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Freedom/Mesa/Chicken Taco WHORES....In ATL?

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My two favorite comments in this thread so far, which, by the way, has cost me an IQ point or two...

First: (by cmrflyer, I think) -- "Yeah we took it all - all the back water airports in FL that those crazy Delta pilots were flying MCO to MLB..." Pardon me for paraphrasing a little bit.

So, you're bragging about Comair flying/taking these routes from Delta, and you're mad that CHQ replaced you? Where's the irony in that? Aren't you OWNED by Delta? Don't worry - it'll be all Freedom in MCO soon enough. New/old group to direct your hatred.

And my other favorite, about...eight pages ago from some Xjet guy:

"We're really mad at CHQ for _ALMOST_ taking our flying...slimeballs of the industry."

I'll be sure to give you a call before we ALMOST do anything else, 'k? And I'm going to ask for a permission slip.

If you'd care to look into this matter a little further instead of just spouting off (which nobody does any more), you'd know that there exists a majority of people at CHQ who don't want the CO flying if it had to come at the expense of people at your company. Myself included. So, get over yourself!

Serrano said:
You know what the difference between a salvage yard and Atlanta is?

Cars and planes get processed through a salvage yard faster!

hehehe...yeah bro, I read you! Commuting home through ATL is an emergency proceedure!
brew3departure said:
My two favorite comments in this thread so far, which, by the way, has cost me an IQ point or two...

First: (by cmrflyer, I think) -- "Yeah we took it all - all the back water airports in FL that those crazy Delta pilots were flying MCO to MLB..." Pardon me for paraphrasing a little bit.

So, you're bragging about Comair flying/taking these routes from Delta, and you're mad that CHQ replaced you? Where's the irony in that? Aren't you OWNED by Delta? Don't worry - it'll be all Freedom in MCO soon enough. New/old group to direct your hatred.

And my other favorite, about...eight pages ago from some Xjet guy:

"We're really mad at CHQ for _ALMOST_ taking our flying...slimeballs of the industry."

I'll be sure to give you a call before we ALMOST do anything else, 'k? And I'm going to ask for a permission slip.

If you'd care to look into this matter a little further instead of just spouting off (which nobody does any more), you'd know that there exists a majority of people at CHQ who don't want the CO flying if it had to come at the expense of people at your company. Myself included. So, get over yourself!

Alright, my specific beef with Chataqua was that three years ago or so my Captain was talking to a Chataqua pilot on a hotel bus and he non-chalantly said they were the whores of the industry like it didn't really bother him. I just hope that those that are concerned about this like yourself Brew3 educate those that aren't. I know I don't want to take anyone elses flying even it means a better schedule or easier commute.

Mesa is still far worse because their contract is so out of whack in comparison. Just had a conversation with my FO who was a furloughed ACA guy regarding Mesa. Said he had a friend over there where everyone knows it's a crappy place to work, but they are all just looking for growth and oppurtunity to move on. Gall darn, WTF?? You that feel that way are fricken idiots and creating bad karma for yourselves. That quick upgrade theory is fine at a true regional like Great Lakes Aviation, but not at an airline with mainline size routes and/or aircraft. Don't be surprised if you jump ship to another airline and are furloughed when Mesa takes orders for 100 more CRJ-90s or larger at with pilots flying at $60 an hour, 9 days off on reserve a month, and no CANCELLATION PAY (huge)!. Oh, but hey they'll gladly hire you back on the bottom of the seniority list as long as you gave a proper 2 week notice when you left. And that is why your airline gets bashed continuously. I realize that they are some that are concerned over there; just needs to be a much greater percentage.
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cmrflyer said:
You mean what dalpa has left of comair.
Now we really are sh1tting our pants.
Maybe your friends at chq and mesa may want to listen to your stories, but we have had enough of them.

Aren't you the same group of morons voting for concessions for growth? You really have no basis to call ANYONE a whore in this business!
Fly2Scuba said:
Alright, my specific beef with Chataqua was that three years ago or so my Captain was talking to a Chataqua pilot on a hotel bus and he non-chalantly said they were the whores of the industry like it didn't really bother him. I just hope that those that are concerned about this like yourself Brew3 educate those that aren't. I know I don't want to take anyone elses flying even it means a better schedule or easier commute.

Mesa is still far worse because their contract is so out of whack in comparison. Just had a conversation with my FO who was a furloughed ACA guy regarding Mesa. Said he had a friend over there where everyone knows it's a crappy place to work, but they are all just looking for growth and oppurtunity to move on. Gall darn, WTF?? You that feel that way are fricken idiots and creating bad karma for yourselves. That quick upgrade theory is fine at a true regional like Great Lakes Aviation, but not at an airline with mainline size routes and/or aircraft. Don't be surprised if you jump ship to another airline and are furloughed when Mesa takes orders for 100 more CRJ-90s or larger at with pilots flying at $60 an hour, 9 days off on reserve a month, and no CANCELLATION PAY (huge)!. Oh, but hey they'll gladly hire you back on the bottom of the seniority list as long as you gave a proper 2 week notice when you left. And that is why your airline gets bashed continuously. I realize that they are some that are concerned over there; just needs to be a much greater percentage.

Actually there are no rates for aircraft larger than 86 seats. It would have to be negotiated. There is cancellation pay at Mesa it's just tied to a controllable completion factor, which we make every bid. Don't let facts get in the way of your hate. I do find it funny that you base your opinion of CHQ guys solely on the fact of what one pilot said 3 YEARS AGO.
Jetscream32 said:
Actually there are no rates for aircraft larger than 86 seats. It would have to be negotiated. There is cancellation pay at Mesa it's just tied to a controllable completion factor, which we make every bid. Don't let facts get in the way of your hate. I do find it funny that you base your opinion of CHQ guys solely on the fact of what one pilot said 3 YEARS AGO.

Okay, again you didn't address the real issue; just trying to sugercoat it. So, what happens if scheduling removes a trip from your schedule for a 30 in 7 issue. Do you still get paid for those dropped legs? The specific pay rate of $65 mentioned were an educated guesess based on the current downward trend and was a future possible scenario; horribly likely at that. Also I guess I was wrong about the 9 days off a month, it's 8 days off in a 28 day period averaging a whopping 8.7 days off a month so I overestimated to your benefit Einstein. And finally, yes I really do believe there are alot CHQ guys that have the same attitude as 3 years based on some of the online profiles, home pages, and myspace ads posted here.
as far as the contract, it is only the second one in the existance of Mesa, if you are going to spout off about it then make sure you have a Mesa contract in front of you so the info you are posting is ACCURATE, even though i do not work there anymore i still have a copy of the contract so the info i post here is ACCURATE.
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Fly2Scuba said:
Okay, again you didn't address the real issue; just trying to sugercoat it....... And finally, yes I really do believe there are alot CHQ guys that have the same attitude as 3 years based on some of the online profiles, home pages, and myspace ads posted here.

No sugarcoating, just making sure you don't sh!t coat it. So you base all of your info about a pilot group on what you read on internet chat boards and myspace?! If I thought along the same lines then I guess all of the pilots at your airline are holier-than-thou doosh bags that like to let their emotions get in the way of a legitimate argument, much like some women.

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