened the negotiating power of TSA pilots, and that is a fact you cannot deny.

Your little rant is frankly a disgrace to the rest of us Purdue guys out there that quietly go out in to the real world and make our way without whining like brats earning a reputation as professionals. Makes me wonder what people like you will do when the days of coming right out of college and straight in to an RJ come to an end (and believe me, it will...).
Who is whining? Certaninly not me. You sound like the "Purdue pilot" stereotype from the mid 90s people like myself have been fighting against for years now - the know-everything condescending jackass who is always right. I've never claimed I know everything and have often said "prove me wrong", but you never have. You never responded months ago when I compared this to the whining corporate pilots do about 135 and frax pilots dragging down their salaries. You've said multiple times you are out of 121 aviation, so quit spending your time on the Regionals board.

I've busted my ass to get where I am, but I've also been very lucky and very blessed with the opportunities I've had. I never worked for TSA and wasn't a 500/25 newhire (though I have nothing against anybody who was). You never challenged the gist of my argument but instead defaulted to your usual personal attacks. I cannot say I'm suprised, as you've not once argued based on logic on this board.

h25b, I'll make this real simple for you and ask you the question again:
What about those TSA FOs who are also good husbands, fathers and friends who could have used the benefits of growth via CR7s? Can you friend look those people in the eye and tell them he didn't do anything immoral or unethical? Can you?
redbook said:
You keep lying, I keep responding. You were an alter ego airline at inception, and you still are. The rest of the industry isn't fooled despite you and h25b and few other pathetic types desperate attempts at confusing the issue.

ALPA President to Trans States Management: We'll Cooperate, but We're Not Backing Down
ST LOUIS, MO - The head of the union that represents pilots at St. Louis-based Trans States Airlines today told pilots at a rally at Lambert Airport that the union is taking a carrot-and-stick approach to resolving labor issues at the airline.
"I have come here today to personally issue a public challenge to your management to alter the course that they have taken in dealing with their pilots," said Capt. Duane Woerth, president of the Air Line Pilots Association, International, in remarks prepared for the rally.
"I have come to challenge them to work cooperatively with our union to help build this airline for the future. And I have come to offer to help promote new business opportunities for this airline and new job opportunities for its ALPA pilots. I am convinced that, together, we can build Trans States into a strong, solid company for decades to come," Woerth said.
"I have also come here to draw public attention to the fact that, sadly, our efforts to discuss the issues before us in cooperation with the company have, to date, met with little to no success. Using only the most tenuous thread of justification, Trans States management has sought to create an alter-ego carrier that they intend to staff with pilots not sheltered by an ALPA-bargained contract," he said.
"In response to this tactic, we have been forced to file a grievance concerning this alter-ego carrier, because management has made it clear that ************************* exists solely to evade ALPA and the TSA-ALPA agreement. The clearest proof? Management's premature and illegal attempt to install a separate union before ************************* employs any pilots or begins operations. While management's public claim that a contractual restriction makes it impossible to extend the ALPA contract to larger jets, I assure you that we can readily overcome this very common obstacle," Woerth said

And this bold move by Worthless was promptly shot out of the sky by the NMB Ruling and the sounds of crickets chirping has been all that's been heard from ALPA National ever since. Game, set, match... You can pretty much count ALPA national out of this battle from here on out.
h25b said:
And this bold move by Worthless was promptly shot out of the sky by the NMB Ruling and the sounds of crickets chirping has been all that's been heard from ALPA National ever since. Game, set, match... You can pretty much count ALPA national out of this battle from here on out.

and that is all a little scumbag like you needs. The battle continues.
BoilerUP said:
h25b, I'll make this real simple for you and ask you the question again:
What about those TSA FOs who are also good husbands, fathers and friends who could have used the benefits of growth via CR7s? Can you friend look those people in the eye and tell them he didn't do anything immoral or unethical? Can you?

Yep, as a matter of fact he comes and gos to work with no difficulty whatsoever, ID happily on display.... As for me, like I said drop me a line sometime and I'll buy you that beer. I offered this to one of the other TSA guys here months ago and oddly he never took me up on it.
GJ pukes and those that are GJ pukes, but claim not to be......

All of your spin is nothing but putting lipstick on a pig. Bathe in the shame you have brought upon yourselves. Try as you might, you wont be able to convince those who have a moral compass. You are a pathetic lot, and I hope your children find real role models in life. It's obvious none of you were so fortunate.

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