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Furloughs at Delta and Northwest

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I am sure that at the end of the day revenue will not matter in the SLI. Wide body A/C, and a whole slew of other things will.
DC9's or any mainline aircraft taking flying back is good for the industry. Its the first step to correcting the big scope mistakes. Lets hope you're right. Cheers :beer:

After keeping an eye on this board for many years, I can't believe I'm going to say this. General, you're right.

How about taking it one step further. Negotiate seniority numbers for the Compass pilots in the new Delta. Compass pilots are already part of the NWA group. They pay union dues to NWA, work under a contract negotiated by NWA, are represented by NWA officers and are already at the de facto bottom of NWA's list. All that is missing is a seniority number.

Capturing 76 seat flying at mainline would go a long way toward "fixing" Alpa's greatest mistake.
Capturing 76 seat flying at mainline would go a long way toward "fixing" Alpa's greatest mistake.

Agreed, and thus, the CRJ900's at Mesaba should be included as well. Thus, 36 planes x approx. 10 pilots/plane should equate to 360 pilots from Mesaba being placed on the new list...
I am sure that at the end of the day revenue will not matter in the SLI. Wide body A/C, and a whole slew of other things will.

A some DAL guys seem to want a fence around the DC-9s. The argument is that if they are parked, those pilots should go first.

What about replacement aircraft? If you fence the DC-9, then ANY aircraft with 125 seats or less (note that 319s have 124) that DAL subsequently gets should be considered "replacement aircraft", thus permitting those fenced pilots first dibs at re-upgrade or recall first. Any previous DAL pilots would be excluded from bidding those aircraft OR if furloughed, being recalled into those aircraft.

Fences work both ways.

This is precisely the reason the Robert's award had subsequent arbitrations. Lots of unintended consequences. Plenty of previous precedent for what could be considered a "replacement" aircraft (IE 330 for a DC10).

DL brings in 50% more revenue than NW. Cash on hand may be about the same but DL has been spending like crazy buying and leasing new airframes, putting new interiors in the entire fleet and in-seat entertainment systems in 50% of the fleet.

2007 Revenue

DL 19.2 B
NW 12.5 B

DAL is bigger so i would hope so. Like i said its a moot point and its pointless to argue about it.
A some DAL guys seem to want a fence around the DC-9s. The argument is that if they are parked, those pilots should go first.

What about replacement aircraft? If you fence the DC-9, then ANY aircraft with 125 seats or less (note that 319s have 124) that DAL subsequently gets should be considered "replacement aircraft", thus permitting those fenced pilots first dibs at re-upgrade or recall first. Any previous DAL pilots would be excluded from bidding those aircraft OR if furloughed, being recalled into those aircraft.

Fences work both ways.

This is precisely the reason the Robert's award had subsequent arbitrations. Lots of unintended consequences. Plenty of previous precedent for what could be considered a "replacement" aircraft (IE 330 for a DC10).


Fences do nothing but restrict the new DAL from getting all the necessary "synergies" out of this merger.
DAL is bigger so i would hope so. Like i said its a moot point and its pointless to argue about it.

I agree. It's just that you stated they bring in about the same amount of revenue and I've seen many mis-statements about DL's debt, balloon payments, and finances in general. Not saying you would do it but some like to mis-state the facts to further their agenda.

Nothing anyone writes here is going to have any effect on the very ugly before and aftermath of the almost certain to be arbitrated SLI.
I would venture to guess, and it is only a guess that if we get 737's they will be replacement jets. Until there is an SLI I would guess that the NWA side would get the seats if they replace the 9.
But again it depends on how it is negotiated. If the order is placed for the DAL side or before the joint PWA and DCC then all bets are off.
Fences make good neighbors, but they also lead to people misjudging what their neighbors are doing when they cannot see them.
There are good things and bad things to a fence.

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