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Furloughs at Delta and Northwest

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No problem at all. I'm all for protecting everyone equally. The last thing we need to do is give the company free reign to move equipment and create more uncertainty in our lives. I'm for fences around your bases and equipment as well. No Delta guy should be able to move into DTW and move you down your list or delay your upgrade during a generous transition period.

Just to recap, that was one of the biggest sticking points to all the "synergies" and "efficiencies. They have full intentions on moving aircraft around the system. one example that was made by RA was moving airbuses around to free up the domestic 757s for international stuff. I think the biggest shift will be NWA planes around to DAL bases, we'll see.
Uhm is it just me, or if everyone else begins to furlough won't DL and NWA announce furloughs as well. It would follow the same logic regards of the merger. It looks like they are in a tough position being held to their statements of no furloughs in the merger when perhaps they desperately need them as well to reduce costs right now.

CAL didnt go to bankruptcy which left alot of debt.
AA didnt go to Bankruptcy which left alot of debt not to mention the 300+ md80s.
USair-is a mess
UAL-Came out of Bankruptcy in not much better shape then when they went in. Plus its no secret their mgmt team has no intention on growing or building a better UAL, they just want to trim the fat to get sold.

DAL and NWA trimmed heavily in bankruptcy and has kept staffing very low, especially NWA. Both NWA and DAL have new aircraft coming which will offset the retirement of any aircraft and in fact increase the number of pilots needed since its mainly domestic planes being retired and international aircraft arriving. Even with age 65 both sides are still having retirements which in 4 1/2 years will start hitting in full force (which was already supposed to start :cool: ) On that note the over 60 guys aren't very reliable pilots because HR doesnt know how long past 60 they will stay or if they will go on LTD until they burn through their sick banks.

There are many factors here which make the new DAL different than the rest. We'll see very soon wont we?
AA also has replacement aircraft on order to start replacing the Super 80s in addition to the ability to get priority production.
AA also has replacement aircraft on order to start replacing the Super 80s in addition to the ability to get priority production.

I know, i was just saying they have 300 domestic aircraft to replace NWA/DAL probably have half that number. DAL currently is getting 737s as well and i suspect a bigger order for more after the merger since that will likely be the replacement for the DC9s in the long run, or if they can find some cheap airbuses. Honest question, Is AA getting any new international aircraft?
Gen, I understand. Something still has to give. Time will tell what it is.

You're right. I hope it is 50 seat RJs. We have too much point to point that can't pay the bills. We have 5 daily CRJ-50s from BOS to BWI and PHL. Why? Can any of them pay for the gas alone? I can see maybe a couple daily (8am and 5 pm), but why 5? Is there that much demand? Are they doing it because USAir and Airtran do it? USAir flies A319s and Airtran flies 717s. We will lose with CRJ-50s.

Bye Bye--General Lee
For what it's worth, the 9's are PAID for and hopefully will be the replacement for a buttload of worthless 50 seaters.

I just LOVE how former RJ drivers start to sh*t talk about 50 seaters as soon as they move to mainline.
NWA/DL will furlough.

Is this before or after we get 8 777LRs next year, along with 10 more 737-700s, and a bunch of MD90s? Anything is possible I guess.....

Bye Bye--General Lee
Is this before or after we get 8 777LRs next year, along with 10 more 737-700s, and a bunch of MD90s? Anything is possible I guess.....

Bye Bye--General Lee

No its after oil goes to $200 bbl., and you esad like everyone else in this industry.
Is this before or after we get 8 777LRs next year, along with 10 more 737-700s, and a bunch of MD90s? Anything is possible I guess.....

Bye Bye--General Lee

It's after those select numbers of DC9s are parked, A319s/A320s are parked, and after the 757s parked.

But like you said, anything is possible.

Have no worry, any DAL/NWA furloughee will enjoy the leftseat at Compass and/or Mesaba.

Those Compass and Mesaba guys can't wait to have you!

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