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Freedom callsign?

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“my relative newness to the industry”

“my relative newness to the industry” I guess I’ll take that as a complement. I have however been in the aviation industry for over 10 years now, just not as a pilot. Then in 2000 when the express carriers were hiring pilots at an alarming rate, I decided to go for it. The reason that I have a “militant stance” on PFT is that if these 20 year olds with daddy’s money would stop buying there way into this industry then guys like myself who are more qualified would be able to find a F#$king job.

Now back to the ordinal question of this thread…….
The guys who left MESA for Freedom are not doing the rest of us any favors. The MESA pilots had an opportunity to fly the new CRJs with a pay raise to boot. It was because of their greed that Orsteen(sp?) did what he did. In this economy the MESA pilots should have taken the pay rate originally offered. The few of you who went to college might now the “Law of supply and demand.” Well, guess what? We (PILOTS) are NOT in demand. I don’t know if Freedom hired anyone off the street but, if they did, would you call them “scabs” too? The MESA pilots need to remember that there are thousands of highly qualified pilots out of work that would jump at the chance to get back to work.
I don't necessarily agree or disagree with programs like Gulfstream. If I had the money to do something like that when I was training, I may have considered it. However, when people are paying for their own training at Flight Safety or wherever after being hired, how can you say anything bad about that? Consider yourself fortunate that you didn't have to fork out that kind of cash for your job. It is not a matter of principle to pay for your own training. It is just a necessary evil sometimes. My father was hired by a commuter in the late 80's and was required to pay $10000 up front for training in a Metro III. He had 2000 flight instructing on nights and weekends for almost 15 years. Believe me, he paid his dues. When his time came, he was required to pay for his own training, because that was pretty much the only way to get a job. Anything wrong with that? I don't think so. There was no principle or ego involved. He was just doing what had to be done. If the pilot pool becomes too saturated or the airlines become financially worse than they already are, don't be surprised to see PFT once again become a reality for most regional carriers. Some companies like Pinnacle are still doing it. I don't look at their pilots as bad, just unfortunate for having to spend a lot of extra money for something I got for free (with a two year training agreement, that is).

What makes you think you are more qualified than anybody else, someone who has pft'ed or another flight instructor?? Are you more qualified than a person who has 200 hours of multi-turbine time in a 135 or 121 environment?? Are you more qualified than a pilot who has already been through a 135 or 121 check-ride?? Probably not to a prospective employer, they want the most bang for the buck.

From talking with several major pilot's the 121 check-ride is no joke!! And there are failure's. Knowing that, put yourself in a managers position, you have a 1500 hr MEI, who has 400 hrs of multi instruction time, all part 91. Next resume you look at is a 700 hr pilot, with 200 hrs multi-turbine, part 135, flying in and out of busy class b airports, everynight!!! I'd put even money on the latter!!!

So now it comes to this 20 year old punk with daddy's money, what about the 42 year old with a family, changing careers??? What about the retired pro athlete that has no desire to instruct 20 year old punks???

I think when the dust settles, what it comes down to is the person behind the resume!!!
I just heard that Doctors who have $30,000 can opt to skip med school altogether, Universities have decided that having $30K is all you need to be considered QULIFIED!
If any of you still are having a problem understanding what Freedom Airlines managment stands for you can reference www.alpa.org. It is free and you don't have to be a member to view it.
Gulfstream - that scab Cooper is one smart fella. You have morons lining up to fly as a *REQUIRED* crewmember AND pay him for the privilege to do so (wtf?!?), while thousands of pilots are out on the street. If you had his type of mentality, would you decline the cash? Hell no you wouldn't because it calls for having morals and integrity. The answer is not in bashing Gulfstream, the answer is in exposing what effects does PFT and them paying for jobs have on the industry and their futureand pointing the upcomers in the right direction instead of letting them fall victim to Gulfstreams and Eagle Jets.

PCL, yes you f**ked up by going to Gulfstream. No doubt. Sure, it landed you a CRJ job, but how do you really feel about it? Would you talk people out of going to Gulfstream and what would be your reasoning to talk them out of making that mistake when it landed you a CRJ job? I'll be waiting for an answer.

As for Freedom Airlines, I do think that a list is appropriate especially if they jumpseat around on Mesa ID's. That is a text-book definition of jumpseat fraud and as such, I'd get those guys arrested for attempting to do that. If they use legitimate Freedom ID's, then it's up to each individual captain to make the decision on whether to carry them. Personally, I would question them first, and make my decision based on how they respond before I'd sign their ACM request. I'd question their motives for working for a shop like Freedom, and question whether they realize what they are doing to Mesa and AWA pilots, and what kind of precedent are they setting to the rest of us. I would still probably let them on. However, if Mesa pilots walk and Freedom flies struck work, then they are scabs, and will not be welcome on my jumpseat.

My .02 cents

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